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Created March 17, 2012 19:32
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Codelesson Clojure Assignment 2
;; ... Given a bunch of dollar bills, in how many ways can they be broken into coins?
;; ======================
;; Algorithm
;; For each coin, calculate a set of multiples from zero to the largest
;; number which is less than or equal to the dollar-value goal. Find
;; the combinations, choosing one multiple from each set, which total to
;; the goal.
;; For example, to calculate combinations of 50c, 25c, 10c, and 5c, that
;; total to 50c, choose one value from each row. (Edge case: need to
;; return 0 where the requested total is 0)
;; 1*50 0*50
;; 2*25 1*25 0*25
;; 5*10 4*10 3*10 2*10 1*10 0*10
;; 10*5 9*5 8*5 7*5 6*5 5*5 4*5 3*5 2*5 1*5 0*5
(ns codelesson.assignment-2)
(defn max-multiple
"the maximum multiple of this coin that is less than or equal to goal-cents"
[goal-cents coin-value]
(- goal-cents (mod goal-cents coin-value)))
(defn multiples
"all the multiples of the coin value that are less than goal-cents, including zero"
[goal-cents coin-value]
(range (max-multiple goal-cents coin-value) -1 (- coin-value)))
(declare count-coin-combinations-cents)
(defn- find-combinations
"find combinations with other coin-values which go with this coin-multiple"
[goal-cents coin-value-set current-multiple]
(if (= current-multiple goal-cents) ; found match, prune the results
(if (empty? coin-value-set) ; can't make an exact match, halt
(count-coin-combinations-cents (- goal-cents current-multiple) coin-value-set))))
(defn- count-coin-combinations-cents [goal-cents coin-value-set]
{:pre [(pos? goal-cents)] }
(let [multiples-of-coin-value (multiples goal-cents (first coin-value-set))
remaining-coin-value-set (rest coin-value-set)]
(reduce +
;; for each coin-multiple, search for combinations that fit with it
(map #(find-combinations goal-cents remaining-coin-value-set %)
(defn count-coin-combinations
"Calculate the combinations of coins in coin-value-set that make up a dollar"
[goal-dollars coin-value-set]
(count-coin-combinations-cents (* 100 goal-dollars) coin-value-set))
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(ns codelesson.test.assignment-2
  (:use codelesson.assignment-2)
  (:use clojure.test))

(deftest ten-dollars-with-50-25
  (is (= 3 (count-coin-combinations 1 [50 25]))))

(deftest ten-dollars-with-50
  (is (= 1 (count-coin-combinations 10 [50]))))

(deftest one-dollar-with-50-25-10-5-1
  (is (= 292 (count-coin-combinations 1 [50 25 10 5 1]))))

(deftest two-dollars-with-100-50-25-10-5-1
  (is (= 2728 (count-coin-combinations 2 [100 50 25 10 5 1]))))

(deftest one-dollar-with-49-1
  (is (= 3 (count-coin-combinations 1 [49 1]))))

(deftest zero-dollars-fails-assertion
  (is (thrown? Throwable #"Assert failed" (count-coin-combinations 0 [49 1]))))

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