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Last active June 8, 2022 22:26
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Git-Bash Cheatsheet
// install git-bash
// Sign up with Github
// use git bash to generate ssh key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
// you need to set a password to avoid issues
// when you are setting your key password, nothing will show in the terminal when you enter your password, this is normal, don't panic!
// print out the pub key
cat ~/.ssh/
// copy that key and add it to (New SSH key)
// test to make sure everything is peachy:
ssh -T
// create a new repo called github-practice (
// clone the new repo using git bash
git clone[your user name here]/github-practice.git
// enter the github-practice folder that you just cloned
cd github-practice
// use the touch command to create empty index and style files
touch index.html style.css
// open that folder in VSCode
code ./
// if that didn't work, manually open the folder in VSCode
// to find the current location of your files use the pwd command
// add code to your new index and style files
// make sure to <link> your css!
// check the current repo status
git status
// track new files
git add -A
// commit those changes
git commit -m "Added index and style files"
// add main branch
git branch -M main
// push the committed changes
git push -u origin main
// track new files
git add -A
// commit those changes
git commit -m "notes here"
// push the committed changes
git push -u origin main
If you get this error:
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Do this (if you use ssh for anything talk to Mike before doing this!):
// remove known hosts
rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts
// remove existing keys
rm ~/.ssh/id_rs*
// Repeat step 1
// new file
touch filename
// print working directory
// move up a directory
cd ../
// move to a new directory
cd directoryName
cd ../parent/otherDirectory
// list the contents of a directory
// delete a file
rm filename
// delete a directory
rm -r directoryName
// make a new directory
mkdir directoryName
// clear the terminal
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