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Created January 18, 2023 19:39
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hierarchical within-subjects gaussian with sufficient stats and reduce_sum
real partial_lpdf(
array[] real real_array_to_slice
, int start
, int end
, real sigma
, vector Zc
, matrix iZc_chol_mat
, matrix iZc
, array[] matrix iZc_
, array[] int iXc
, matrix tXc
, vector Y_mean
, vector Y_var
, int rXc_minus_1
, vector sqrt_Y_n
int n = end - start;
real lp = 0 ;
// multivariate normal for individuals' coefficients ----
matrix[nXc,n] iZc_mat ;
lp += multi_normal_cholesky_lpdf( iZc[start:end] | Zc , iZc_chol_mat ) ;
iZc_mat = to_matrix(iZc[start:end]) ;
lp += std_normal_lupdf(to_vector(iZc_[1][,start:end])) ;
iZc_mat = (
+ (
* (iZc_[1][,start:end])
+ (
Y_var[start:end] / pow(sigma,2)
| 1
- 2*(n*log(sigma))
* (n-1)
+ normal_lupdf(
columns_dot_product( iZc_mat[,(iXc[start:end]-iXc[start])] , tXc[,start:end] )
, sigma / sqrt_Y_n[start:end]
// nI: number of individuals
int<lower=2> nI ;
// nXc: number of condition-level predictors
int<lower=1> nXc ;
// rXc: number of rows in the condition-level predictor matrix
int<lower=nXc> rXc ;
// Xc: condition-level predictor matrix
matrix[rXc,nXc] Xc ;
// iXc: which individual is associated with each row in Xc
array[rXc] int<lower=1,upper=nI> iXc ;
// Y_mean
vector[rXc] Y_mean ;
// Y_sd
vector[rXc] Y_sd ;
// Y_n
vector[rXc] Y_n ;
// centered: whether to monolithically-center (1) or non-center (2) mid-hierarchy parameters
int<lower=0,upper=1> centered ;
// use_reduce_sum: whether to use reeduce_sum for parallel computation of the likelihood
int<lower=0,upper=1> use_reduce_sum ;
transformed data{
// tXc: transposed copy of Xc
matrix[nXc,rXc] tXc = transpose(Xc) ;
array[rXc] real real_array_to_slice = rep_array(0.0,rXc) ;
vector[rXc] Y_var = pow(Y_sd,2) ;
vector[rXc] sqrt_Y_n = sqrt(Y_n) ;
int rXc_minus_1 = rXc - 1 ;
// sigma: magnitude of observation-level variability
real<lower=0> sigma ;
// Z: coefficients associated with predictors (group-level, condition-level, & interactions)
vector[nXc] Zc ;
// iZc_sd: magnitude of variability among individuals within a group
vector<lower=0>[nXc] iZc_sd ;
// iZc_cholcorr: cholesky-factor of correlation structure associated with variability among individuals on influence of within-individual predictors
cholesky_factor_corr[nXc] iZc_cholcorr ;
//next two parameters represent the same quantity, just with structures suitable for either
// centered or non-centered parameterization. The `centered` data variable will make one or the other zero-length.
// Hopefully Stan will soon allow matrix arguments to multi_normal_*(), which would obviate this hack.
// iZc: by-individual coefficients (centered parameterization)
array[nI*centered] vector[nXc] iZc ;
// iZc_: helper-variable (note underscore suffix) for non-centered parameterization of iZc
array[(1-centered)] matrix[nXc,nI] iZc_ ;
// priors ----
// standard-normal priors on all group-level coefficients
Zc ~ std_normal() ;
// prior peaked around .8 for magnitude of observation-level variability
sigma ~ weibull(2,1) ;
// positive-standard-normal priors on magnitude of variability among individuals within a group
iZc_sd ~ std_normal() ;
// flat prior on correlations
iZc_cholcorr ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1) ;
// Dot-products & likelihood ----
// observations as normal with common error variability and varying mean
// multivariate normal for individuals' coefficients ----
matrix[nXc,nI] iZc_mat ;
// multi-normal structure for iZc
iZc ~ multi_normal_cholesky(
, diag_pre_multiply(iZc_sd, iZc_cholcorr)
) ;
//convert iZc from array of vectors to matrix
iZc_mat = to_matrix(iZc) ;
// iZc_ must have a standard-normal prior for non-centered parameterization
to_vector(iZc_[1]) ~ std_normal() ;
// compute values for individuals given group associated group values and the individuals'
// deviations therefrom
iZc_mat = (
+ (
, iZc_cholcorr
* (iZc_[1])
target += (
Y_var / pow(sigma,2)
| 1
- 2*(rXc*log(sigma))
* rXc_minus_1
+ normal_lupdf(
columns_dot_product( iZc_mat[,iXc] , tXc )
, sigma / sqrt_Y_n
) ;
matrix[nXc,nXc] iZc_chol_mat = diag_pre_multiply(iZc_sd, iZc_cholcorr) ;
target += reduce_sum(
, real_array_to_slice
, 1 //grain-size (1=auto)
, sigma
, Zc
, iZc_chol_mat
, iZc
, iZc_
, iXc
, tXc
, Y_mean
, Y_var
, rXc_minus_1
, sqrt_Y_n
) ;
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