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Created November 5, 2014 09:35
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Playing with simple grammar to cpp recursive descent
BoolExpression =
Expression "==" Expression
Expression ">=" Expression
Expression "<=" Expression
Expression ">" Expression
Expression "<" Expression
IfStatement =
"if" "(" BoolExpression ")" Block "else" IfStatement
"if" "(" BoolExpression ")" Block "else" Block
"if" "(" BoolExpression ")" Block
AddSubOp =
ExpressionCont *
AddSubOp Expression
Expression =
Term ExpressionCont
MulDivOp =
TermCont *
MulDivOp Term
Term =
Factor TermCont
Factor =
"(" Expression ")"
"-" Factor
AssignStatement =
ident "=" Expression ";"
DoStatement =
"do" Block "while" "(" BoolExpression ")"
WhileStatement =
"while" "(" BoolExpression ")" Block
Statement =
Statements *
Block =
"{" Statements "}"
Type =
ReturnType =
Arg =
Type ident
MoreArgs *
"," Arg
Args =
Arg MoreArgs
Func =
"func" ReturnType ident "(" Args ")" Block
"func" ReturnType ident "(" ")" Block
Var =
"var" Type ident ";"
FuncVar =
FuncVarDecls *
Program =
#include "lang.bnfish.h"
#include "parseinfo.h"
bool BoolExpression( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& Expression(pi)
&& match( pi, "==" )
&& Expression(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& Expression(pi)
&& match( pi, ">=" )
&& Expression(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& Expression(pi)
&& match( pi, "<=" )
&& Expression(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& Expression(pi)
&& match( pi, ">" )
&& Expression(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& Expression(pi)
&& match( pi, "<" )
&& Expression(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool IfStatement( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "if" )
&& match( pi, "(" )
&& BoolExpression(pi)
&& match( pi, ")" )
&& Block(pi)
&& match( pi, "else" )
&& IfStatement(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "if" )
&& match( pi, "(" )
&& BoolExpression(pi)
&& match( pi, ")" )
&& Block(pi)
&& match( pi, "else" )
&& Block(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "if" )
&& match( pi, "(" )
&& BoolExpression(pi)
&& match( pi, ")" )
&& Block(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool AddSubOp( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "+" )
return true;
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "-" )
return true;
return false;
bool ExpressionCont( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
while ( 1
&& AddSubOp(pi)
&& Expression(pi)
{ }
return true;
bool Expression( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& Term(pi)
&& ExpressionCont(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool MulDivOp( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "*" )
return true;
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "/" )
return true;
return false;
bool TermCont( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
while ( 1
&& MulDivOp(pi)
&& Term(pi)
{ }
return true;
bool Term( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& Factor(pi)
&& TermCont(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool Factor( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "(" )
&& Expression(pi)
&& match( pi, ")" )
return true;
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "-" )
&& Factor(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& ident(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool AssignStatement( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& ident(pi)
&& match( pi, "=" )
&& Expression(pi)
&& match( pi, ";" )
return true;
return false;
bool DoStatement( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "do" )
&& Block(pi)
&& match( pi, "while" )
&& match( pi, "(" )
&& BoolExpression(pi)
&& match( pi, ")" )
return true;
return false;
bool WhileStatement( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "while" )
&& match( pi, "(" )
&& BoolExpression(pi)
&& match( pi, ")" )
&& Block(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool Statement( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& IfStatement(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& AssignStatement(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& DoStatement(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& WhileStatement(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& Block(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool Statements( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
while ( 1
&& Statement(pi)
{ }
return true;
bool Block( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "{" )
&& Statements(pi)
&& match( pi, "}" )
return true;
return false;
bool Type( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "int" )
return true;
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "uint" )
return true;
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "float" )
return true;
return false;
bool ReturnType( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& Type(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "void" )
return true;
return false;
bool Arg( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& Type(pi)
&& ident(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool MoreArgs( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
while ( 1
&& match( pi, "," )
&& Arg(pi)
{ }
return true;
bool Args( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& Arg(pi)
&& MoreArgs(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool Func( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "func" )
&& ReturnType(pi)
&& ident(pi)
&& match( pi, "(" )
&& Args(pi)
&& match( pi, ")" )
&& Block(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "func" )
&& ReturnType(pi)
&& ident(pi)
&& match( pi, "(" )
&& match( pi, ")" )
&& Block(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool Var( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& match( pi, "var" )
&& Type(pi)
&& ident(pi)
&& match( pi, ";" )
return true;
return false;
bool FuncVar( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& Func(pi)
return true;
if ( 1
&& Var(pi)
return true;
return false;
bool FuncVarDecls( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
while ( 1
&& FuncVar(pi)
{ }
return true;
bool Program( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( 1
&& FuncVarDecls(pi)
return true;
return false;
#include "parseinfo.h"
bool BoolExpression( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool IfStatement( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool AddSubOp( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool ExpressionCont( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Expression( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool MulDivOp( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool TermCont( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Term( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Factor( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool AssignStatement( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool DoStatement( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool WhileStatement( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Statement( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Statements( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Block( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Type( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool ReturnType( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Arg( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool MoreArgs( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Args( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Func( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Var( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool FuncVar( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool FuncVarDecls( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Program( ParseInfo &_pi );
// lang.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include "parseinfo.h"
struct Parser
std::string str;
std::string::size_type cursor;
Parser() : cursor(0)
Parser( std::string &ln ) : str(ln), cursor(0)
void read( const char *filename )
FILE *f = fopen( filename, "rb" );
if ( f == NULL )
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
int p = ftell( f );
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
str.resize( p );
fread( &str[0], 1, p, f );
fclose( f );
cursor = 0;
std::string token()
if ( cursor == std::string::npos )
return "";
std::string::size_type s = str.find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", cursor );
if ( s == std::string::npos )
return "";
std::string::size_type e = str.find_first_of( " \t\n\r", s );
cursor = e;
if ( e == std::string::npos )
return str.substr( s );
return str.substr( s, (e-s) );
void skipws()
cursor = str.find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", cursor );
bool eof()
if ( cursor == std::string::npos )
return true;
std::string::size_type s = str.find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", cursor );
if ( s == std::string::npos )
return true;
return false;
void expect( const char *e )
std::string t = token();
assert( t == e );
bool test( const char *e )
std::string::size_type c = cursor;
std::string t = token();
if ( t == e )
return true;
cursor = c;
return false;
std::string peek()
std::string::size_type c = cursor;
std::string t = token();
cursor = c;
return t;
std::string readline()
if ( cursor == std::string::npos )
return "";
std::string::size_type s = str.find_first_not_of( "\n", cursor );
if ( s == std::string::npos )
return "";
std::string::size_type e = str.find_first_of( "\n", s );
cursor = e;
if ( e == std::string::npos )
return str.substr( s );
return str.substr( s, (e-s) );
std::string extractclosing()
std::string::size_type s = cursor;
int open = 0;
std::string t = token();
if ( t == "(" || t == "[" || t == "{" )
if ( t == ")" || t == "]" || t == "}" )
} while ( open );
if ( cursor == std::string::npos )
return str.substr( s );
} else
return str.substr( s, (cursor-s) );
void ParseState( FILE *cpp, FILE *hdr, Parser &p )
std::string tok = p.token();
if ( p.test( "*" ) )
fprintf( hdr, "bool %s( ParseInfo &_pi );\n", tok.c_str() );
fprintf( cpp, "bool %s( ParseInfo &_pi )\n", tok.c_str() );
fprintf( cpp, "{\n", tok.c_str() );
fprintf( cpp, "\tParseInfo pi(_pi);\n" );
//tok = p.token();
std::string ln = p.readline();
Parser lnp( ln );
fprintf( cpp, "\twhile ( 1\n" );
while ( !lnp.eof() )
std::string c = lnp.token();
if ( c[0] == '"' )
fprintf( cpp, "\t\t&& match( pi, %s )\n", c.c_str() );
} else
fprintf( cpp, "\t\t&& %s(pi)\n", c.c_str() );
fprintf( cpp, "\t\t )\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "\t{ }\n" );
p.expect( "." );
fprintf( cpp, "\tpi.commit(_pi);\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "\treturn true;\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "}\n\n", tok.c_str() );
} else
p.expect( "=" );
fprintf( hdr, "bool %s( ParseInfo &_pi );\n", tok.c_str() );
fprintf( cpp, "bool %s( ParseInfo &_pi )\n", tok.c_str() );
fprintf( cpp, "{\n", tok.c_str() );
fprintf( cpp, "\tParseInfo pi(_pi);\n" );
while ( !p.test( "." ) )
std::string ln = p.readline();
Parser lnp( ln );
fprintf( cpp, "\tif ( 1\n" );
while ( !lnp.eof() )
std::string c = lnp.token();
if ( c[0] == '"' )
fprintf( cpp, "\t\t&& match( pi, %s )\n", c.c_str() );
} else
fprintf( cpp, "\t\t&& %s(pi)\n", c.c_str() );
fprintf( cpp, "\t\t )\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "\t{\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "\t\tpi.commit(_pi);\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "\t\treturn true;\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "\t}\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "\t_pi.commit(pi);\n");
fprintf( cpp, "\treturn false;\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "}\n\n", tok.c_str() );
void test( std::string const &str );
#define STR(a) #a
const char *testprog = STR(
func void a()
if ( a == b )
func void b( int g )
t = 5 + 7 * 8;
func void c( int g , float f )
var int t;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
test( testprog );
Parser p; "E:\\Dev\\mike\\lang\\lang.bnfish" );
FILE *cpp = fopen( "lang.bnfish.cpp", "wb" );
FILE *hdr = fopen( "lang.bnfish.h", "wb" );
fprintf( cpp, "#include \"lang.bnfish.h\"\n" );
fprintf( cpp, "#include \"parseinfo.h\"\n" );
fprintf( hdr, "#include \"parseinfo.h\"\n" );
while ( !p.eof() )
ParseState( cpp, hdr, p );
fclose( hdr );
fclose( cpp );
return 0;
bool match( ParseInfo &_pi, const char *test )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
if ( pi.test( test ) )
return true;
return false;
bool ident( ParseInfo &_pi )
ParseInfo pi(_pi);
std::string t = pi.ident();
return true;
#include "lang.bnfish.h"
void test( std::string const &str )
ParseInfo pi;
pi.str = &str;
bool r = Program( pi ) && pi.cursor==std::string::npos;
bool BoolExpression( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool IfStatement( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool StatementExpression( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Statement( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Statements( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Block( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Type( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Arg( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool MoreArgs( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Args( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Func( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Var( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool FuncVar( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool FuncVarDecls( ParseInfo &_pi );
bool Program( ParseInfo &_pi );
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
bool match( struct ParseInfo &_pi, const char *test );
bool ident( struct ParseInfo &_pi );
struct ParseInfo
const std::string *str;
std::string::size_type cursor;
ParseInfo() : str(NULL), cursor(0)
void read( const char *filename )
FILE *f = fopen( filename, "rb" );
if ( f == NULL )
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
int p = ftell( f );
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
std::string *s = new std::string();
s->resize( p );
fread( &(*s)[0], 1, p, f );
fclose( f );
str = s;
cursor = 0;
std::string token()
if ( cursor == std::string::npos )
return "";
std::string::size_type s = str->find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", cursor );
if ( s == std::string::npos )
return "";
const char *twochar[] = { "==", "!=", ">=", "<=", NULL };
for (int i=0; twochar[i]; i++)
std::string::size_type sc = str->substr(s, 2).find(twochar[i] );
if ( sc != std::string::npos )
cursor = s + 2;
if ( cursor >= str->size() )
cursor = std::string::npos;
return str->substr( s, 2 );
std::string::size_type sc = str->substr(s, 1).find_first_of( "[](){};,.:" );
if ( sc != std::string::npos )
cursor = s + 1;
if ( cursor >= str->size() )
cursor = std::string::npos;
return str->substr( s, 1 );
std::string::size_type e = str->find_first_of( " \t\n\r", s );
cursor = e;
if ( e == std::string::npos )
return str->substr( s );
return str->substr( s, (e-s) );
std::string ident()
if ( cursor == std::string::npos )
return "";
std::string::size_type s = str->find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", cursor );
if ( s == std::string::npos )
return "";
std::string::size_type e = str->find_first_of( " \t\n\r()[];", s );
cursor = e;
if ( e == std::string::npos )
return str->substr( s );
return str->substr( s, (e-s) );
void skipws()
cursor = str->find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", cursor );
bool eof()
if ( cursor == std::string::npos )
return true;
std::string::size_type s = str->find_first_not_of( " \t\n\r", cursor );
if ( s == std::string::npos )
return true;
return false;
void expect( const char *e )
std::string t = token();
assert( t == e );
bool test( const char *e )
std::string::size_type c = cursor;
std::string t = token();
if ( t == e )
return true;
cursor = c;
return false;
std::string peek()
std::string::size_type c = cursor;
std::string t = token();
cursor = c;
return t;
std::string readline()
if ( cursor == std::string::npos )
return "";
std::string::size_type s = str->find_first_not_of( "\n", cursor );
if ( s == std::string::npos )
return "";
std::string::size_type e = str->find_first_of( "\n", s );
cursor = e;
if ( e == std::string::npos )
return str->substr( s );
return str->substr( s, (e-s) );
std::string extractclosing()
std::string::size_type s = cursor;
int open = 0;
std::string t = token();
if ( t == "(" || t == "[" || t == "{" )
if ( t == ")" || t == "]" || t == "}" )
} while ( open );
if ( cursor == std::string::npos )
return str->substr( s );
} else
return str->substr( s, (cursor-s) );
void commit( ParseInfo &o )
o.cursor = cursor;
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