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Last active January 27, 2021 02:37
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Get the running ngrok host name via PowerShell
function Get-NGrokHostName
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][String]$TunnelName
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$response = Invoke-WebRequest ''
$obj = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$url = $obj.tunnels |
Where-Object { $ -eq $TunnelName } |
Select-Object -First 1 |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty "public_url"
return $url
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-NGrokHostName
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Powershell version of this:

curl --silent | jq -r '.tunnels[] | select(.name == "MY_TUNNEL_NAME") | .public_url'`

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