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Created November 5, 2015 23:54
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SharedMemory - Use with the Haxe flash.Memory API for fast (shared) ByteArray access.
import flash.Memory;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.Endian;
import flash.Vector;
* ...
* @author Mike Almond -
* SharedMemory - Use with the Haxe flash.Memory API for fast ByteArray access.
* Uses a single ByteArray and allocates chunks of it as needed.
* @see
* Note:
* SharedMemory only selects the bytearray for manipulation using once.
* If you're using elsewhere - on a different ByteArray - you'll have to
* call selectMemory() here before reading/writing with the Memory API
* However, regularly calling is not advised if you're concernerd about performance.
* Have one instance of SharedMemory and use that to allocate all the bytes you need.
@:final enum MemoryDataTypes {
@:final class SharedMemory {
static var m:SharedMemory = null;
* @param size - The size in Bytes of the underlying SharedMemory ByteArray. This is the maximum size that can allocated in total, by calls to .alloc()
* @param grow - Can the SharedMemory grow as needed [true], or should it never exceed the size you specify [false]
* @throws [ReferenceError]
* @return The SharedMemory instance
public static function initialise(size:Int = Size_1K, grow:Bool=false):SharedMemory {
if (m == null) m = new SharedMemory(size, grow);
else throw '[InitialisationError] The static SharedMemory.instance has already been initialised:\n${m.toString()}';
return m;
* Access the static SharedMemory instance
* @throws [ReferenceError] if not initialised via SharedMemory.initialise beforhand.
public static var instance(get_instance, null):SharedMemory;
static function get_instance() {
#if debug
if (m == null) throw '[ReferenceError] Oops! You need to initialise the static SharedMemory instance first! Call SharedMemory.initialise before trying to access SharedMemory.instance';
return m;
* Release everything. You will need to call initialise again to use SharedMemory
public static function dispose() {
if (m != null) { = null; = null;
m.occupancy = 0;
// deselect;
if (m.bytes != null) {
m.bytes.length = 0;
m.bytes = null;
m = null;
// -----------
static var BlockId :UInt = 0; // unique id for each MemoryBlock, keeps incrementing as blocks are allocated
public static inline var Size_1K :Int = 1 << 10; // This is the minimum size -- 0x400 (1024)
public static inline var Size_2K :Int = 2 << 10;
public static inline var Size_4K :Int = 4 << 10;
public static inline var Size_8K :Int = 8 << 10;
public static inline var Size_16K :Int = 16 << 10;
public static inline var Size_32K :Int = 32 << 10;
public static inline var Size_64K :Int = 64 << 10;
public static inline var Size_128K :Int = 128 << 10;
public static inline var Size_256K :Int = 256 << 10;
public static inline var Size_512K :Int = 512 << 10;
public static inline var Size_1024K :Int = 1024 << 10;
var active :Map<Int, MemoryBlock>;
var free :Map<Int, MemoryBlock>;
public var grow(default, null) :Bool;
public var bytes(default, null) :ByteArray;
public var occupancy(default, null) :Int;
public var waste(get_waste, null) :Int;
function get_waste() { return size - occupancy; }
public var size(get_size, null) :UInt;
function get_size() { return bytes==null ? 0 : bytes.length; }
public function toString() {
return '> [SharedMemory]' + ((m != null)
? ( '\n>> size:${size}, grow:${grow}' +
'\n>> occupancy:${occupancy}, waste:${waste}' +
'\n>> activeBlockCount:${Lambda.count(active)}, freeBlockCount:${Lambda.count(free)}'
) : 'Uninitialised') ;
* @private
* @param size - Number of bytes to allocate initially. The minimum size is 1K (1024 bytes)
* @param grow - Allows the bytearray to grow if needed.
function new(size:Int = Size_1K, grow:Bool = false) {
if (size < Size_1K) {
throw "Minimum allocation size is 1K - 1024 bytes";
size = Size_1K;
bytes = new ByteArray();
bytes.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; // Note: "The endian property of the selected ByteArray does not affect the[se] Memory functions. They behave as if it is set to Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN."
bytes.length = size;
occupancy = 0;
active = new Map<Int, MemoryBlock>();
free = new Map<Int, MemoryBlock>();
this.grow = grow;
* You only need to call this before reading/writing if using; elsewhere in your code....
* That's not ideal though. If possible try to only use one ByteArray and manage it here.
public inline function selectMemory() {;
* Get an allocated MemoryBlock
* MemoryBlock contains information about a section of the shared bytearray (id, startIndex, length)
* @param id
* @return MemoryBlock
public function get(id:Int):MemoryBlock {
if (active.exists(id)) return active.get(id);
else return null;
* @param size - Size, in bytes, to allocate
* @return id - The ID for the block of memory allocated, or -1 if there wasn't enough space left to allocate the requested size (when grow==false)
public function alloc(size:Int):Int {
var start = getStartIndex(size);
if (start == -1) return -1; // no space, and no grow?
occupancy += size;
var block = new MemoryBlock(start, size);
active.set(, block);
// shortcuts
public inline function allocDouble(count:UInt=1):Int return allocType(MemoryDataTypes.Double, count);
public inline function allocFloat(count:UInt=1):Int return allocType(MemoryDataTypes.Float, count);
public inline function allocInt32(count:UInt=1):Int return allocType(MemoryDataTypes.Int32, count);
public inline function allocUInt16(count:UInt=1):Int return allocType(MemoryDataTypes.UInt16, count);
* Helper that allocates the space needed for <code>count</code> number of <code>type</code> datas
* @param type Type of data to allocate
* @param count Number of items to allocate space for
* @return id The ID for the block of memory allocated, or -1 if there wasn't enough space left to allocate the requested size (when grow==false)
function allocType(type:MemoryDataTypes, count:UInt):Int {
switch(type) {
case MemoryDataTypes.Byte : // ... 1 byte/value
return alloc(count);
case MemoryDataTypes.UInt16 :
return alloc(count << 1); // 2 bytes/value
case MemoryDataTypes.Int32,
MemoryDataTypes.Float :
return alloc(count << 2); // 4 bytes/value
case MemoryDataTypes.Double :
return alloc(count << 3); // 8 bytes/value
return -1;
* Release a block of Memory for re-use
* @param id
* @return true if released, or false if that id doesn't exist
public function release(id:Int):Bool {
if (active.exists(id)) {
var block = active.get(id);
free.set(, block);
occupancy -= block.size;
return true;
return false;
* Move all unallocated blocks to the end of the available memory, making a single contiguous 'free' space at the end of the bytearray.
* It's probably not that speedy so don't call too regularly.
* @param ?reduceSize - when true any freespace is trimmed, so size==ocupancy and waste==0
public function defrag(?reduceSize:Bool=false) {
if (!Lambda.empty(free)) { // got something to defrag?
var b = new ByteArray(); // temporary copy-buffer
var allBlocks:Vector<MemoryBlock> = Vector.ofArray(Lambda.array(Lambda.concat(free, active)));
allBlocks.fixed = true;
var freeBlockIndex:Int = nextBlockIndex(allBlocks, 0, false); // first free block
var dataBlockIndex:Int = nextBlockIndex(allBlocks, freeBlockIndex, true);
while (freeBlockIndex != -1 && dataBlockIndex != -1 && freeBlockIndex!=dataBlockIndex) {
//trace('freeBlockIndex:${freeBlockIndex} dataBlockIndex:${dataBlockIndex}');
var freeBlock = allBlocks[freeBlockIndex];
var dataBlock = allBlocks[dataBlockIndex];
b.length = 0;
b.position = 0;
// read bytes from the active block into temporary buffer
bytes.position = dataBlock.index; // move bytes pointer to dataBlock start
bytes.readBytes(b, 0, dataBlock.size);
// b should now contain dataBlock
b.position = 0;
// read the data block back into bytes at the start position of the free-block
b.readBytes(bytes, freeBlock.index, dataBlock.size);
// update allocated data start index
dataBlock.index = freeBlock.index;
// update free block start and size
freeBlock.index += dataBlock.size;
freeBlock.size -= dataBlock.size;
if (freeBlock.size == 0) {
allBlocks[freeBlockIndex] = null;
while (freeBlockIndex < allBlocks.length - 1 && free.exists(allBlocks[freeBlockIndex + 1].id)) {
// while next block is also free, consolidate the free-space into a single block
var nextFreeBlock = allBlocks[freeBlockIndex + 1];
freeBlock.size += nextFreeBlock.size;
allBlocks[freeBlockIndex + 1] = null;
freeBlockIndex = nextBlockIndex(allBlocks, freeBlockIndex, false);
dataBlockIndex = nextBlockIndex(allBlocks, freeBlockIndex, true); // next allocated block after free block
// all freespace is now at the end of the bytearray
if (reduceSize) { // remove unused bytes. 1K is the minimum allowed size.
if (bytes.length - waste >= Size_1K) {
bytes.length -= waste;
} else {
bytes.length = Size_1K;
* @param items
* @param start
* @param allocated
* @return
function nextBlockIndex(items:Vector<MemoryBlock>, start:Int, allocated:Bool):Int {
if (start != -1) {
for (i in start...items.length) {
var item = items[i];
if (item != null && item.size > 0) {
if (allocated && active.exists( {
return i;
} else if (!allocated && free.exists( {
return i;
return -1;
* @param size
* @return free-block start index, -1 if no free blocks
function getStartIndex(size:Int):Int {
var index = occupancy;
var end = index + size;
if (end > cast bytes.length) {
// have space to fill?
if (hasFreespace(size)) {
index = fillFreespace(size);
} else if (grow) {
// can grow?
index = bytes.length;
bytes.length = end;
} else {
// no space, can't alloc
index = -1;
return index;
* @param size
* @return
function hasFreespace(size:Int):Bool {
for (b in free) { if (b.size >= size) return true; }
return false;
* @param size
* @return
function fillFreespace(size:Int):Int {
for (b in free) {
if (b.size >= size) {
var index = b.index;
b.index += size;
b.size -= size;
if (b.size == 0) free.remove(;
return index;
return -1;
static inline function sortBlocksByIndex(a, b) {
return (a.index < b.index) ? -1 : (a.index == b.index ? 0 : 1);
@:access(mikedotalmond.labs.util.SharedMemory) // get access to SharedMemory privates
@:final class MemoryBlock {
public var id (default, null):UInt; // unique id
public var index (default, default):Int; // address start index - MemoryBlock indices can change after a call to defrag, so keep a reference to the block (or it's ID) for later if needed.
public var size (default, default):Int;
public var end (get_end, null):Int;
inline function get_end() { return index + size; }
public function new(index:Int, size:Int) {
id = SharedMemory.BlockId;
this.index = index;
this.size = size;
public function toString() {
return '[MemoryBlock] ${id} - start:${index}, size:${size}, end:${end}';
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