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Created August 9, 2011 21:07
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YUI3 augmenting datatable plugin to pull schema from received data
function DSJSInData(config) {
DSJSInData.NAME = "dsjsInData";
DSJSInData.NS = "schema";
Y.extend(DSJSInData, Y.Plugin.Base, {
initializer: function(config) {
this.doBefore("_defDataFn", this._beforeBeforeDefDataFn);
//Y.DSJSInData.superclass.initializer.apply(this, arguments);
this.doBefore("_defDataFn", this._beforeDefDataFn);
_beforeBeforeDefDataFn: function(e) {
var data = ? ( ? : :;
if(data.resultFields != null) {
var theFields = data.resultFields.split("-");
var theSchema = {
resultListLocator: "query.results.Result",
resultFields: theFields
this.set("schema", theSchema);
else { //bad data received, replace data with error information = "Data Error";
//Must be augment! The other option is extend, but extends calls superclass constructors first.
//This is a problem because what we need to do is hook a function in to run BEFORE the original JSON
//schema's initializer is run. Augmenting with the third parameter equal to true causes the new schema's
//properties to overwrite the old schema's properties with the same name. The only caveat to this is
//that you must repeat the original plugin's initializer code after our new code, since the overwriting means
//that the original initializer will not run.
Y.augment(Y.Plugin.DataSourceJSONSchema, DSJSInData, true);
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