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Created October 1, 2020 21:15
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export interface None {
readonly _tag: "None"
export interface Some<A> {
readonly _tag: "Some"
readonly value: A
export type Option<A> = None | Some<A>
export interface Left<E> {
readonly _tag: "Left"
readonly left: E
export interface Right<A> {
readonly _tag: "Right"
readonly right: A
export type Either<E, A> = Left<E> | Right<A>
export interface F_<A> {
_tag: "F_"
A: A
export interface G_<A> {
_tag: "G_"
A: A
export interface H_<A> {
_tag: "H_"
A: A
export interface URItoKind<S, R, E, A> {
F_: F_<A>
G_: G_<A>
H_: H_<A>
Either: Either<E, A>
Option: Option<A>
export type URIS = keyof URItoKind<any, any, any, any>
export type Param = "S" | "R" | "E"
export interface Fix<P extends Param, K> {
Fix: {
[p in P]: K
export type OrFix<P extends Param, C, V> = C extends Fix<P, infer K> ? K : V
export type KindURI = [URIS, ...URIS[]]
export type Kind<F extends KindURI, C, S, R, E, A> = ((...args: F) => any) extends (
head: infer H, infer Rest
) => any
? H extends URIS
? Rest extends KindURI
? URItoKind<
OrFix<"S", C, S>,
OrFix<"R", C, R>,
OrFix<"E", C, E>,
Kind<Rest, C, S, R, E, A>
: URItoKind<OrFix<"S", C, S>, OrFix<"R", C, R>, OrFix<"E", C, E>, A>[H]
: never
: never
export interface Functor<F extends KindURI, C = {}> {
map: <A, A2>(
f: (a: A) => A2
) => <S, R, E>(fa: Kind<F, C, S, R, E, A>) => Kind<F, C, S, R, E, A2>
export interface Bifunctor<F extends KindURI, C = {}> {
bimap: <A, A2, E, E2>(
f: (a: A) => A2,
g: (a: OrFix<"E", C, E>) => OrFix<"E", C, E2>
) => <S, R>(fa: Kind<F, C, S, R, E, A>) => Kind<F, C, S, R, E2, A2>
export const functorOption: Functor<["Option"]> = {
URI: ["Option"],
map: (f) => (fa) => (fa._tag === "None" ? fa : { _tag: "Some", value: f(fa.value) })
export const bifunctorEither: Bifunctor<["Either"]> = {
URI: ["Either"],
bimap: (f, g) => (fa) =>
fa._tag === "Left"
? { _tag: "Left", left: g(fa.left) }
: { _tag: "Right", right: f(fa.right) }
export const bifunctorStringValidation: Bifunctor<["Either"], Fix<"E", string>> = {
URI: ["Either"],
bimap: (f, g) => (fa) =>
fa._tag === "Left"
? { _tag: "Left", left: g(fa.left) }
: { _tag: "Right", right: f(fa.right) }
export function addOne<URI extends KindURI, C>(
F: Functor<URI, C>
): <S, R, E>(fa: Kind<URI, C, S, R, E, number>) => Kind<URI, C, S, R, E, number>
export function addOne<C>(F: Functor<["F_"], C>): (fa: F_<number>) => F_<number> {
return => n + 1)
export const functorEitherOption: Functor<["Either", "Option"], {}> = {
URI: ["Either", "Option"],
map: (f) => (fa) =>
fa._tag === "Left"
? { _tag: "Left", left: fa.left }
: fa.right._tag === "None"
? { _tag: "Right", right: { _tag: "None" } }
: { _tag: "Right", right: { _tag: "Some", value: f(fa.right.value) } }
export const addOneEitherOption = addOne(functorEitherOption)
_tag: "Right",
right: {
_tag: "Some",
value: 1
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