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Last active January 18, 2019 21:00
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace MyApp\Adapter\Repository\Couchbase;
use CouchbaseException;
use MyApp\Exception\DocumentIsLockedException;
class CartRepository
// ...
* Further down this could throw a
* \MyApp\Exception\DocumentIsLockedException if the document stays
* locked for too long. Be sure to catch that above!
public function getCartOfId(
bool $isLockNeeded = true
): Cart? {
// if no document exists, no need to wait for lock, acquire lock, etc.
if (!$this->documentOfIdExists($cartId)) {
return false;
if ($isLockNeeded) {
$jsonCart = $this->lockAndGetCouchbaseData($cartId);
return $this->jsonSerializer->
deserialize($jsonCart, Cart::class, 'json');
$jsonCart = $this->couchbaseCluster->
$jsonCart = $this->transformations->apply($jsonCart);
return $this->jsonSerializer->
deserialize($jsonCart, Cart::class, 'json');
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException
* @throws \CouchbaseException
* @param bool $dangerouslySkipLocking For scripts we do not want to wait
* for lock to be released, acquire a lock, or unlock when performing a
* destructive action.
public function storeCart(
Cart $cart,
bool $dangerouslySkipLocking = false
): void {
$cartId = $cart->getId();
$jsonContent = $this->jsonSerializer->serialize($cart, 'json');
$bucket = $this->couchbaseCluster->
// no need to deal with locks in these cases
if (!$this->documentOfIdExists($cartId)) {
$bucket->upsert($cartId, $jsonContent);
$cartWasLockedDuringCurrentProcess = $this->lockHandler->
$unlockOptions = $this->
try {
$bucket->replace($cartId, $jsonContent, $unlockOptions);
} catch (CouchbaseException $exception) {
if($exception->getCode() == COUCHBASE_KEY_EEXISTS) {
$msg = "Can't persist cart of doc id: {$cartId}." .
" Reason: invalid unlock id provided.";
throw new \UnexpectedValueException($msg);
throw $exception;
// release cart lock if acquired in this process
if ($cartWasLockedDuringCurrentProcess) {
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