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Created April 7, 2024 18:41
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import com.ustadmobile.core.domain.compress.CompressParams
import com.ustadmobile.core.domain.compress.CompressProgressUpdate
import com.ustadmobile.core.domain.compress.CompressResult
import com.ustadmobile.core.domain.compress.CompressUseCase
import com.ustadmobile.core.domain.compress.CompressionLevel
import com.ustadmobile.core.domain.extractmediametadata.ExtractMediaMetadataUseCase
import com.ustadmobile.core.ext.requireExtension
import com.ustadmobile.core.util.UMFileUtil
import com.ustadmobile.core.util.ext.waitForAsync
import com.ustadmobile.door.DoorUri
import com.ustadmobile.door.ext.toDoorUri
import com.ustadmobile.door.ext.toFile
import io.github.aakira.napier.Napier
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import java.util.UUID
* Compress a video using VLC command line
* This is, unfortunately, for the moment, a fail. VLC transcoding output is buggy: output videos
* open in Ubuntu's default video player and Chrome OK, but then don't play the first 30 seconds
* when opened in VLC itself or Firefox.
class CompressVideoUseCaseJvmVlc(
private val vlcPath: String = "/usr/bin/vlc",
private val workingDir: File,
private val extractMediaMetadataUseCase: ExtractMediaMetadataUseCase,
): CompressVideoUseCase {
* VLC generates a lot of command line output. Needs to be read to avoid process being blocked
private fun CoroutineScope.launchReader(bufferedReader: BufferedReader): Job = launch {
bufferedReader.use {
it.lines().forEach {
//Bitrate to use in bps
private val CompressionLevel.videoBitRate: Int
get() = when(this) {
CompressionLevel.HIGH -> 170_000
CompressionLevel.MEDIUM -> 500_000
CompressionLevel.LOW -> 2_000_000
else -> -1
//Bitrate to use in bps
private val CompressionLevel.audioBitRate: Int
get() = when(this) {
CompressionLevel.HIGH -> 64_000
CompressionLevel.MEDIUM -> 128_000
CompressionLevel.LOW -> 192_000
else -> -1
* Whe the storage size and display size vary, the VLC transcoder preserves the display aspect
* ratio information. The width and height passed to the VLC command to encode should therefor
* maintain the same aspect ratio as per the input storage width and storage height.
* @param inputWidth the width of the original video (storage width)
* @param inputHeight the height of the original video (storage height)
private fun CompressionLevel.vlcParams(
inputWidth: Int,
inputHeight: Int,
): String {
val isPortrait = inputWidth > inputHeight
val storageAspectRatio = inputWidth.toFloat() / inputHeight.toFloat()
val maxMajor = when(this) {
CompressionLevel.HIGH -> 480
CompressionLevel.MEDIUM -> 720
CompressionLevel.LOW -> 1280
else -> -1
val (outputWidth, outputHeight) = when {
isPortrait && inputWidth > maxMajor -> Pair(maxMajor.toFloat(), maxMajor / storageAspectRatio)
!isPortrait && inputHeight > maxMajor -> Pair(maxMajor / storageAspectRatio, maxMajor.toFloat())
else -> Pair(inputWidth.toFloat(), inputHeight.toFloat())
val bitRateParams = "vb=${videoBitRate/1000},ab=${audioBitRate/1000}"
val widthHeightParams = "width=${outputWidth.toInt()},height=${outputHeight.toInt()}"
return when {
this == CompressionLevel.HIGH -> "fps=12,$bitRateParams,$widthHeightParams"
this == CompressionLevel.MEDIUM -> "fps=30,$bitRateParams,$widthHeightParams"
this == CompressionLevel.LOW -> "fps=30,$bitRateParams,$widthHeightParams"
else -> ""
* Use the VLC command line to compress a video as per
override suspend fun invoke(
fromUri: String,
toUri: String?,
params: CompressParams,
onProgress: CompressUseCase.OnCompressProgress?
): CompressResult? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
//fromUri will always be a file here. VideoContentImporter will use path to the cached version
//if required
val fromFile = DoorUri.parse(fromUri).toFile()
val mediaInfo = extractMediaMetadataUseCase(fromFile)
if(!mediaInfo.hasVideo) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("${fromFile.absolutePath} has no video")
val kiloBytesPerSecond = (params.compressionLevel.videoBitRate + params.compressionLevel.audioBitRate)/8
val expectedSize = (mediaInfo.duration / 1000) * kiloBytesPerSecond
val fromFileSize = fromFile.length()
if(expectedSize >= (fromFile.length() * COMPRESS_THRESHOLD)) {
Napier.d {
"CompressVideoUseCaseJvmVlc: expected size of " +
"${UMFileUtil.formatFileSize(expectedSize)} is not within threshold to compress. " +
"Original size = ${UMFileUtil.formatFileSize(fromFile.length())}."
return@withContext null
val destFile = if(toUri != null) {
}else {
File.createTempFile(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), ".mp4")
try {
* Note the single quotes shown in command line examples from the VLC reference must be
* removed. They would be removed by the shell when run on the real command line
val args = listOf(
vlcPath, "-I", "dummy", "--no-repeat", "--no-loop", "-vv",
"--sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,acodec=mp4a,deinterlace," +
"${params.compressionLevel.vlcParams(mediaInfo.storageWidth, mediaInfo.storageHeight)}}" +
Napier.i("CompressVideoUseCase: Running vlc: ${args.joinToString(separator = " ")}")
val process = ProcessBuilder(args)
val outputReader = launchReader(process.inputStream.bufferedReader())
val errReader = launchReader(process.errorStream.bufferedReader())
val updateJob = launch {
while (isActive) {
fromUri = fromUri,
completed = ((destFile.length().toFloat() / expectedSize) * fromFileSize).toLong(),
total = fromFileSize
uri = destFile.toDoorUri().toString(),
mimeType = "video/mp4"
}catch(e: Throwable) {
throw e
companion object {
const val COMPRESS_THRESHOLD = 0.95f
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