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Created October 3, 2016 15:47
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Microsoft Face API command line Python 2.7 program
#!/usr/bin/env python
# See
# This code is based on the API reference sample code at
# If they provide it with some sort of license that requires redistribution
# under the same license, then this code is hereby distributed under that
# license. Otherwise, this code is distributed under the terms of the
# MIT License, (c) Mike Chaberski 2016.
import httplib, urllib, base64, json
import os, sys, os.path
from argparse import ArgumentParser
def do_detect(args):
if args.api_key is None:
with open(os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), '.config', 'microsoft', 'faceapi.credential'), 'r') as ifile:
args.api_key =
with open(args.imagefile, 'rb') as ifile:
imagedata =
headers = {
# Request headers
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': args.api_key,
params = urllib.urlencode({
# Request parameters
'returnFaceId': 'true',
'returnFaceLandmarks': 'true',
'returnFaceAttributes': args.attributes,
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('')
conn.request("POST", "/face/v1.0/detect?%s" % params, imagedata, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data = json.loads(
print json.dumps(data, indent=2)
return 0
except Exception as e:
print >> sys.stderr, "[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
return 2
_ATTRIBUTES = ('age','gender','headPose','smile','facialHair','glasses')
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = ArgumentParser(description="Submits an image file to Microsoft Face API for face detection and prints the result")
p.add_argument("imagefile", help="image file to send to Microsoft for face detection")
p.add_argument("--attributes", default=','.join(_ATTRIBUTES), help="attributes to include in response; choose from " + str(_ATTRIBUTES) + ", comma-delimited")
p.add_argument("--api-key", help="subscription key to use; if absent, key is assumed to be the text content of $HOME/.config/microsoft/faceapi.credential")
args = p.parse_args()
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