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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Save mikearmstrong001/44a16f5cb0fa1229843c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <exception>
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4702 )
namespace sl
struct except : public std::exception
std::string reason;
except( std::string const &r ) : reason( r )
#define CHECK_SLPARAM(p,t,msg) \
do { \
if ( (p) == NULL || (p)->type != t ) \
{ \
throw sl::except( (msg) ); \
} \
} while (0);
#define CHECK_SLPARAM_RET(p,t,msg,r) \
do { \
if ( (p) == NULL || (p)->type != t ) \
{ \
throw sl::except( (msg) ); \
return (r); \
} \
} while (0);
#define CHECK_SLPARAMTEST_RET(p,msg,r) \
do { \
if ( !(p) ) \
{ \
throw sl::except( (msg) ); \
return (r); \
} \
} while (0);
#define CHECK_SLPARAM_COUNT(p,bp,c,msg) \
do { \
if ( (p) == NULL || ((p)->type != sl::CT_LIST && (p)->e->size() <= ((bp)+(c)))) \
{ \
throw sl::except( (msg) ); \
} \
} while (0);
#define CHECK_SLPARAM_COUNT_RET(p,bp,c,msg,r) \
do { \
if ( (p) == NULL || ((p)->type != sl::CT_LIST && (p)->e->size() <= ((bp)+(c)))) \
{ \
throw sl::except( (msg) ); \
return (r); \
} \
} while (0);
struct env;
struct cell;
typedef cell *(*nativefunc)( env &e, unsigned int p0, cell *c );
enum celltype
struct cell
short type;
short marked;
double n;
char *sptr;
void *p;
std::vector<cell*> *e;
nativefunc f;
double n3[3];
void *p3[3];
char ss[sizeof(double)*3];
void mark()
if ( marked )
marked = 1;
if ( type == CT_LIST )
for (unsigned int i=0; i<e->size(); i++)
void sweep()
if ( type == CT_LIST )
delete e;
} else
if ( type == CT_STRINGALLOC )
delete sptr;
type = -1;
struct cellmem
std::vector< cell* > _cells;
std::vector< cell* > _gccells;
std::vector< cell* > freecells;
void free()
for (unsigned int i=0; i<_cells.size(); i++)
delete _cells[i];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<_gccells.size(); i++)
delete _gccells[i];
void freetemp( cell *c )
freecells.push_back( c );
void sweep()
for (unsigned int i=0; i<_gccells.size(); i++)
if ( _gccells[i]->marked == 0 )
freetemp( _gccells[i] );
_gccells[i]->marked = 0;
struct env
cellmem *mem;
std::map<std::string, cell*> lookup;
env *parent;
void *user;
std::vector< cell* > protectedcells;
env( cellmem *m, void *u ) : mem(m), parent( NULL ), user(u) {}
cell *alloc()
cell *c = new cell;
c->type = -1;
c->marked = 0;
mem->_cells.push_back( c );
return c;
cell *alloctemp()
if ( mem->freecells.size() )
cell *c = mem->freecells.back();
return c;
cell *c = new cell;
c->type = -1;
c->marked = 0;
mem->_gccells.push_back( c );
return c;
unsigned int protectindex()
return protectedcells.size();
cell* protectcell( cell *c )
protectedcells.push_back( c );
return c;
void protectrewind( unsigned int v )
protectedcells.resize( v );
void mark()
for (unsigned int i=0; i<protectedcells.size(); i++)
for (std::map<std::string, cell*>::iterator it=lookup.begin(); it!=lookup.end(); it++)
if ( parent )
void sweep()
void gc()
struct autoprotect
env &e;
unsigned int index;
autoprotect( env &_e ) : e(_e)
index = e.protectindex();
cell _T = {};
cell _F = {};
cell _Nil = {};
char *allocstring( const char *s, int len )
char *cpy = new char[len+1];
memset( cpy, 0, len+1 );
memcpy( cpy, s, len );
return cpy;
std::vector<cell*> *allocsubcells()
std::vector<cell*> *sc = new std::vector<cell*>();
return sc;
cell *makeNumber( env &e, double d, bool temp )
cell *c = temp ? e.alloctemp() : e.alloc();
c->type = CT_NUMBER;
c->n = d;
return c;
cell *makeNumber3( env &e, double d0, double d1, double d2, bool temp )
cell *c = temp ? e.alloctemp() : e.alloc();
c->type = CT_NUMBER3;
c->n3[0] = d0;
c->n3[1] = d1;
c->n3[2] = d2;
return c;
cell *makeString( env &e, const char *cstr, bool temp )
cell *c = temp ? e.alloctemp() : e.alloc();
int len = strlen( cstr );
if ( len < (sizeof(double)*3-1) )
strcpy( c->ss, cstr );
} else
c->sptr = allocstring( cstr, len );
return c;
cell *makeString( env &e, const char *cstr, int len, bool temp )
cell *c = temp ? e.alloctemp() : e.alloc();
if ( len < (sizeof(double)*3-1) )
strncpy( c->ss, cstr, len );
} else
c->sptr = allocstring( cstr, len );
return c;
cell *makePtr( env &e, void *p, bool temp )
cell *c = temp ? e.alloctemp() : e.alloc();
c->type = CT_POINTER;
c->p = p;
return c;
cell *makePtr3( env &e, void *p0, void *p1, void *p2, bool temp )
cell *c = temp ? e.alloctemp() : e.alloc();
c->type = CT_POINTER3;
c->p3[0] = p0;
c->p3[1] = p1;
c->p3[2] = p2;
return c;
cell *makeNative( env &e, nativefunc f )
cell *c = e.alloc();
c->type = CT_NATIVE;
c->f = f;
return c;
cell* lookup( env &e, const std::string &name )
std::map<std::string, cell*>::iterator f = e.lookup.find( name );
if ( f != e.lookup.end() )
return f->second;
if ( !e.parent )
return NULL;
} else
return lookup( *e.parent, name );
// (func p0 ... pn)
static bool isnumber( std::string::size_type c, std::string::size_type e, std::string const &s )
while ( c < e )
if ( (s[c] < '0' || s[c] > '9') && s[c] != '.' )
return false;
return true;
cell *atom( env &e, std::string::size_type &c, std::string const &s )
if ( s[c] == '"' )
std::string::size_type end = s.find_first_of( "\"", c );
if ( end == std::string::npos )
return &_Nil;
cell *cl = makeString( e, &s[c], (end-c), false );
c = end+1;
return cl;
std::string::size_type end = s.find_first_of( " ()\t\n\r", c );
if ( end == std::string::npos )
return &_Nil;
if ( isnumber( c, end, s ) )
cell *cl = e.alloc();
cl->type = CT_NUMBER;
cl->n = atof( s.substr( c, end-c ).c_str() );
c = end+1;
return cl;
} else
cell *cl = makeString( e, &s[c], (end-c), false );
c = end+1;
return cl;
return &_Nil;
void replace( std::string &s, std::string const &f, std::string const &t )
std::string::size_type c = s.find( f );
while ( c != std::string::npos )
s.replace( c, f.size(), t );
c = s.find( f, c+((int)t.size()-(int)f.size()) );
cell* tokenise( env &e, std::string::size_type &c, std::string const &s )
cell *cl = e.alloc();
cl->type = CT_LIST;
cl->e = allocsubcells();
c = s.find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", c );
if ( c == std::string::npos )
return cl;
while ( s[c] != ')' )
if ( s[c] == '(' )
cl->e->push_back( tokenise( e, c, s ) );
} else
cl->e->push_back( atom(e, c,s) );
c = s.find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", c );
if ( c == std::string::npos )
throw sl::except( "tokenise: Unexpected end of string" );
return NULL;
return cl;
cell* tokenise( env &e, std::string s )
replace( s, "(", " ( " );
replace( s, ")", " ) " );
std::string::size_type c = 0;
c = s.find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", c );
if ( c == std::string::npos )
throw sl::except( "tokenise: Unexpected end of string" );
return NULL;
cell *cl = e.alloc();
cl->type = CT_LIST;
cl->e = allocsubcells();
while ( 1 )
if ( s[c] == '(' )
cl->e->push_back( tokenise( e, c, s ) );
} else
throw sl::except( std::string("tokenise: '(' expected but got '")+s[c]+std::string("'") );
return NULL;
c = s.find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", c );
if ( c == std::string::npos )
return cl;
return cl;
bool IsString( cell *c )
return c && (c->type == CT_STRINGALLOC || c->type == CT_STRINGSMALL);
char *ResolveString( cell *c )
if ( c->type == CT_STRINGALLOC )
return c->sptr;
if ( c->type == CT_STRINGSMALL )
return c->ss;
return NULL;
cell * eval( env &e, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( e );
if ( c->type == CT_NUMBER )
return c;
if ( IsString( c ) )
const char *s = ResolveString( c );
cell *car = lookup( e, s );
return car ? car : c;
} else
if ( c->type == CT_LIST )
if ( c->e->size() == 0 )
return &_Nil;
if ( IsString( c->e->operator[](0) ) )//->type == CT_STRING )
const char *s = ResolveString( c->e->operator[](0) );//->s;
cell *car = lookup( e, s );
if ( car && car->type == CT_NATIVE )
return car->f( e, 1, c );
} else
return c;
} else
if ( c->e->operator[](0)->type == CT_LIST )
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<c->e->size(); i++ )
eval( e, c->e->operator[](i) );
return &_Nil;
throw sl::except( "Eval: Param 0 of list is not string or list" );
return &_Nil;
cell *if_func( env &e, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( e );
CHECK_SLPARAM_COUNT_RET( c, bp, 2, "if_func: insufficient param count", &sl::_Nil );
cell *p0 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+0) ) );
if ( p0 == &_T )
return eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+1) );
} else
if ( c->e->size() > 3 )
return eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+2) );
} else
return &_Nil;
cell *gr_func( env &e, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( e );
CHECK_SLPARAM_COUNT_RET( c, bp, 2, "gr_func: insufficient param count", &sl::_Nil );
cell *p0 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+0) ) );
cell *p1 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+1) ) );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p0, CT_NUMBER, "gr_func: Param 0 of list is not number", &_Nil );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p1, CT_NUMBER, "gr_func: Param 1 of list is not number", &_Nil );
return p0->n > p1->n ? &_T : &_F;
cell *ls_func( env &e, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( e );
CHECK_SLPARAM_COUNT_RET( c, bp, 2, "ls_func: insufficient param count", &sl::_Nil );
cell *p0 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+0) ) );
cell *p1 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+1) ) );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p0, CT_NUMBER, "ls_func: Param 0 of list is not number", &_Nil );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p1, CT_NUMBER, "ls_func: Param 1 of list is not number", &_Nil );
return p0->n < p1->n ? &_T : &_F;
cell *eq_func( env &e, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( e );
CHECK_SLPARAM_COUNT_RET( c, bp, 2, "eq_func: insufficient param count", &sl::_Nil );
cell *p0 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+0) ) );
cell *p1 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+1) ) );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p0, CT_NUMBER, "eq_func: Param 0 of list is not number", &_Nil );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p1, CT_NUMBER, "eq_func: Param 1 of list is not number", &_Nil );
return p0->n == p1->n ? &_T : &_F;
cell *loop_func( env &pe, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( pe );
CHECK_SLPARAM_COUNT_RET( c, bp, 4, "loop_func: insufficient param count", &sl::_Nil );
env e( pe.mem, pe.user );
e.parent = &pe;
cell *p0 = pe.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+0) ) );
cell *p1 = pe.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+1) ) );
cell *p2 = pe.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+2) ) );
cell *p3 = pe.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](bp+3) ) );
CHECK_SLPARAMTEST_RET( IsString(p0), "loop_func: Param 0 of list is not string", &_Nil );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p1, CT_NUMBER, "loop_func: Param 1 of list is not number", &_Nil );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p2, CT_NUMBER, "loop_func: Param 2 of list is not number", &_Nil );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p3, CT_NUMBER, "loop_func: Param 3 of list is not number", &_Nil );
cell *var = pe.protectcell( makeNumber( e, p1->n, true ) );
e.lookup[ResolveString(p0)] = var;
for ( double i = p1->n; i<p2->n; i+=p3->n )
var->n = i;
for ( unsigned int j=bp+4; j<c->e->size(); j++)
eval( e, c->e->operator[](j) );
return &_T;
cell *add_func( env &e, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( e );
double d = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i=bp; i<c->e->size(); i++)
cell *p0 = e.protectcell( eval(e, c->e->operator[](i) ) );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p0, CT_NUMBER, "add_func: Param is not number", &_Nil );
d += p0->n;
return makeNumber( e, d, true );
cell *max_func( env &e, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( e );
double d = -DBL_MAX;
for (unsigned int i=bp; i<c->e->size(); i++)
cell *p0 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](i) ) );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p0, CT_NUMBER, "add_func: Param is not number", &_Nil );
if ( p0->n > d )
d = p0->n;
return makeNumber( e, d, true );
cell *min_func( env &e, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( e );
double d = DBL_MAX;
for (unsigned int i=bp; i<c->e->size(); i++)
cell *p0 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](i) ) );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p0, CT_NUMBER, "add_func: Param is not number", &_Nil );
if ( p0->n < d )
d = p0->n;
return makeNumber( e, d, true );
cell *print_func( env &e, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
autoprotect protect( e );
for (unsigned int i=bp; i<c->e->size(); i++)
cell *p0 = e.protectcell( eval( e, c->e->operator[](i) ) );
CHECK_SLPARAM_RET( p0, CT_NUMBER, "add_func: Param is not number", &_Nil );
if ( p0->type == CT_NUMBER )
printf( "%lf\n", p0->n );
return &_T;
cell *scope_func( env &pe, unsigned int bp, cell *c )
env e( pe.mem, pe.user );
e.parent = &pe;
autoprotect protect( e );
for (unsigned int i=bp; i<c->e->size(); i++)
eval( e, c->e->operator[](i) );
return &_Nil;
void registerCommon( env &e )
e.lookup["if"] = makeNative( e, &if_func );
e.lookup[">"] = makeNative( e, &gr_func );
e.lookup["<"] = makeNative( e, &ls_func );
e.lookup["=="] = makeNative( e, &eq_func );
e.lookup["add"] = makeNative( e, &add_func );
e.lookup["max"] = makeNative( e, &max_func );
e.lookup["min"] = makeNative( e, &min_func );
e.lookup["loop"] = makeNative( e, &loop_func );
e.lookup["scope"] = makeNative( e, &scope_func );
#if 0
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
cellmem mem;
_T = makeNumber( mem, 1.0, false );
_F = makeNumber( mem, 0.0, false );
_Nil = makeNumber( mem, 0.0, false );
env e;
e.lookup["if"] = makeNative( mem, &if_func );
e.lookup[">"] = makeNative( mem, &gr_func );
e.lookup["<"] = makeNative( mem, &ls_func );
e.lookup["=="] = makeNative( mem, &eq_func );
e.lookup["add"] = makeNative( mem, &add_func );
e.lookup["max"] = makeNative( mem, &max_func );
e.lookup["min"] = makeNative( mem, &min_func );
e.lookup["loop"] = makeNative( mem, &loop_func );
e.lookup["print"] = makeNative( mem, &print_func );
e.lookup["probecount"] = makeNumber( mem, 10.0, false);
cell *c = tokenise( mem, "(if (> 1 2) (add 1 2) (add 2 2))" );
cell *o = eval( mem, e, c );
cell *c2 = tokenise( mem, "(loop index 0 probecount 1 (print index))" );
cell *o2 = eval( mem, e, c2 );
return 0;
#if 0
(loop index 0 (probecount) 1
(print index)
#pragma warning( pop )
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