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Created March 27, 2013 05:38
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Parse trees using Prolog
% parses given sentence, outputs and draws all possible parse trees
% example is from Coursera NLP course by Michael Collins
% tested with gprolog
% to compile: gplc --no-top-level
% ignore alignment warnings
% to run: ./parse_tree
% based on several examples found on the interwebs
% and on "Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis" by F. Pereira and S. Shieber
% available at
:- initialization(main).
% entry point
% arg1 - parse tree output, arg2 - init for the recursion depth counter,
% arg3 - max recursion depth, arg4 - sentence to parse,
% arg5 - all words should be parsed, so the remaining words should be []
main :- noun_phrase(M, 0, 5, [the, fast, car, mechanic], []), nl, nl, write(M), nl, nl, nl, draw_tree(M, 5),fail.
% grammar description
noun_phrase(np(D, N), Cnt, Limit) --> {Cnt1 is inc(Cnt)}, determiner(D, Cnt1, Limit), noun(N, Cnt1, Limit).
% clauses with the same head should be grouped together
% prevent infinite left-term recursion
noun(_, Cnt, Limit) --> {Cnt > Limit}, !, {fail}. % reached depth limit
noun(n(N1,N2), Cnt, Limit) --> {Cnt1 is inc(Cnt)}, noun(N1, Cnt1, Limit), noun(N2, Cnt1, Limit).
noun(n(JJ,N), Cnt, Limit) --> {Cnt1 is inc(Cnt)}, adjective(JJ, Cnt1, Limit), noun(N, Cnt1, Limit).
noun(n(NN), Cnt, Limit) --> {Cnt1 is inc(Cnt)}, noun_noun(NN, Cnt1, Limit).
% keep all atoms lowercase
noun_noun(nn(car),_,_) --> [car].
noun_noun(nn(mechanic),_,_) --> [mechanic].
adjective(adj(fast),_,_) --> [fast].
determiner(d(the),_,_) --> [the].
% clauses to draw the tree
draw_tree(Sym,Tab) :- nonvar(Sym), functor(Sym,F,A), A > 0,
write('|-- '),
Sym =.. [F|ArgsX],
Tab5 is Tab + 5,
draw_tree(Node,Tab) :- atomic(Node),
write('|-- '),
draw_tree_list([], _).
draw_tree_list([B | Bs],Tab) :- draw_tree(B,Tab), draw_tree_list(Bs,Tab).
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