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Created June 29, 2011 15:26
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rvm gemset create moof
rvm gemset use moof
rails new moof
cd moof
emacs Gemfile <- add rspec
rails g rspec:install
rake -T
rake secret # Generate a cryptographically secure secret key (this is typically used to generate a secret for cookie sessions).
rake spec # Run all specs in spec directory (excluding plugin specs)
rake spec:controllers # Run the code examples in spec/controllers
rake spec:helpers # Run the code examples in spec/helpers
rake spec:lib # Run the code examples in spec/lib
rake spec:mailers # Run the code examples in spec/mailers
rake spec:models # Run the code examples in spec/models
rake spec:rcov # Run all specs with rcov
rake spec:requests # Run the code examples in spec/requests
rake spec:routing # Run the code examples in spec/routing
rake spec:views # Run the code examples in spec/views
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