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Last active August 5, 2022 13:51
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Babashka script to create Gantt report from Jira
(ns jira-gantt-report
"Create Gantt EDN-report from Jira"
[babashka.cli :as cli]
[babashka.curl :as curl]
[babashka.fs :as fs]
[babashka.process :refer [check pb pipeline process sh]]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as z])
;; Login and password for Jira
(def login (-> (System/getenv) (get "LOGNAME")))
(def password (-> (str (fs/home) "/.credpwd") slurp string/trim))
(def jql-rest-url "")
(def task-rest-url "")
(def task-ui-url "")
(def cljstyle-program "cljstyle")
(defn prf
[& args]
(println (apply format args)))
(defn get-raw-issue
"Get raw Jira issue by key using REST API via curl"
([issue-key] (get-raw-issue issue-key task-rest-url))
([issue-key task-url] (get-raw-issue issue-key task-url login password))
([issue-key task-url login password]
(let [resp (curl/get (str task-url issue-key)
{:basic-auth [login password]
:headers {"Accept" "application/json"}})]
(when (= 200 (:status resp))
(-> resp
(json/parse-string true))))
(catch Exception e
(println "Exception message" (.getMessage e) "issue:" issue-key)))))
(defn extract-fields
"Returns map of common attributes from raw Jira issue or nil if error"
(some->> raw-issue
(fn [x] (-> x :key))
(fn [x] (some->> x :fields :subtasks (mapv :key)))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :customfield_11501))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :priority :name))
(fn [x] (some-> x :fields :customfield_11102 int))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :issuetype :name))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :summary))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :status :name))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :resolution :name))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :labels))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :created))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :updated))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :resolutiondate))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :customfield_18602))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :customfield_18603))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :customfield_18611))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :duedate))
(fn [x] (-> x :fields :assignee :name))))
[:key :subtasks :parent-epic :priority :techcom-priority :issue-type :summary :status :resolution :labels
:created-at :updated-at :resolved-at :planned-start-at
:planned-end-at :velocity :duedate :assignee])))
(defn jira-rest-search
"Make search request to Jira using REST API via curl
* jql-url - Jira endpoint for search. Example:
* jql-query - JQL query request. Example: \"project=ABC AND creator=mylogin\""
[login password jql-url ^String jql-query]
(let [resp (curl/get (str jql-url (URLEncoder/encode jql-query "UTF-8"))
{:basic-auth [login password]
:headers {"Accept" "application/json"}})]
(when (= 200 (:status resp))
(-> resp
(json/parse-string true)))))
(defn search
"Make a raw JQL with predefined params: login, password, jql-url"
(jira-rest-search login password jql-rest-url jql-query))
(defn task-search
"Make a query for tasks search"
(map extract-fields)))
(defn date-str
(subs s 0 10))
(defn diff-between-days
"Calculate difference in days between two dates."
[date1 date2]
(let [df (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "yyyy-MM-dd" Locale/ROOT)
d1 (if (string? date1) (LocalDate/parse date1 df) date1)
d2 (if (string? date2) (LocalDate/parse date2 df) date2)]
(.between ChronoUnit/DAYS d1 d2)))
(defn calc-percent
[_ _]
(defn issue-color
[issue-type frame-color]
(#{"эпик" "epic"} issue-type) (str "Yellow/" frame-color)
(#{"история" "story"} issue-type) (str "GreenYellow/" frame-color)
(#{"задача" "task"} issue-type) (str "LightSkyBlue/" frame-color)
(#{"подзадача" "sub-task"} issue-type) (str "LightSkyBlue/" frame-color)
(#{"ошибка" "bug" "error"} issue-type) (str "Crimson/" frame-color)
:else "Magenta"))
(defn make-task-entry
"Convert Jira data to task entry for Gantt program format"
(if (empty? jira-task-entry)
{:separator ""}
(let [resolution (some-> jira-task-entry :resolution string/lower-case)
status (some-> jira-task-entry :status string/lower-case)
planned-start-date (or (:planned-start-at jira-task-entry) (:created-at jira-task-entry) (str (LocalDate/now)))
planned-end-date (or (:planned-end-at jira-task-entry) (str (LocalDate/now)))
due-date (:duedate jira-task-entry)
assignee (:assignee jira-task-entry)
velocity (:velocity jira-task-entry)
alias (-> jira-task-entry :key string/lower-case keyword)
issue-type (string/lower-case (:issue-type jira-task-entry))
result (cond->
{:task (-> jira-task-entry :summary (string/replace #"\[|\]|\"" " ") string/trim (str " " (string/upper-case (name alias))))
:issue-type issue-type
:alias alias
:starts-at (date-str planned-start-date)
:ends-at (date-str planned-end-date)
:links-to (str task-ui-url (-> jira-task-entry :key))
:color (issue-color issue-type "Gray")
:percent-complete (cond
(#{"решено" "done"} resolution) 100
:else (calc-percent planned-start-date planned-end-date))}
(number? velocity)
(pos? velocity)) (assoc :resources [(format "%s:%s%%" assignee (int velocity))])
(nil? planned-end-date)
(not (#{"closed" "закрыто" "done"} status))) (assoc :color (issue-color issue-type "Red"))
(.isAfter (LocalDate/now) (LocalDate/parse (date-str planned-end-date)))
(not (#{"closed" "закрыто" "done"} status))) (assoc :color (issue-color issue-type "Red")))]
(if due-date
{:milestone (str ":" alias)
:happens-at (date-str due-date)}]
(defn make-hierarchy-ordered-issues
"Make issues order according to their hierarchy"
(let [issues-map (reduce (fn [acc i] (assoc acc (:key i) i)) {} unordered-issues-vec)
epics (mapv :key (filterv #(#{"epic" "эпик"} (-> % :issue-type string/lower-case)) unordered-issues-vec))
sub-task-map (reduce (fn [acc i]
(let [sub-tasks (mapv :key (filterv #(#{i} (-> % :parent-epic)) unordered-issues-vec))
sub-task-map (reduce (fn [acc2 i2] (assoc acc2 i2 (:subtasks (get issues-map i2)))) {} sub-tasks)]
(assoc acc i sub-task-map))) {} epics)
a (atom [])
_ (clojure.walk/postwalk #(cond
(string? %) (swap! a conj (get issues-map %))
:else %) sub-task-map)
ordered-issues-map (reduce (fn [acc i] (assoc acc (:key i) i)) {} @a)
diff-map (reduce (fn [acc i] (dissoc acc i)) issues-map (keys ordered-issues-map))
task-stories-keys-without-epic (mapv
#(#{"task" "story" "задача" "история"}
(-> % :issue-type string/lower-case))
(vals diff-map)))
sub-task-map2 (reduce (fn [acc i]
(let [subtask-vec (:subtasks (get diff-map i))]
(when (seq subtask-vec)
(assoc acc i subtask-vec)))) {} task-stories-keys-without-epic)
a2 (atom [])
_ (clojure.walk/postwalk #(cond
(string? %) (swap! a2 conj (get issues-map %))
:else %) sub-task-map2)
ordered-issues-map2 (reduce (fn [acc i] (assoc acc (:key i) i)) {} @a2)
diff-map2 (reduce (fn [acc i] (dissoc acc i)) diff-map (keys ordered-issues-map2))
result (remove nil? (into [] (concat @a @a2 (vals diff-map2))))
result-count (count (into #{} (map :key result)))
unordered-count (count (into #{} (map :key unordered-issues-vec)))]
(when-not (= result-count unordered-count)
#_(prn (clojure.set/difference (into #{} (map :key result)) (into #{} (map :key unordered-issues-vec))))
(throw (ex-info (format "Business logic is broken: ordered = %s, unordered = %s" result-count unordered-count)
{:desc "ordered != unordered"})))
(defn update-file
"Fetch all tasks from Jira using JQL in a given EDN file.
Returns modified EDN filename"
[^String edn-filename]
(prf "Updating file: %s" edn-filename)
(let [edn-string (slurp edn-filename)
root-zloc (z/of-string edn-string)
jql-queries-vec (-> root-zloc (z/find-value z/next :jql-queries) z/next z/sexpr)
project-header-zloc (-> root-zloc (z/find-value z/next :project-header) z/next)
modified-project-header-zloc (if project-header-zloc
(z/replace project-header-zloc (->> (-> (LocalDateTime/now) (.format (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))) (str "Дата создания: ")))
project-starts-zloc (-> (z/up modified-project-header-zloc) (z/find-value z/next :project-starts) z/next)
modified-project-starts-zloc (if project-starts-zloc
#_(z/replace project-starts-zloc (-> (LocalDate/now) (.minus 30 ChronoUnit/DAYS) str))
modified-root-zloc modified-project-starts-zloc
tasks-vec-zloc (-> modified-root-zloc (z/find-value z/next :project-content) z/next)
new-tasks-vec (->> jql-queries-vec (map task-search) flatten make-hierarchy-ordered-issues (map make-task-entry) flatten vec)
new-content (z/root-string (z/replace tasks-vec-zloc new-tasks-vec))
new-content' (string/replace new-content ", :" "\n :")
new-content'' (string/replace new-content' "} {:" "}\n\n{:")
updated-content-string (->
(process ["echo" new-content''])
(process [cljstyle-program "pipe"] {:out :string})
(spit edn-filename updated-content-string)
(println "Success.")
(defn generate-report
"Find particular EDN files in a given path, fetch Jira tasks and update EDN files.
JQL query should be in :jql-queries vector inside EDN files."
[^String path]
(let [report-file-type "report"]
(prf "Generating reports for `**%s*.edn` files from Jira..." report-file-type)
(not (fs/exists? path)) (prf "Path must exist: %s" path)
(fs/directory? path) (let [edn-files (mapv str (fs/glob path (format "**%s*.edn" report-file-type)))]
(run! update-file edn-files))
(fs/regular-file? path) (if (-> path fs/file-name str (string/includes? report-file-type)) ; we want to update only *current*.edn files
(update-file path)
(prf "File should contain `%s` in the name" report-file-type))
:else (prf "Path should be file or folder: %s" path))))
;; Entry point to program
(def spec
{:help {:desc "Print help"
:alias :h}
:path {:desc "Path to Gantt EDN files to transform."
:coerce :string
:validate string?
:alias :p}})
(defn exec
"Exec script to generate Gantt report."
(when (-> cljstyle-program fs/which str string/blank?)
(prf "This script requires %s program. Install it before use." cljstyle-program)
(System/exit -1))
(let [help-str (str "Usage:\n" (cli/format-opts {:spec spec :order [:path :help]}))]
(:help opts) (println help-str)
(:path opts) (generate-report (:path opts))
:else (println help-str))))
(defn -main
[& args]
(prf "Gantt report builder for Jira. Start time: %s" (-> (LocalDateTime/now) (.format (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))))
(exec (cli/parse-opts args {:spec spec})))
(apply -main *command-line-args*)
(task-search "project=PRJ")
(task-search "parent=PRJ-31") ;; story -> sub-task
(task-search "project=PRJ AND issuetype=Story AND 'Epic link'=PRJ-18") ;; epic -> story
(task-search "project=PRJ AND parent=PRJ-18") ;; story -> sub-task
(-> "PRJ-229" get-raw-issue extract-fields)
(-main "-p" "/Users/myusername/projects/process/service1/plan/")
(-main "-h"))
{:inline-text-begin "language ru"
:scale "1200*800"
:project-title "PRJNAME, S+ project"
:project-starts "2022-06-13"
:project-header "Creation date: 2022-08-05 15:05:09"
:project-scale-zoom {:scale :weekly :zoom 3}
:closed-days #{:saturday :sunday}
:holidays ["2022-06-13"]
:today {:color "#AAF"}
[;; epic and story
;; "issuekey=MLCQ-103 OR 'Epic link'=MLCQ-103 OR parent in (\"MLCQ-103\") OR issue IN subtasksOf('\"Epic link\" = MLCQ-103 ')"
;; epic,story,task,subtask
"issuekey=MLCQ-103 OR 'Epic link'=MLCQ-103 OR parent in (\"MLCQ-103\") OR issue IN subtasksOf('\"Epic link\" = MLCQ-103 ') OR issueFunction in subtasksOf('\"Epic link\" = MLCQ-103')"
;; Epic, story and all linked issues in other projects
;; "issue = MLCQ-103 OR issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfAllRecursiveLimited(\"issue = MLCQ-103\", 1)"
:project-content []
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