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Created December 28, 2010 15:45
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Save mike-lawrence/757342 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A function to obtain predictions from a fitted lmer object.
#A function to obtain predictions from a fitted lmer object.
#If to_predict is null, the function will attempt to build a
#design matrix for prediction from the information in the fit
#itself. If a .() object is passed to as to_predict, variables
#listed in to_return are used to create the design matrix. A
#data frame may also be passed as to_predict.
ezPredict <-
, to_predict = NULL
, numeric_res = 0
data = attr(fit,'frame')
vars = as.character(attr(attr(data,'terms'),'variables'))
dv = as.character(vars[2])
stop('Cannot auto-create "to_predict" when the fitted model contains poly(). Please provide a non-null value to the "to_return" argument.')
vars = vars[3:length(vars)]
vars = vars[vars%in%to_predict]
temp = attr(attr(fit,'X'),'contrasts')
#stop('When using ezPredict to obtain predictions for a subset of variables in a model, the model must be fit after setting either "options(contrasts=c(\'contr.sum\',\'contr.poly\')" or "options(contrasts=c(\'contr.helmert\',\'contr.poly\')".')
temp = list()
for(i in 1:length(vars)){
this_fixed_data = data[,names(data)==vars[i]]
temp[[i]] = seq(
, max(this_fixed_data)
, length.out=numeric_res
temp[[i]] = unique(this_fixed_data)
to_return = data.frame(expand.grid(temp))
names(to_return) = vars
to_return = to_predict
to_return$ezDV = 0
names(to_return)[ncol(to_return)] = dv
requested_terms = terms(eval(parse(text=paste(dv,'~',paste(vars,collapse='*')))))
mm = model.matrix(requested_terms,to_return)
f = fixef(fit)
indicies = (1:length(names(f)))[names(f) %in% dimnames(mm)[[2]]]
f = f[indicies]
value = mm %*% f
to_return$value = as.numeric(value[,1])
vf = vcov(fit)[indicies,indicies]
tc = Matrix::tcrossprod(vf,mm)
to_return$var = Matrix::diag(mm %*% tc)
to_return = to_return[,names(to_return)!=dv]
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