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Created January 24, 2012 02:48
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// clang -framework Foundation lisp.m
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@interface Node : NSObject
- (id)evaluate: (NSArray *)arguments;
- (id)eval;
#undef TRUE
Node *LOG;
Node *IF;
Node *GT;
Node *TRUE;
#define S(symbol) Wrap(@ #symbol)
#define $(primitive) WrapPrimitive((__typeof__(primitive) []){ primitive }, @encode(__typeof__(primitive)))
Node *WrapPrimitive(void *ptr, const char *type);
@implementation Node
- (id)evaluate: (NSArray *)arguments
return nil;
- (id)eval
return [self evaluate: nil];
@interface _NativeNode : Node
- (id)initWithBlock: (id (^)(NSArray *arguments))block;
@implementation _NativeNode {
id (^_block)(NSArray *);
+ (void)load
@autoreleasepool {
LOG = [[_NativeNode alloc] initWithBlock: ^(NSArray *arguments) {
NSLog(@"%@", arguments);
return (id)nil;
IF = [[_NativeNode alloc] initWithBlock: ^(NSArray *arguments) {
NSUInteger index = [[arguments objectAtIndex: 0] eval] ? 1 : 2;
return [[arguments objectAtIndex: index] eval];
GT = [[_NativeNode alloc] initWithBlock: ^(NSArray *arguments) {
Node *a = [arguments objectAtIndex: 0];
Node *b = [arguments objectAtIndex: 1];
return [[a eval] intValue] > [[b eval] intValue] ? TRUE : nil;
TRUE = $(YES);
- (id)initWithBlock: (id (^)(NSArray *arguments))block
if((self = [super init]))
_block = [block copy];
return self;
- (id)evaluate: (NSArray *)arguments
return _block(arguments);
@interface _WrapperNode : Node
- (id)initWithObject: (id)obj;
@implementation _WrapperNode {
id _obj;
- (id)initWithObject: (id)obj
if((self = [super init]))
_obj = obj;
return self;
- (id)evaluate: (NSArray *)arguments
return _obj;
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%@ %p: %@>", [self class], self, _obj];
@interface _CompoundNode : Node
- (id)initWithSubnodes: (NSArray *)subnodes;
@implementation _CompoundNode {
NSArray *_subnodes;
- (id)initWithSubnodes: (NSArray *)subnodes
if((self = [super init]))
_subnodes = subnodes;
return self;
- (id)evaluate: (NSArray *)arguments
return [[_subnodes objectAtIndex: 0] evaluate: [_subnodes subarrayWithRange: NSMakeRange(1, [_subnodes count] - 1)]];
@interface Node (Sexp)
- (Node *) : (Node *)a;
- (Node *) : (Node *)a : (Node *)b;
- (Node *) : (Node *)a : (Node *)b : (Node *)c;
@implementation Node (Sexp)
- (Node *) : (Node *)a
return [[_CompoundNode alloc] initWithSubnodes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: self, a, nil]];
- (Node *) : (Node *)a : (Node *)b
return [[_CompoundNode alloc] initWithSubnodes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: self, a, b, nil]];
- (Node *) : (Node *)a : (Node *)b : (Node *)c
return [[_CompoundNode alloc] initWithSubnodes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: self, a, b, c, nil]];
Node *Wrap(id obj)
return [[_WrapperNode alloc] initWithObject: obj];
Node *WrapPrimitive(void *ptr, const char *type)
static char numeric[] = { _C_CHR, _C_UCHR, _C_SHT, _C_USHT, _C_INT, _C_UINT, _C_LNG, _C_ULNG, _C_LNG_LNG, _C_ULNG_LNG };
NSValue *obj = nil;
if(strchr(numeric, *type))
long long num = 0;
NSUInteger typeSize;
NSGetSizeAndAlignment(type, &typeSize, NULL);
assert(typeSize <= sizeof(num));
unsigned char *cursor = ptr;
int shift = 0;
while(typeSize --> 0)
num |= (unsigned long long)*cursor++ << shift;
shift += CHAR_BIT;
obj = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: num];
obj = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong: num];
obj = [NSValue valueWithBytes: ptr objCType: type];
return [[_WrapperNode alloc] initWithObject: obj];
int main(int argc, char **argv)
@autoreleasepool {
Node *node = [IF
:[GT : $(2) : $(3)]
:[LOG : S(greater)]
:[LOG : S(not_greater)]];
[node evaluate: nil];
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