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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import itertools
import sys
from typing import NamedTuple, List, Optional, Callable, Iterable, Collection
from random import Random
from argparse import ArgumentParser
class RandGen(object):
def randrange(self, min_inclusive: int, max_exclusive: int) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def choice(self, items: Collection):
if not isinstance(items, list):
items = list(items)
idx = self.randrange(0, len(items))
return items[idx]
class RandomRandGen(RandGen):
def __init__(self, rng: Random):
self.rng = rng
def randrange(self, min_inclusive: int, max_exclusive: int) -> int:
return self.rng.randrange(min_inclusive, max_exclusive)
class Size(NamedTuple):
nrows: int
ncols: int
def ncells(self):
return self.nrows * self.ncols
class Delta(NamedTuple):
rows: int
cols: int
class Position(object):
def __init__(self, row, col):
self.row = row
self.col = col
def translate(self, delta: Delta):
self.row += delta.rows
self.col += delta.cols
return self
def copy(self) -> 'Position':
return Position(self.row, self.col)
def update(self, other: 'Position'):
self.row = other.row
self.col = other.col
def __str__(self):
return str(self.to_tuple())
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Position) and other.row == self.row and other.col == self.col
def to_tuple(self):
return self.row, self.col
Delta(-1, 0),
Delta(0, -1), Delta(0, 1),
Delta( 1, 0)
class Organism(object):
def __init__(self, gestation: int, position: Position):
self.position = position
assert position
self.ticks_since_bred = 0
self.gestation = gestation
assert gestation
def is_doodlebug(self):
raise NotImplementedError("subclass must implement")
def is_ant(self):
raise NotImplementedError("subclass must implement")
def is_starved(self, nticks: int):
raise NotImplementedError("subclass must implement")
def move(self, world: 'World', randgen: RandGen):
delta = randgen.choice(DIRECTIONS)
pos = self.position.copy()
if world.contains(pos) and not world.occupied(pos):
def birth(self, position: Position):
raise NotImplementedError("subclass must implement")
def breed(self, world: 'World', randgen: RandGen):
self.ticks_since_bred += 1
if self.ticks_since_bred >= self.gestation:
unoccupied = []
for delta in DIRECTIONS:
position = self.position.copy().translate(delta)
if world.contains(position) and not world.occupied(position):
if unoccupied:
position = randgen.choice(unoccupied)
self.ticks_since_bred = 0
def __str__(self):
return f"{type(self)}<position={self.position}>"
def tick(self, world: 'World', randgen: RandGen):
self.move(world, randgen)
self.breed(world, randgen)
class Ant(Organism):
def __init__(self, position: Position):
super().__init__(_ANT_GESTATION, position)
def is_doodlebug(self):
return False
def is_ant(self):
return True
def birth(self, position: Position):
return Ant(position)
def is_starved(self, nticks: int):
return False
class Doodlebug(Organism):
def __init__(self, position: Position):
super().__init__(_DOODLEBUG_GESTATION, position)
self.ticks_since_fed = 0
def is_doodlebug(self):
return True
def is_ant(self):
return False
def birth(self, position: Position):
return Doodlebug(position)
def feed(self, world: 'World', randgen: RandGen) -> bool:
adjacent_positions = [self.position.copy().translate(delta) for delta in DIRECTIONS]
ant_positions = []
for position in adjacent_positions:
if world.is_ant(position):
if ant_positions:
position = randgen.choice(ant_positions)
self.ticks_since_fed = 0
return True
self.ticks_since_fed += 1
return False
def move(self, world: 'World', randgen: RandGen):
fed = self.feed(world, randgen)
if not fed:
super().move(world, randgen)
def is_starved(self, nticks: int):
return self.ticks_since_fed >= 3
class World(object):
def __init__(self, size: Size, organisms: List[Organism]):
self.size = size
self.organisms = organisms
self.nticks = 0
def create(size: Size, ndoodlebugs: int, nants: int, randgen: RandGen) -> 'World':
positions = [Position(row, col) for row, col in itertools.product(range(size.nrows), range(size.ncols))]
assert (ndoodlebugs + nants) < len(positions)
organisms = []
def place(n: int, factory: Callable[[Position], Organism]):
for i in range(n):
positions_index = randgen.randrange(0, len(positions))
position = positions[positions_index]
del positions[positions_index]
place(ndoodlebugs, Doodlebug)
place(nants, Ant)
return World(size, organisms)
def at(self, pos: Position) -> Optional[Organism]:
for organism in self.organisms:
if organism.position == pos:
return organism
def occupied(self, pos: Position) -> bool:
return is not None
def spawn(self, organism: Organism):
assert not self.occupied(organism.position)
assert self.contains(organism.position), f"not in world: {organism.position}"
def kill(self, pos: Position):
assert self.contains(pos), f"not in world: {pos}"
index = None
for i, organism in enumerate(self.organisms):
if pos == organism.position:
index = i
assert index is not None
del self.organisms[index]
def is_doodlebug(self, pos: Position):
o =
return o and o.is_doodlebug()
def is_ant(self, pos: Position):
o =
return o and o.is_ant()
def contains(self, pos: Position) -> bool:
return 0 <= pos.row < self.size.nrows and 0 <= pos.col < self.size.ncols
def count_ants(self) -> int:
return sum([organism.is_ant() for organism in self.organisms])
def all_ants(self) -> bool:
return self.size.ncells() == self.count_ants()
def count_doodlebugs(self) -> int:
return sum([organism.is_doodlebug() for organism in self.organisms])
def count(self) -> int:
return len(self.organisms)
def _check(self):
positions = [o.position for o in self.organisms]
position_tuples = set([p.to_tuple() for p in positions])
assert len(position_tuples) == len(self.organisms), "expect unique positions"
for p in positions:
assert self.contains(p), f"expect position {p} in world"
def tick(self, randgen: RandGen):
self.nticks += 1
# be sure to copy list before each set of iterations
for organism in list(filter(lambda o: o.is_doodlebug(), self.organisms)):
organism.tick(self, randgen)
for organism in list(filter(lambda o: o.is_ant(), self.organisms)):
organism.tick(self, randgen)
starver_indexes = []
for i in range(len(self.organisms)):
if self.organisms[i].is_starved(self.nticks):
for idx in starver_indexes:
del self.organisms[idx]
def render_cell(cell: Optional[Organism]):
if cell is None: return '-'
if cell.is_doodlebug(): return 'X'
if cell.is_ant(): return 'o'
raise ValueError("not a doodlebug or ant?: " + str(cell))
def render(self) -> str:
rows: List[List[Optional[Organism]]] = [[, col)) for col in range(self.size.ncols)] for row in range(self.size.nrows)]
return "\n".join([''.join([World.render_cell(c) for c in row]) for row in rows])
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"World<size={self.size},population={len(self.organisms)}>"
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Run Doodlebugs simulation.")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--num-rows", type=int, default=20, metavar="N", help="world height")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--num-cols", type=int, default=20, metavar="N", help="world width")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--num-doodlebugs", type=int, metavar="N", help="number of doodlebugs at start")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--num-ants", type=int, metavar="N", help="number of ants at start")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pause", type=int, metavar="N", help="pause every N boards; use 0 to never pause")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--seed", type=int, metavar="N", help="seed for random number generator")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--max-ticks", type=int, metavar="N", help="stop after N ticks")
args = parser.parse_args()
size = Size(args.num_rows, args.num_cols)
ndoodlebugs = args.num_doodlebugs
if ndoodlebugs is None:
ndoodlebugs = max(1, size.ncells() // 80)
nants = args.num_ants
if nants is None:
nants = max(1, size.ncells() // 4)
randgen = RandomRandGen(Random(args.seed))
world = World.create(size, ndoodlebugs, nants, randgen)
while args.max_ticks is None or world.nticks >= args.max_ticks:
if args.pause and (world.nticks % args.pause == 0):
input("Press enter to continue...")
if world.count() == 0:
print("Apocalypse", file=sys.stderr)
if world.all_ants():
print("I for one welcome our new ant overlords", file=sys.stderr)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from random import Random
from typing import Iterable
from unittest import TestCase
from hw12 import World, Size, Position, Doodlebug, Ant, RandGen, RandomRandGen
SEED = 12345
class KnownRandGen(RandGen):
def __init__(self, numbers: Iterable[int]=None):
self.iterator = (numbers or range(2 ** 64)).__iter__()
def randrange(self, min_inclusive: int, max_exclusive: int) -> int:
value = self.iterator.__next__()
width = max_exclusive - min_inclusive
offset = value % width
return min_inclusive + offset
class WorldTest(TestCase):
def test_init(self):
world = World.create(Size(5, 5), 2, 10, RandomRandGen(Random(SEED)))
self.assertEqual(2, world.count_doodlebugs())
self.assertEqual(10, world.count_ants())
def test_at(self):
world = World.create(Size(5, 5), 0, 0, RandomRandGen(Random(SEED)))
self.assertListEqual([], world.organisms)
world.organisms.append(Doodlebug(Position(1, 1)))
world.organisms.append(Ant(Position(2, 2)))
o =, 1))
o =, 2))
self.assertIsNone(, 0)))
self.assertIsNone(, 4)))
def test_render(self):
world = World.create(Size(3, 3), 1, 2, RandomRandGen(Random(SEED)))
rendering = world.render()
self.assertNotEqual("---\n---\n---", rendering)
x_count = sum([1 if 'X' == ch else 0 for ch in rendering])
o_count = sum([1 if 'o' == ch else 0 for ch in rendering])
self.assertEqual(1, x_count)
self.assertEqual(2, o_count)
class AntTest(TestCase):
def test_breed(self):
r = RandomRandGen(Random(1))
world = World.create(Size(10, 10), 0, 1, r)
for i in range(0, 3):
self.assertEqual(1, world.count_ants())
for i in range(0, 3):
self.assertEqual(2, world.count_ants(), f"expect 2 ants at nticks={world.nticks}")
self.assertEqual(4, world.count_ants(), f"expect 4 ants at nticks={world.nticks}")
def test_move(self):
rng = KnownRandGen() # first move is UP
world = World(Size(3, 3), [])
world.spawn(Ant(Position(2, 2)))
expect_ant =, 2))
self.assertTrue(world.is_ant(Position(1, 2)))
expect_none =, 2))
class DoodlebugTest(TestCase):
def test_starve_basic(self):
r = KnownRandGen()
world = World.create(Size(2, 2), 1, 0, r)
for i in range(0, 3):
self.assertEqual(1, world.count_doodlebugs())
self.assertEqual(0, world.count_doodlebugs(), f"expect starve at nticks={world.nticks}")
def test_starve_make_space_available(self):"not yet implemented")
def test_feed(self):
r = RandomRandGen(Random(1))
world = World.create(Size(3, 3), 1, 2, r)
self.assertEqual(1, world.count_ants(), "expect doodlebug to eat adjacent ant")
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