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Last active September 22, 2016 03:21
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  • Save mikecole/fa49a34bafaa11fca3d4b1c5f136658e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mikecole/fa49a34bafaa11fca3d4b1c5f136658e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


3 2016.9.21

This file is automatically generated by the update_all.ps1 script using the AU module ( view source ).

Time (UTC) 2016-09-22 03:21
Git repository

Last run was OK

Finished 3 packages after .29 minutes.
0 packages updated and 0 pushed.
0 total errors - 0 update, 0 push.
0 user script errors.


Name Updated Pushed RemoteVersion NuspecVersion
evernote False 🔸 False
microsoftazurestorageexplorer False 🔸 False 0.8.4
screenhero False False 2.3.600.0 2.3.600.0


evernote - checking updates using au version 2016.9.21
nuspec version:
remote version:
New version is available but it already exists in the Chocolatey community feed (disable using $NoCheckChocoVersion):


microsoftazurestorageexplorer - checking updates using au version 2016.9.21
nuspec version:
remote version: 0.8.4
New version is available but it already exists in the Chocolatey community feed (disable using $NoCheckChocoVersion):


screenhero - checking updates using au version 2016.9.21
nuspec version: 2.3.600.0
remote version: 2.3.600.0
No new version found
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