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Last active December 18, 2015 03:09
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Save mikeatlas/5716025 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of how to dynamically set a rails secret_token per-heroku app instance. This sets a heroku environment variable on deployment, which is attempted to be read as a secret_token key file. If the token is not found, a new one is generated on the fly (draw back here is that a dynamic secret_key is used every time the app restarts, causing all…
desc 'Pushes to heroku demo app'
task :push_to_demo => :environment do |t, args|
app_name = 'demo'
push app_name
def push(app_name)
puts "$$$$$$$$$$ Pushing to heroku app: #{app_name}"
puts "$$$$$ Pushing to heroku app: #{app_name}"
Bundler.clean_exec "git push{app_name}.git && " << \
"heroku config:add MY_APP_NAME='#{app_name}' --app #{app_name}"
# initializers/secret_token.rb
class ConfigurationError < StandardError; end
require 'securerandom'
require 'yaml'
secret_token_file = 'config/secret_token.yml'
app_name_key = "MY_APP_NAME"
app_name = "my_app"
if ENV[app_name_key]
app_name = ENV[app_name_key]
secret_token = YAML::load([app_name] if File.exists?(secret_token_file) || SecureRandom.hex(64)
raise"Could not load or set secret token from environment or #{File.expand_path(secret_token_file)}") unless secret_token
MyApp::Application.config.secret_token = secret_token
# config/secret_token.yml
# run ">rake secret" to generate a new secret key, as needed.
# default_key
my_app: c6999d5d0a4dd4465fc90b21baa881bf91ba56c5490040300a1847819fc0036abd8a865abc4a2aa5a3f36dbcfd9f53029b38bfa1706ff4919557d07f413dd982
demo: 130e4c313d6d3b427b5ef94849dbebfb4be50c1fd66ecb4dbe6583dc345f558a9d2f46855e0feff0b9510477bf2e6758d5220daf39707d74c586063d4fd59477
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Some credit to @elvanja for his blog post here.

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