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Last active December 10, 2020 02:11
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hopcroft-karp implemented using dataweave
%dw 2.0
import * from dw::util::Values
var INF = pow(2, 28) //infinity constant
var ARR = (size, value) -> ((0 to size-1) as Array) map value //make it a bit easier to initialize an array
//function for while looping
var while = (conditionFn: (s: Any) -> Boolean, whileFn: (s: Any) -> Any, state = {}) ->
if (conditionFn(state)) while(conditionFn, whileFn, whileFn(state))
else state
//build edge map from left side to right side
var getEdges = (left: Array, right: Array, isEdgeFn: (l: Object, r: Object) -> Boolean) ->
(left reduce ((leftItem, mAccum = { li: 0, edges: [] }) ->
(right reduce ((rightItem, iAccum = { li:, ri: 0, edges: mAccum.edges }) ->
ri: iAccum.ri + 1,
edges: iAccum.edges ++ [([, iAccum.ri]) if (isEdgeFn(leftItem, rightItem))]
)) - "li" ++ { li: + 1 }
//initialize global state object that we will pass around.. since data is immutable
var initializeGlobalState = (left: Array, right: Array, edgeFn: (l: Object, r: Object) -> Boolean) -> do {
var edges = getEdges(left, right, edgeFn)
var n = sizeOf(left)
var m = sizeOf(right)
adjN: ((0 to n-1) as Array) reduce (index, arr=[]) -> (arr << ((edges filter $[0] == index) map $[1])),
adjM: ((0 to m-1) as Array) reduce (index, arr=[]) -> (arr << ((edges filter $[1] == index) map $[0])),
g1: ARR(n, -1),
g2: ARR(m, -1),
dist: ARR(n, INF),
toVisit: ARR(n, -1),
dmax: INF,
matching: 0,
n: n,
m: m
//entry point function that builds matches
var bipartiteMatching = (left: Array, right: Array, isEdgeFn: (l: Object, r: Object) -> Boolean) ->
do {
var globalState = initializeGlobalState(left, right, isEdgeFn)
var mainLoopResult = (while((s) -> !s.break, mainLoop, { globalState: globalState, break: false})).globalState
(((0 to globalState.n-1) as Array) reduce ((i, s = { state: mainLoopResult, matches: []}) ->
if (s.state.g1[i] < 0) s
else {
state: s.state,
matches: s.matches << [left[i], right[s.state.g1[i]]]
//main 'infinite' loop - using break key to terminate
var mainLoop = (state) -> do {
//initialize a new loopState each time the main loop iterates - utilized by our inner loop
var loopState = ((0 to state.globalState.n-1) as Array) reduce ((i, s = { globalState: state.globalState, count: 0 }) -> {
globalState: {
(s.globalState - "toVisit" - "dist"),
dist: s.globalState.dist update index(i) with (if (s.globalState.g1[i] < 0) 0 else INF),
toVisit: if (s.globalState.g1[i] < 0) (s.globalState.toVisit update index(s.count) with i) else s.globalState.toVisit //s.globalState.toVisit (i) if (s.globalState.g1[i] < 0)]
count: if (s.globalState.g1[i] < 0) (s.count + 1) else s.count
//inner loop, equivalent to while(ptr < count)
var innerLoopResult = while((oS) -> oS.ptr < oS.count, (oS) -> do {
var newPtr = oS.ptr + 1
var v = oS.globalState.toVisit[oS.ptr]
var dv = oS.globalState.dist[v]
if (dv >= oS.globalState.dmax) { globalState: oS.globalState, count: oS.count, ptr: newPtr }
else do {
var adj = oS.globalState.adjN[v]
((0 to sizeOf(adj) - 1) as Array) reduce ((i, s = oS update field("ptr") with newPtr) -> do {
var u = adj[i]
var pu = s.globalState.g2[u]
if (pu < 0)
if (s.globalState.dmax == INF) s update ["globalState", field("dmax")] with (dv + 1)
else s
else if (s.globalState.dist[pu] == INF) {
(s - "globalState" - "count"),
globalState: {
(s.globalState - "dist" - "toVisit"),
dist: s.globalState.dist update index(pu) with (dv + 1),
toVisit: s.globalState.toVisit update index(s.count) with pu
count: s.count + 1
else s
}, (loopState - "ptr" ++ {ptr: 0}) update ["globalState", field("dmax")] with INF)
//make sure we're using the result of our loop - this is because we are re-creating the globalState when iterating with changes - this would be easier with mutable data...
if (innerLoopResult.globalState.dmax == INF) { globalState: innerLoopResult.globalState, break: true }
else {
globalState: ((0 to innerLoopResult.globalState.n-1) as Array) reduce ((i, s = innerLoopResult.globalState) ->
if (s.g1[i] < 0) do {
var dfsResult = dfs(s, i)
if (!dfsResult.return) dfsResult.globalState
else dfsResult.globalState update field("matching") with (dfsResult.globalState.matching + 1)
else s
break: false
//dfs function
var dfs = (globalState, v) ->
if (v < 0) { globalState: globalState, return: true }
else do {
var adj = globalState.adjN[v]
var loopResult = while((s) -> !s.break and (s.i < s.max), (s) ->
do {
var u = adj[s.i]
var pu = s.globalState.g2[u]
var dpu = if (pu < 0) s.globalState.dmax else s.globalState.dist[pu]
if (dpu == (s.globalState.dist[v] + 1)) do {
var dfsResult = dfs(s.globalState, pu)
if (dfsResult.return) do {
var newGlobalState = {
(dfsResult.globalState - "g1" - "g2"),
g1: dfsResult.globalState.g1 update index(v) with u,
g2: dfsResult.globalState.g2 update index(u) with v
{ globalState: newGlobalState, break: true, return: true }
else { globalState: dfsResult.globalState, i: (s.i + 1), max: s.max, break: false }
else s update "i" with (s.i + 1)
}, { globalState: globalState, i: 0, max: sizeOf(adj), break: false })
if (loopResult.break) { globalState: loopResult.globalState, return: true }
else { globalState: loopResult.globalState update ["dist", index(v)] with INF, return: false }
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mikeacjones commented Dec 10, 2020

Hopcroft-Karp implementation


Example secret santa matching.


    "username": "user1",
    "country": "USA",
    "international": true
    "username": "user2",
    "country": "USA",
    "international": false
    "username": "user3",
    "country": "Sweden",
    "international": true

Function call:

bipartiteMatching(payload, payload, (l, r) -> (l.username != r.username) and ( or ==


      "username": "user1",
      "country": "USA",
      "international": true
      "username": "user3",
      "country": "Sweden",
      "international": true
      "username": "user2",
      "country": "USA",
      "international": false
      "username": "user1",
      "country": "USA",
      "international": true
      "username": "user3",
      "country": "Sweden",
      "international": true
      "username": "user2",
      "country": "USA",
      "international": false

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