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Created July 18, 2019 19:05
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Create a NetCDF file in Python

This is a simple example that creates a NetCDF file for 1 degree global 2m temperature. There is no time coordinate.

For this portion of code:

ds = xr.DataArray(data, ...)

data is a NumPy array, assumed to have a shape of num_lats x num_lons

You can put whatever attributes you want in the attrs dictionary (eg. 'email': '', etc.).

You can name the dataset whatever you want (eg. 'tmean' as above).

This portion of code:

encoding={var: dict(zlib=True, complevel=9) for var in ds.data_vars}

sets the compression of all the variables. The compression is NetCDF4 compression, from 1-9.

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
# Set xarray DataArray metadata for the NetCDF file
ds_dims = ['lat', 'lon']
ds_coords = {'lat': np.arange(-90, 90+1, 1), 'lon': np.arange(0, 359+1, 1)}
# Create a DataArray and write it to a NetCDF file (assuming data has a shape of (num_lats x num_lons))
ds = xr.DataArray(data, coords=ds_coords, dims=ds_dims, attrs={'long_name': '2m Temperature'},
ds.to_netcdf('', encoding={var: dict(zlib=True, complevel=9) for var in ds.data_vars})
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