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Created April 10, 2012 03:23
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Codelesson Clojure Assignment 6
(ns codelesson.assignment-6
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:import [org.joda.time Years DateTime])
(:import [java.text NumberFormat]))
;; utils
(defn account-logger [key ref old new]
;; (println (str "ACCOUNTS " key "\n WAS:" old "\n NOW:" new "END"))
(def uniq-id (ref 0))
(defn new-uniq-id []
(dosync (alter uniq-id inc)))
(defn years-since [date-time-1 date-time-2]
(.getYears (Years/yearsBetween date-time-1 date-time-2)))
(defn format-money [f]
{:pre [(number? f)]}
(.format (NumberFormat/getCurrencyInstance) f))
;; account definitions
(defn create-account-type [interest-rate overdraft-rate maximum-overdraft]
{:interest-rate interest-rate
:overdraft-rate overdraft-rate
:maximum-overdraft maximum-overdraft})
(def account-types (ref {}))
(defn reset-account-types []
(dosync (ref-set account-types {})))
(defn save-new-account-type [id account-type]
(dosync (alter account-types assoc id account-type)))
(def accounts (ref {}))
(add-watch accounts "accounts" account-logger)
;; overdraft available
(def original-overdraft 100000)
(def overall-overdraft (ref original-overdraft))
;; bank-total
(def original-bank 1000000)
(def overall-bank (ref original-bank))
(defn reset-accounts []
(dosync (ref-set accounts {})))
(defn create-account [account-type balance-dollars date-created]
{:pre [(instance? DateTime date-created)]}
{:account-type account-type
:balance-dollars balance-dollars
:date-created date-created
:tx-count 0})
(defn save-new-account [id account]
{:pre [(contains? @account-types (:account-type account))]}
(dosync (alter accounts assoc id account)))
(defn lookup-account-type-field [account-id field]
{:post (number? %)}
"look up the corresponding field in this account's account type"
((@account-types ((@accounts account-id) :account-type)) field))
(defn inc-transaction-count [account-id]
"create a new account record with increased tx count"
{:pre [(contains? @accounts account-id)]}
(assoc (@accounts account-id)
:tx-count (inc ((@accounts account-id) :tx-count))))
(defn alter-account-amt [account-id fn amt]
"create a new account record with fn (+/-) applied"
{:pre [(fn? fn)
(number? amt)
(contains? @accounts account-id)]}
(let [current-balance ((@accounts account-id) :balance-dollars)]
(assoc (@accounts account-id)
:balance-dollars (fn current-balance amt))))
;; must be called from within dosync
(defn save-account [account-id new-account]
"replace account with new one"
(alter accounts assoc account-id new-account))
(defn bonus-percentage [years rate balance]
{:pre [(number? years) (number? rate) (number? balance)]}
(> 0 balance) 0.0
(<= years 2) 0.0
(and (> years 2) (< years 5)) (if (> 500 balance)
(/ rate 32)
(/ rate 24))
(>= years 5) (if (> 500 balance)
(/ rate 16)
(/ rate 8))))
(defn apply-bonus [account-id]
"Apply appropriate bonus every 10 txes, if account is not in overdraft"
{:pre [(contains? @accounts account-id)] }
(if (= 0
(mod ((@accounts account-id) :tx-count) 10))
(let [age-in-years (years-since ((@accounts account-id) :date-created) (DateTime.))
current-balance ((@accounts account-id) :balance-dollars)
interest-rate (lookup-account-type-field account-id :interest-rate)
bonus-percent (bonus-percentage age-in-years interest-rate current-balance)
bonus (* bonus-percent current-balance)
(if (> current-balance 0)
(save-account account-id (alter-account-amt account-id + bonus))
(alter overall-bank - bonus))))))
(defn apply-interest [account-id]
"Apply appropriate interest every 25 txes, if account is not in overdraft"
{:pre [(contains? @accounts account-id)] }
(if (= 0
(mod ((@accounts account-id) :tx-count) 25))
(let [interest-rate (lookup-account-type-field account-id :interest-rate)
current-balance ((@accounts account-id) :balance-dollars)
interest (* interest-rate current-balance)
(if (> current-balance 0)
(save-account account-id (alter-account-amt account-id + interest))
(alter overall-bank - interest))))))
(defn validate-overdrafts []
(= (format-money (- @overall-overdraft original-overdraft))
(format-money (reduce + (filter neg? (map :balance-dollars (vals @accounts)))))))
(defn repay-overdrafts [account-id amt]
{:pre [(contains? @accounts account-id) (number? amt)] }
"repay the overdraft and return the remainder"
(let [outstanding-overdraft (max 0 (- ((@accounts account-id) :balance-dollars)))
to-repay (min amt outstanding-overdraft)
left-to-transfer (- amt to-repay)
(if (< 0 to-repay)
(alter overall-overdraft + to-repay)
(defn take-from-overdraft [orig-balance new-balance]
"if we're asking for a negative balance, take it from the overdraft acct"
(if (< new-balance -1000)
(throw (Exception. "Exceeded maximum overdraft"))
(if (> new-balance 0)
(let [start (min orig-balance 0)
required (- start new-balance)]
(if (> 0 (- @overall-overdraft required))
(throw (Exception. "Bank declined overdraft")))
(alter overall-overdraft - required)
(defn withdraw [account-id amt]
(let [initial-amt ((@accounts account-id) :balance-dollars)]
(save-account account-id (alter-account-amt account-id - amt))
(save-account account-id (inc-transaction-count account-id))
(apply-interest account-id)
(apply-bonus account-id)
(take-from-overdraft initial-amt ((@accounts account-id) :balance-dollars))
(defn deposit [account-id amt]
;; (let [amt-to-apply (repay-overdrafts account-id amt)]
(repay-overdrafts account-id amt)
(save-account account-id (alter-account-amt account-id + amt))
(save-account account-id (inc-transaction-count account-id))
(apply-interest account-id)
(apply-bonus account-id))
(defn apply-overdraft-penalty [account-id]
;; NOTE: You can apply a penalty on an overdrawn account, to
;; exceed the maximum overdrawn.
(save-account account-id (alter-account-amt account-id - 10))
(alter overall-overdraft - 10)
(alter overall-bank + 10)
(defn transfer [from-account-id to-account-id amt]
{:pre [(contains? @accounts from-account-id)
(contains? @accounts to-account-id)]
:post [(validate-overdrafts)]}
(withdraw from-account-id amt)
(deposit to-account-id amt)
[(@accounts from-account-id) (@accounts to-account-id)]
(catch Exception e
(println "TX Failed" (.getMessage e))
;; I interpret the "in this mode" to mean
;; "when the overdraft request cannot be completed"
(apply-overdraft-penalty from-account-id)))))
;; initialize accounts
(save-new-account-type :chequing (create-account-type 0.02 0.10 1000))
(save-new-account-type :savings (create-account-type 0.04 0.075 1000))
(save-new-account-type :money-market (create-account-type 0.06 0.05 1000))
(defn max-day-of-month [year month]
(.getMaximumValue (.dayOfMonth (DateTime. year month 1 12 0)))
(defn random-account-type []
(let [keys (keys @account-types)]
(nth keys (rand-int (count keys)))))
(defn random-date []
"some random date since Jan 1, seven years ago"
(def year-now (.get (.year (DateTime.))))
(def month (+ 1 (rand-int 12)))
(def year (- year-now (rand-int 7)))
(def day (+ 1 (rand-int (max-day-of-month year month))))
(def hour (rand-int 24))
(def minute (rand-int 60))
(DateTime. year month day hour minute)
(defn random-account []
(create-account (random-account-type) 500 (random-date)))
(defn random-accounts [n]
(dotimes [x n]
(save-new-account (new-uniq-id) (random-account))))
(defn select-random-amt []
(+ 100 (* 10 (rand-int (/ (- 500 100) 10)))))
(defn select-random-account [accounts]
(let [key-list (keys accounts)]
(nth key-list (rand-int (count key-list)))))
(defn exec-random-transaction []
(let [from-account-id (select-random-account @accounts)
to-account-id (select-random-account (dissoc @accounts from-account-id))]
(transfer from-account-id to-account-id (select-random-amt))))
(defn random-transactions [n]
(dotimes [x n]
(defn format-acct [account-id]
(str "acct #" account-id
" balance: " (format-money ((@accounts account-id) :balance-dollars))
" tx-count: " ((@accounts account-id) :tx-count))
(defn format-result [accounts overdraft bank]
(let [key-list (keys accounts)]
(str "Bank balance: " (format-money bank) "\n"
"Overdraft balance: " (format-money overdraft) "\n"
(str/join "\n" (map format-acct key-list)))))
(defn main[]
(random-accounts 10)
(random-transactions 100)
(println (format-result @accounts @overall-overdraft @overall-bank))))
(defn check-result []
;; hardcoded values
(let [orig-accts-total (* (+ 500) 10)
final-accts-total (reduce + (map :balance-dollars (vals @accounts)))
total-overdraft (reduce + (filter neg? (map :balance-dollars (vals @accounts))))]
(println "overall balance delta" (format-money (- final-accts-total orig-accts-total)))
(println "... should match bank balance delta" (format-money (- original-bank @overall-bank)))
(println "overdraft delta" (format-money (- original-overdraft @overall-overdraft)))
(println "... should match total overdraft" (format-money total-overdraft))))
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=> (main)
TX Failed Exceeded maximum overdraft
TX Failed Exceeded maximum overdraft
TX Failed Exceeded maximum overdraft
Bank balance: $1,000,020.20
Overdraft balance: $98,570.00
acct #1 balance: $80.00 tx-count: 22
acct #2 balance: $1,548.70 tx-count: 11
acct #3 balance: ($850.00) tx-count: 23
acct #4 balance: $900.00 tx-count: 17
acct #5 balance: $1,101.10 tx-count: 17
acct #6 balance: ($110.00) tx-count: 23
acct #7 balance: ($470.00) tx-count: 18
acct #8 balance: $2,310.00 tx-count: 19
acct #9 balance: $260.00 tx-count: 23
acct #10 balance: $210.00 tx-count: 21

=> (check-result)
overall balance delta ($20.20)
... should match bank balance delta ($20.20)
overdraft delta $1,430.00
... should match total overdraft ($1,430.00)

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