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Created June 7, 2017 19:39
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xUnit tests for EventAggregator.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Xunit;
// Tests for EventAggregator.cs (
namespace Messaging.Tests.Unit
public class EventAggregatorTests : IDisposable
readonly IEventAggregator _hub;
readonly List<TestEvent> _receivedEvents1;
readonly List<TestEvent> _receivedEvents2;
public EventHubTests()
_hub = new EventAggregator();
_receivedEvents1 = new List<TestEvent>();
_receivedEvents2 = new List<TestEvent>();
public void Dispose()
public void It_Should_Publish_An_Event_To_A_Subscriber()
// Arrange
TestEvent receivedEvent = null;
void Handler(TestEvent e) => receivedEvent = e;
// Act
_hub.Subscribe((Action<TestEvent>)Handler); // C# 7
_hub.Publish(new TestEvent("hello"));
// Assert
public void It_Should_Publish_To_Multiple_Subscribers()
// Arrange
_hub.Subscribe((TestEvent e) => _receivedEvents1.Add(e));
// Act
_hub.Publish(new TestEvent("hello 1"));
_hub.Publish(new TestEvent("hello 2"));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(2, _receivedEvents1.Count);
public void A_Subscriber_Should_Not_Receive_Events_Of_A_Different_Type()
// Arrange
_hub.Subscribe((TestEvent e) => _receivedEvents1.Add(e));
_hub.Subscribe((String e) => { });
// Act
_hub.Publish("hello 1");
_hub.Publish(new TestEvent("hello 2"));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(1, _receivedEvents1.Count);
public void Multiple_Subscribers_Can_Receive_One_Published_Event()
// Arrange
_hub.Subscribe((TestEvent e) => _receivedEvents1.Add(e));
_hub.Subscribe((TestEvent e) => _receivedEvents2.Add(e));
// Act
_hub.Publish(new TestEvent("hello 1"));
_hub.Publish(new TestEvent("hello 2"));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(2, _receivedEvents1.Count);
Assert.Equal(2, _receivedEvents2.Count);
public void A_Subscription_Can_Be_Cancelled()
// Act
using (_hub.Subscribe((TestEvent e) => _receivedEvents1.Add(e)))
_hub.Publish(new TestEvent("hello 1"));
_hub.Publish(new TestEvent("hello 2"));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(1, _receivedEvents1.Count);
private class TestEvent
public TestEvent(string message)
Message = message;
private String Message { get; }
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