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Last active December 23, 2022 14:43
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Kotlin/JS wrapper for React-Easy-Sort
* Kotlin-JS wrapper for React Easy Sort
package com.ustadmobile.wrappers.reacteasysort
import dom.html.HTMLElement
import react.*
external interface SortableListProps: PropsWithChildren {
override var children: ReactNode?
var allowDrag: Boolean?
var onSortEnd: (oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int) -> Unit
var draggedItemClassName: String?
var `as`: IntrinsicType<*>?
var lockAxis: LockAxis?
var customHolderRef: RefObject<HTMLElement>?
external val SortableList: FC<SortableListProps>
* This component doesn't take any other props than its child. This child should be a single React
* element that can receives a ref. If you pass a component as a child, it needs to be wrapped with
* React.forwardRef().
* See:
* SortableItem {
* div {
* //Content here
* }
* }
external val SortableItem: FC<PropsWithChildren>
* Optional, You can use this component if you don't want the whole item to be draggable but only a
* specific area of it.
external val SortableKnob: FC<PropsWithChildren>
package com.ustadmobile.wrappers.reacteasysort
// language=JavaScript
@JsName("""(/*union*/{x: 'x', y: 'y'}/*union*/)""")
external enum class LockAxis {
package com.ustadmobile.wrappers.reacteasysort
import react.FC
import react.Props
import react.create
import react.dom.html.ReactHTML.div
import react.useState
val EasySortPreview = FC<Props> {
var itemList: List<String> by useState { listOf("One", "Two", "Three") }
SortableList {
`as` = div
allowDrag = true
draggedItemClassName = "dragged"
lockAxis = LockAxis.y
onSortEnd = { oldIndex, newIndex ->
itemList = itemList.toMutableList().apply {
add(newIndex, removeAt(oldIndex))
itemList.forEach { itemStr ->
SortableItem {
div {
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