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Last active July 17, 2016 12:23
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An Draft Document on Async Tasks In re-frame

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Coordinating App Startup

The problem

When an App boots, it performs a set of tasks to initialise itself.

Invariably, there are dependencies between these tasks, like task1 has to run before task2.

Because of these dependencies, something has to coordinate how tasks are run. Within the clojure community, a library like Stuart Sierra's Component or mount is often turned to in these moments, but we won't be doing that here. We'll be using an approach which is more re-frame friendly.


If the tasks are all synchronous, then the coordination can be done in code.

Each task is a function, and we satisfy the task dependencies by correctly ordering how they are called.

In a re-frame context, we'd have this:

  (fn [db]
    (-> {} 

and in our main function we'd (dispatch [:initialise])


But, of course, it is never that easy because some of the tasks will be asynchronous.

A booting app will invariably have to coordinate asynchronous tasks like "open a websocket", "establish a database connections", "load from LocalStore", "GET configuration from an S3 bucket" and "querying the database for the user profile".

Coordinating asynchronous tasks means finding ways to represent and manage time, and time is a programming menace. In Greek mythology, Cronus was the much feared Titan of Time, believed to bring cruelty and tempestuous disorder, which surely makes him the patron saint of asynchronous programming.

Solutions like promises and futures attempt to make time disappear and allow you to program with the illusion of synchronous computation. But time has a tendency to act like a liquid under pressure, finding the cracks and leaking through the abstractions.

Something like CSP (core.async) is more of an event oriented treatment. Less pretending. But... unfortunately more complicated. core.async builds a little state machine for you, under the covers, so that you can build your own state machine on top of that again via deft use of go loops, channels, gets and puts. Both layers try to model/control time.

In our solution, we'll be using a re-frame variation which hides (most of) the state machine complexity.

Harder Again

There'll also be failures and errors!

Nothing messes up tight, elegant code quite like error handling. Did the Ancient Greeks have a terrifying Titan for the unhappy path too? They should have.

When one of the asynchronous startup tasks fails, we must be able to stop the normal boot sequence and put the application in a satisfactory failed state, explaining to the user what went wrong (Eg: "No Internet connection" or "Couldn't load user portfolio").

Just Plain Hard

And then there's the familiar pull of efficiency.

We want our app to boot in the shortest possible amount of time. So any asynchronous tasks which could be done in parallel, should be done in parallel.

So the boot process is seldom linear, one task after an another. Instead, it involves
dependencies like: when task task1 has finished, we can start task2, task3 and task4 in parallel. But task5 can't start until both task2 and task3 has completed successfully. And task6 can start when task3 is done, but we really don't care if it finishes properly - it is non essential to a working app.

So, we need to coordinate asynchronous timelines, with complex dependencies, while handling failures.
Not easy, but that's why they pay us the big bucks.

Also, As Data

Because we program in Clojure, we spend time in hammocks watching Rich Hickey videos and meditating on essential truths like "data is the ultimate in late binding".

So our solution should involve "programming with data" and be, at once, all synonyms of easy.

The Solution

re-frame has events. That's how we roll.

A re-frame application can't step forward in time, unless an event happens; unless something does a dispatch. Events will be the organising principle in our solution exactly because events are an organising principle in re-frame itself.

Tasks and Events

Our solution assumes the following about tasks...

If we take an X-ray of an async task, we'll see this event skeleton:

  • an event is used to start the task
  • if the task succeeds, then an event is dispatched
  • if the task fails, then an event is dispatched

So that's three events: one to start and two ways to finish.

Of course, re-frame will route all three of these events to a registered handler. The actual WORK of starting the task, or handling the errors, will be done in the event handler that you write.

But, here, none of that menial labour concerns us. We care only about the COORDINATION of tasks. We care only that task2 is started when task1 finishes successfully, and we don't need to know what task1 or task2 actually do.

To distill that: we care only that the dispatch to start task2 is fired correctly when we have seen an event saying that task1 finished successfully.


Read that last paragraph again. It further distills to: when event E1 happens then dispatch event E2. Or, simply, When-E1-Then-E2.

When-E1-Then-E2 is the simple case, with more complicated variations like:

  • when both events E1 and E2 have happened, then dispatch E3
  • when either events E1 or E2 happens, then dispatch E3
  • when event E1 happens, then dispatch both E2 and E3

We call these "rules".

Rules As Data

Collectively, a set of these When-E1-then-E2 rules can describe the entire boot sequence of an app.

So, here's how we might capture an app's boot sequence in data:

[{:when :seen-all-of :events #{:success-db-connect}   :dispatch (list [:do-query-user] [:do-query-site-prefs])}
 {:when :seen-all-of :events #{:success-user-query :success-site-prefs-query}   :dispatch (list [:success-boot] :done)}
 {:when :seen-any-of :events #{:fail-user-query :fail-site-prefs-query :fail-db-connect} :dispatch  (list [:fail-boot] :done)}
 {:when :seen-all-of :events #{:success-user-query}   :dispatch [:do-intercom]}]

That's a vector of 4 maps, where each represents a single rule. Try to read each line as if it was an English sentence and something like this should emerge: when we have seen all of events E1 and E2, then dispatch this other event

The structure of each rule (map) is:

{:when     X      ;; one of:   :seen-all-of  or :seen-any-off
 :events   Y      ;; a set of one or more event ids
 :dispatch Z}     ;; either a single vector (to dispatch) or a list of vectors (to dispatch). :done is special

We can't issue any database queries until we have a database connection, so the 1st rule (above) says:

  1. When :success-db-connect is dispatched, presumably signalling that we have a database connection...
  2. then (dispatch [:query-user]) and (dispatch [:query-site-prefs])

If both database queries succeed, then we have successfully booted, and the boot process is over. So, the 2nd rule says:

  1. When both success events have been seen (they may arrive in any order),
  2. then (dispatch [:success-queries]) and cleanup because the boot process is :done.

If any task fails, then the boot fails, and the app can't start. So go into a failure mode. And the boot process has done. So the 3rd rules says:

  1. If any one of the various tasks fail...
  2. then (dispatch [:fail-boot]) and cleanup because the boot process is :done.

When we have user data (from the user-query), we can start the intercom process. So the 4th rules days:

  1. When :success-user-query is dispatched
  2. then (dispatch [:do-intercom])

Further Notes:

  1. The 4th rule starts "intercom" once we have completed the user query. But notice that nowhere do we wait for a :success-intercom. We want this process started, but it is not essential for the app's function, so we don't wait for it to complete.

  2. The coordination processes never actively participates in handling any events. Event handlers themselves do all that work. They know how to handle success or failure - what state to record so that twirly things are shown to users, or not. What messages are shown. Etc.

  3. A naming convention for events is adopted. Each task can have 3 associated events which are named as follows: :do-* is for starting tasks. Task completion is either :success-* or :fail-*

  4. A dispatch of :done means the boot process is completed. Clean up the coordinator. It will have some state somewhere. So get rid of that. And it will be "sniffing events"

  5. There's nothing in here about the teardown process at the end of the application. We're only helping the startup process.

  6. To start the boot process (dispatch [:do-connect-db])

  7. A word on Retries XXXX

4 Step Solution

There's 4 steps to creating an async boot process for your app. But steps 2, 3 and 4 are very simple boilerplate. (XXX How can that even be removed?)

You really only need to do step 1.

Here a quick look at the overall strategy:

  • You write a "boot-spec" which describes in data, the required boot sequence (in terms of events)
  • You create a single event handler which will "coordinate" the necessary async events (using the "boot-spec" you created in step 1).
  • you will create the single event handler using a function that I supply. You can treat this event handler as a black box.
  • This event handler will "sniff" events. Events will be "forwarded" to it, so it knows what's going on, so it can do its coordination job (centrally).
  • This event handler knows (via your boot-spec) that when it sees E2 it should dispatch E3. Etc.
  • At some point, the boot has happened (failed or succeeded) and the coordinator is decommissions (which is to say, events are no longer forwarded to to event handler).

Anyway, it is a four step process. But, remember, only step 1 is a challenge. The other steps are pretty paint-by-numbers.

Step 1. Define the Boot Spec

Above, I gave just the :rules part of the spec. Here it is in full (two extra bits)

(def boot-spec
 {:db-path  [:place :to :store :state :within :db]     ;; the coordinator needs to keep some state. Where?
  :first-dispatch [:do-db-connection]                  ;; how does the process get kicked off?
  :rules [{:when :seen-all-of :events #{:success-db-connect}   :dispatch (list [:do-query-user] [:do-query-site-prefs])}
         {:when :seen-all-of :events #{:success-user-query :success-site-prefs-query}   :dispatch (list [:success-boot] :done)}
         {:when :seen-any-of :events #{:fail-user-query :fail-site-prefs-query :fail-db-connect} :dispatch  (list [:fail-boot] :done)}
         {:when :seen-all-of :events #{:success-user-query}   :dispatch [:do-intercom]}])

Step 2. Register an event handler which does all the coordinating work

   (make-bootstrap-handler boot-spec))

The function make-bootstrap-handler is provided as step 4. We call it, providing a spec and it returns a handler which does the work.

Any events mentioned in the This event handler will be forwarded to when any of the events in the "boot-spec"

Step 3. Kick off the process

The initialisation process involves first doing the synchronous (easy) stuff, and then kicking off the async tasks

  (fn [context]
    {:db (-> {} task1-fn task2-fn)       ;;  do whatever synchronous work needs to be done
     :dispatch [:boot-async :start]}))   ;; dispatch to the handler created in step 2 

We assume that the synchronous part will set state that causes the GUI to render "Loading ..." or something.

In your main function, you'll be doing a (dispatch [:initialise]). That's not included as a separate step.

Step 4. Include This Code (Library?)

Below is some code which you'll have to include in your application.

It provides make-bootstrap-handler.

The following assumes the existence of certain v0.8.0 features (eg the ability to forward events, aka "sniff events").

Note, in theory you don't actually have to understand ANY of this function. It does the grunt work, but you don't have to understand it. It implements your "boot-spec".

WARNING THIS CODE DOES NOT WORK YET -- IN FACT I KNOW IT IS CURRENTLY BROKEN I wouldn't even try reading it yet. And anyway, this function will be a black box to anyone using it.

(defn make-bootstrap-handler
  [{:as boot-spec :keys [db-path rules first-dispatch]}]
  (let [all-events  (apply set/union (map :events rules))   ;; all of the events refered to in the spec
        initial-state  {:seen-events   #{}
                        :started-tasks #{}}]
    ;; check that boot-spec is valid.

    ;; return an event handler
    ;; This event handler will receive one of three events
    ;;   (dispatch [:id :steup])
    ;;   (dispatch [:id :done])
    ;;   (dispatch [:id [:in :here :goes :a :forwarded :event vector])
    (fn [context [event-id forwarded-event]]
      (let [context-path (cons :db db-path)]
        (cond = forwarded-event

              ;; Setup the boot coordinator:
              ;;  1. Initialise the state  (seen-events and started-tasks)
              ;;  2. dispatch the first event, to kick start
              ;;  3. arrange for the events to get forwarded to the handler
              :setup (-> context
                         (assoc-in context-path initial-state)
                         (assoc :dispatch first-dispatch)
                         (assoc :event-forwarder {:register event-id
                                                  :events   all-events
                                                  :to       event-id}))
              ;; Teardown the boot coordinator:
              ;;  1. remove of state
              ;;  2. stop the events forwarder
              :done (-> context
                        (dissoc context-path)
                        (assoc :event-forwarder {:unregister event-id}))

              ;; Process a forwarded event
              ;; An event has been forwarded to this handler. Figure out what it means.
              ;;  1. work out of this new event means we need to dispatch another
              ;;  2. remember the new state
              (let [_   (assert (vector? forwarded-event))
                    forwarded-event-id     (first forwarded-event)
                    {:keys [seen-events started-tasks]} (get-in context context-path)
                    new-seen-events    (conj seen-events forwarded-event-id)
                    ready-tasks    (startable-tasks rules new-seen-events started-tasks)
                    ready-task-ids (->> ready-tasks (map :dispatch) set)
                    new-started-tasks (set/union started-tasks ready-task-ids)]
                (-> context
                    (assoc :dispatch (map #(conj (:dispatch %) forwarded-event) ready-tasks))
                    (assoc-in context-path {:seen-events   seen-events
                                            :started-tasks new-started-tasks}))))))))
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ghost commented Jul 9, 2016

I know this is just some incomplete thoughts on the subject of side-effect events, but this:

But, here, none of that menial labour concerns us. We care only about the COORDINATION of tasks. We care only that task2 is started when task1 finishes successfully, and we don't need to know what task1 or task2 actually do.

To distill that: we care only that the dispatch to start task2 is fired correctly when we have seen an event saying that task1 finished successfully.

I find not necessarily true. At least in something like redux-saga, it's advantageous to have access to the data that was dispatched. It allows finer-grained control branching.

Also, might I recommend a read-through of the redux saga capabilities. They have a nice solution to each "easy" "harder" "harder again" and "just plain hard" you describe above via race effects, cancellation, and parallelism.

Together these constructs make a wonderfully powerful (and terse) time-management construct. It's something I would love to see in re-frame.

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Maybe there's no intersection at all, but I still wanted to share: this somehow reminded me of prismatic's Graph:

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@dobladez Graph infers dependencies between a set of calculations, does a topological sort, and then does those calculations in the right order. So slightly different to our problem but, yes, related because dependencies/ordering in important.

@aft-luke thanks for the info on redux-saga. It appears to have strengths and weaknesses. It tries to capture the state machine (for a flow) in synchronous looking code, hiding as much as possible the async nature of the tasks. That results in some nice looking code in simple cases. But that right there identifies two problems. First, "code". We'd prefer a solution which describes the required state machine as data. Second "simple" - I've got a feeling that more complex cases might get hairy in redux-saga - you'd be writing more complex state machines in synchronous looking code. Unless I'm missing something (which is definitely possible given I struggle to read ES2016 code).

I think the proposed re-frame solution should handle all the necessary "race", "parallel" and "cancel" cases.

An, finally, yes. I noted that the flow code has access to "returned data" from the co-routines. I've got a feeling we'll be able to do that too but via different mechanisms. Let's me flesh the solution out a bit more.

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ghost commented Jul 12, 2016

Kudos, then, if you can come up with a solution that does all the above strictly by descriptive data. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

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mike-thompson-day8 commented Jul 17, 2016

@aft-luke Just to be clear: I'm trying to solve the specific problem of async control flow for booting. So the document already sketches out how to do "race", "parallel" and "cancel" in data.
I've made the ideas real here:
If your goal is to fully emulate redux-saga, then that is certainly possible, using some of the techniques developed here, combined with core.async. But that is beyond the scope of my efforts.

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