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Created May 21, 2013 19:32
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Mongo collection stats script
# = Mongo Collection Stats Script
mongo --quiet --eval '
var collections = db.getCollectionNames();
print("Collection Count Size StorageSize AvgObjSize nIndexes");
collections.forEach(function(coll) {
var stats = db[coll].stats();
var cols = [ coll, stats["count"], stats["size"], stats["storageSize"], stats["avgObjSize"], stats["nindexes"] ];
print(cols.join(" "));
' $database | awk '
total_records = 0
total_size = 0
total_storage_size = 0
NR == 1 { print }
NR > 1 {
printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", $1, $2, num_to_human($3), num_to_human($4), num_to_human($5), $6)
total_records += $2
total_size += $3
total_storage_size += $4
printf("TOTAL %s %s %s\n", total_records, num_to_human(total_size), num_to_human(total_storage_size))
function num_to_human(num) {
if (num == "undefined") {
adjusted = 0
units = "B"
} else if (num > 1024000) {
adjusted = num / 1024000
units = "MB"
} else if (num > 1024) {
adjusted = num / 1024
units = "KB"
} else {
adjusted = num
units = "B"
return sprintf("%.2f%s", adjusted, units)
' | column -t
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