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Created November 22, 2013 14:01
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StarlingSpriteSheet / SubImageSprite for Flambe
class StarlingSpriteSheet {
public static function parse(atlasXml:Xml, texture:Texture):Map<String,SubImageSprite> {
var spritesMap = new Map<String, SubImageSprite>();
for (el in atlasXml.elements()) {
if (el.nodeName == 'TextureAtlas') {
var textures = el.elementsNamed('SubTexture');
for (sub in textures) {
var name = sub.get('name');
var rect = new Rectangle(
// added pivot point, not a part of the TextureAtlas spec/reference...
var pivotX = Std.parseInt(sub.get('pivotX'));
var pivotY = Std.parseInt(sub.get('pivotY'));
spritesMap.set(name, new SubImageSprite(texture, rect, pivotX, pivotY));
return spritesMap;
class SubImageSprite extends Sprite {
var sourceBounds:Rectangle;
public var texture :Texture;
* @param texture
* @param bounds - position of a sub-texture within the texture
* @param pivotX
* @param pivotY
public function new (texture:Texture, bounds:Rectangle, pivotX:Float = 0, pivotY:Float = 0) {
this.texture = texture;
this.sourceBounds = bounds;
setAnchor(pivotX, pivotY);
override public function draw (g :Graphics) g.drawSubImage(texture, 0, 0, sourceBounds.x, sourceBounds.y, sourceBounds.width, sourceBounds.height);
override public function getNaturalWidth () return sourceBounds.width;
override public function getNaturalHeight () return sourceBounds.height;
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