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use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy::window::WindowResized;
//Component to tag a marker
struct Marker;
fn main() {
//add a WindowDescriptor resource. This will be used to set initial
//height / width of window, as well as keep track of information and
//data about the window
WindowDescriptor {
title:"Window Resize Example".to_string(),
//initial setup
//window resize event listener
//update position of marker
//help function that finds the bottom right coordinates of the window
fn find_bottom_right(window : &WindowDescriptor) -> Vec3 {
Vec3::new(window.width / 2.0, window.height / -2.0, 0.0)
fn setup(mut commands:Commands, window:Res<WindowDescriptor>) {
//Added a marker that sits in the bottom right of the window
.insert_bundle(SpriteBundle {
sprite:Sprite {
color: Color::MAROON,
custom_size:Some(Vec2::new(40.0, 40.0)),
//Since we are anchoring to bottom right, lets set anchor
//point also to bottom right, so we dont have to offset the
transform:Transform {
translation: find_bottom_right(&window),
//system that updates the position of the marker
fn update_marker(
mut query:Query<&mut Transform, With<Marker>>,
) {
//If window size hasn't changed, then we can just exit out
if !window.is_changed() {
//window resource has changed, so lets update the position
for mut transform in &mut query {
transform.translation = find_bottom_right(&window);
//listener for window resize event
//we store the window info in the WindowDescriptor resource
fn on_window_resize(
mut window: ResMut<WindowDescriptor>,
mut resize_events: EventReader<WindowResized>) {
for e in resize_events.iter() {
window.height = e.height;
window.width = e.width;
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