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Created April 28, 2021 22:13
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import * as E from "@effect-ts/core/Either"
import { identity } from "@effect-ts/system/Function"
export type Schema<I, A> =
| SchemaString<I, A>
| SchemaNumber<I, A>
| SchemaRecord<I, A>
| SchemaArray<I, A>
| SchemaDateIso<I, A>
| SchemaCompose<I, A>
| SchemaUnknownArray<I, A>
| SchemaObject<I, A>
export class SchemaCompose<I, A> {
readonly _tag = "SchemaCompose"
readonly use: <X>(f: <B>(self: Schema<I, B>, that: Schema<B, A>) => X) => X
) {}
readonly [">>>"] = <B>(that: Schema<A, B>): Schema<I, B> => {
return compose(that)(this)
export function compose<B, A>(that: Schema<B, A>) {
return <I>(self: Schema<I, B>): Schema<I, A> =>
new SchemaCompose((f) => f(self, that))
export class SchemaString<I, A> {
readonly _tag = "SchemaString"
readonly use: <X>(f: (out: (s: string) => A, inp: (u: I) => unknown) => X) => X
) {}
readonly [">>>"] = <B>(that: Schema<A, B>): Schema<I, B> => {
return compose(that)(this)
export const string: Schema<unknown, string> = new SchemaString((f) =>
f(identity, identity)
export class SchemaObject<I, A> {
readonly _tag = "SchemaObject"
readonly use: <X>(f: (out: (s: {}) => A, inp: (u: I) => unknown) => X) => X
) {}
readonly [">>>"] = <B>(that: Schema<A, B>): Schema<I, B> => {
return compose(that)(this)
export const object: Schema<unknown, {}> = new SchemaString((f) =>
f(identity, identity)
export class SchemaUnknownArray<I, A> {
readonly _tag = "SchemaUnknownArray"
readonly use: <X>(
f: (out: (s: readonly unknown[]) => A, inp: (u: I) => unknown) => X
) => X
) {}
readonly [">>>"] = <B>(that: Schema<A, B>): Schema<I, B> => {
return compose(that)(this)
export const unknownArray: Schema<
readonly unknown[]
> = new SchemaUnknownArray((f) => f(identity, identity))
export class SchemaNumber<I, A> {
readonly _tag = "SchemaNumber"
readonly use: <X>(f: (out: (n: number) => A, inp: (u: I) => unknown) => X) => X
) {}
readonly [">>>"] = <B>(that: Schema<A, B>): Schema<I, B> => {
return compose(that)(this)
export const number: Schema<unknown, number> = new SchemaNumber((f) =>
f(identity, identity)
export class SchemaDateIso<I, A> {
readonly _tag = "SchemaDateIso"
readonly use: <X>(f: (out: (s: Date) => A, inp: (u: I) => string) => X) => X
) {}
readonly [">>>"] = <B>(that: Schema<A, B>): Schema<I, B> => {
return compose(that)(this)
export const dateIso: Schema<string, Date> = new SchemaDateIso((f) =>
f(identity, identity)
export type SchemaRecordType<
Props extends {
[k in keyof Props]: Schema<unknown, any>
> = {
readonly [k in keyof Props]: [Props[k]] extends [Schema<unknown, infer A>] ? A : never
export class SchemaArray<I, A> {
readonly _tag = "SchemaArray"
readonly use: <X>(
f: <Input, Element>(
out: (a: readonly Element[]) => A,
inp: (a: I) => readonly Input[],
element: Schema<Input, Element>
) => X
) => X
) {}
readonly [">>>"] = <B>(that: Schema<A, B>): Schema<I, B> => {
return compose(that)(this)
export function array<I, A>(element: Schema<I, A>): Schema<readonly I[], readonly A[]> {
return new SchemaArray((f) => f(identity, identity, element))
export class SchemaRecord<I, A> {
readonly _tag = "SchemaRecord"
readonly use: <X>(
f: <Props extends { [k in keyof Props]: Schema<unknown, any> }>(
out: (s: SchemaRecordType<Props>) => A,
inp: (i: I) => {},
props: Props
) => X
) => X
) {}
readonly [">>>"] = <B>(that: Schema<A, B>): Schema<I, B> => {
return compose(that)(this)
export function record<Props extends { [k in keyof Props]: Schema<unknown, any> }>(
props: Props
): Schema<
readonly [k in keyof Props]: [Props[k]] extends [Schema<unknown, infer A>]
? A
: never
> {
return new SchemaRecord((f) => f(identity, identity, props))
export type AOfSchema<A> = [A] extends [Schema<any, infer X>] ? X : never
export function guard<I, A>(self: Schema<I, A>): (u: unknown) => u is A {
switch (self._tag) {
case "SchemaCompose": {
return self.use((_, t) => guard(t))
case "SchemaString":
return (u): u is A => typeof u === "string"
case "SchemaObject":
return (u): u is A => typeof u === "object" && u != null
case "SchemaNumber":
return (u): u is A => typeof u === "number"
case "SchemaDateIso":
return (u): u is A => u instanceof Date
case "SchemaUnknownArray":
return (u): u is A => Array.isArray(u)
case "SchemaArray":
return self.use((_, __, element) => {
const guardElement = guard(element)
return (u): u is A => Array.isArray(u) && u.every(guardElement)
case "SchemaRecord":
return self.use((_, __, props) => {
type Props = typeof props
const guards = {} as {
[k in keyof Props]: (u: unknown) => u is AOfSchema<Props[k]>
for (const k of Object.keys(props)) {
guards[k] = guard(props[k])
return (u): u is A => {
if (typeof u !== "object" || u == null) {
return false
for (const k of Object.keys(props)) {
if (!(k in u)) {
return false
if (!guards[k](u[k])) {
return false
return true
export function parse<I, A>(self: Schema<I, A>): (i: I) => E.Either<string, A> {
switch (self._tag) {
case "SchemaCompose":
return self.use((s, t) => {
const parseS = parse(s)
const parseT = parse(t)
return (i) => E.chain_(parseS(i), (b) => parseT(b))
case "SchemaUnknownArray": {
return self.use((o, i) => (_u) => {
const u = i(_u)
return Array.isArray(u) ? E.right(o(u)) : E.left("not an array")
case "SchemaObject":
return (u) =>
typeof u === "object" && u != null
? E.right(self.use((out) => out(u)))
: E.left("not an object")
case "SchemaNumber":
return (u) =>
typeof u === "number"
? E.right(self.use((out) => out(u)))
: E.left("not a number")
case "SchemaString":
return (u) =>
typeof u === "string"
? E.right(self.use((out) => out(u)))
: E.left("not a string")
case "SchemaDateIso":
return (u) =>
self.use((out, inp) => {
const ms = Date.parse(inp(u))
if (Number.isNaN(ms)) {
return E.left("not a valid date")
return E.right(out(new Date(ms)))
case "SchemaArray": {
return self.use((out, inp, element) => {
const parseElement = parse(element)
return (_u) => {
const u = inp(_u)
const elements = [] as AOfSchema<typeof element>[]
for (const ue of u) {
const e = parseElement(ue)
if (E.isLeft(e)) {
return E.left(e.left)
return E.right(out(elements))
case "SchemaRecord": {
return (_u) =>
self.use((out, inp, props) => {
const u = inp(_u)
type Props = typeof props
const res = {} as SchemaRecordType<Props>
for (const k of Object.keys(props)) {
if (!(k in u)) {
return E.left(`key "${k}" missing in ${JSON.stringify(u)}`)
const parsed = parse(props[k])(u[k])
if (E.isLeft(parsed)) {
return E.left(parsed.left)
res[k] = parsed.right
return E.right(out(res))
export function opaque<A>() {
return <I>(self: Schema<I, A>): Schema<I, A> => self
const Person_ = object[">>>"](
createdAt: string[">>>"](dateIso),
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
age: number,
addresses: unknownArray[">>>"](array(string))
export interface Person extends AOfSchema<typeof Person_> {}
export const Person = opaque<Person>()(Person_)
const parsePerson = parse(Person)
const isPerson = guard(Person)
createdAt: "2021-04-28T19:22:18.818Z",
firstName: "Michael",
lastName: "Arnaldi",
age: 30,
addresses: []
createdAt: new Date(Date.parse("2021-04-28T19:22:18.818Z")),
firstName: "Michael",
lastName: "Arnaldi",
age: 30,
addresses: []
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