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Last active June 23, 2018 13:41
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1 As a users I can record all (environmental factors) the food, drinks, activies I do throughout the day with logged times and dates.

2 As a user I can record various health markers all day like symptoms, allergic reations, energy/tiredness, mood, etc.

3 As a user I can tag my food/activities with relevant tags - like known allergins, ingredients, brands, places.

4 As a user I can write a summary journal entry of my day and rate my day.

5 As a user I can take note of my mood, energy levels, general feeling about my day.

6 As a user I can review all my logged food/activities/symptoms.

7 As a user I can review a infographic like page that shows connections between factors and markers/symptoms.

7.5 As a user I can see a circle graph that shows the % time that a factor is associated with a symptom.

8 As a user I can review charts and graphs that display my data in different ways to reveal trends.

9 As a user I can see connections between tagged factors and the entire user bases markers (anonymously tallied)

10 As a user I can see a personalized list of potential symptom causing factors (foods etc).

11 As a user I can input a food I might eat and see whether the system thinks it might cause a symptom

12 As a user I can free type / or select from a autocompleted list of food/factors in the database

13 As a user I can sort my factor/symptoms by time, date, period of time.

14 As a user I can see a list of possible triggers for each selected symptom.

15 As a user I can view symptoms/factors/moods by day, week, month, time of day.

16 As a user I can get a Health Target score based on my overall ratings in the areas of mood, day rating, symptoms reported

17 As a user my health target score could also be improved by healthy habits like getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, avoiding factors that seem to have a negative effect.

18 As a user I should be able to log in to a home screen with a current status of my symptom tracking with likely trigger factors and counters for days experiencing symptoms, average ratings, favorite foods or activities.

19 As a user I will be able to select from auto-suggested tags related to my food/activity to make it easier to track related allergins etc. ie Pizza in the db may have associated tags like gluten, dairy, wheat, tomato, nightshade, peppers

20 As a user I should be able to create a private account.

21 As a user I should be able to log into my account.

  1. As a user I can see a warning if food product seems to be making lots of users experience symptoms

23 As a user I can get an Email summary of data review

24 As a user I can have the ability to sync / send data to my online health portal like Apple Health

25 As a user I can use an open ended custom field so I can track something that I might feel is relevant but doesnt fit into above categories

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