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Last active July 17, 2023 19:46
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Interview questions for nodejs/javascript.
What is Circular Dependency?
Shallow vs Deep Copy.
Array.sort() - with numbers and strings.
What is package-lock.json?
---ref -
What is this? How arrow functions using it to help the binding?
Session Management in Nodejs
API Authentication in Nodejs
Default memory size in NOdejs
High Order functions in Javascript
Features of ES6
What is arrow functions and advantages
let vs const vs var
Use destructting and spread operator with example
======= Coding =================
Reverse a string
======= REACT JS ===============
Different lifecycle methods of a component
Redux in React - what is action, reducer and dispatcher
Class vs Functional comonents
Error Boundary and how to use it.
What is react-router and how to use it.
How to handle 404 request using React router.
Types of hooks..useState hook with and without dependency
useMemo vs useCallback
======== NODEJS ================
Nodejs Performance - using PM2, Load balancer, native cluster module in node,
NodeJS Payload Validation - use express-validator/payload-validator
few ORM libraries in node
Middleware in Nodejs
Few libraries in Node - express, axios, sequelize,
Node js for Microservices -
Node is Single thread?
What is event loop and how it works.
working of event loop -
using multithreading in nodejs -
performance optimization in node -
Transaction management in node -
using sequelize -
using raw sql -
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