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Created March 18, 2021 13:08
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module.exports = {
accepted: "必須接受 :attribute。",
after: ":attribute 必須在 :after 之後。",
after_or_equal: ":attribute 必須跟 :after_or_equal 同一天或是在 :after_or_equal 之後。",
alpha: ":attribute 只能包含字母。",
alpha_dash: ":attribute 只能包含字母,連結號(-)和底線(_)。",
alpha_num: ":attribute 只能包含字母和數字。",
alpha_numeric: ":attribute 只能包含字母和數字。",
array: "The :attribute must be an array",
before: ":attribute 必須在 :before 之前。",
before_or_equal: ":attribute 必須跟 :before_or_equal 同一天或是在 :before_or_equal 之後。",
begins_with: "The :attribute must begin with :value.",
between: {
numeric: ":attribute 的值只能在 :min 和 :max 之間。",
string: ":attribute 的長度必須在 :min 和 :max 之間。",
confirmed: ":attribute 與確認輸入的值不一致。",
email: ":attribute 的信箱格式錯誤。",
date: ":attribute 的日期格式錯誤。",
def: ":attribute 屬性錯誤。",
digits: ":attribute 必須是 :digits 位的小數。",
digits_between: ":attribute 必須介於 :min 至 :max 位數字。",
different: ":attribute 和 :different 必須不同。",
ends_with: "The :attribute must end with :ends_with",
exclude_if: "The :attribute will be excluded if :exclude_if.",
exclude_unless: "The :attribute will be excluded unless :exclude_unless.",
filled: "The :attribute must be filled if supplied.",
greater_than: {
numeric: "The :attribute must be greater than :greater_than.",
file: "The :attribute must be greater than :greater_than kilobytes.",
string: "The :attribute must be greater than :greater_than.",
array: "The :attribute must have more than :greater_than items.",
gt: {
numeric: "The :attribute must be greater than :gt.",
file: "The :attribute must be greater than :gt kilobytes.",
string: "The :attribute must be greater than :gt.",
array: "The :attribute must have more than :gt items.",
greater_than_or_equal: {
numeric: "The :attribute must be greater than or equal :greater_than_or_equal.",
file: "The :attribute must be greater than or equal :greater_than_or_equal kilobytes.",
string: "The :attribute must be greater than or equal :greater_than_or_equal.",
array: "The :attribute must have :greater_than_or_equal items or more.",
gte: {
numeric: "The :attribute must be greater than or equal :gte.",
file: "The :attribute must be greater than or equal :gte kilobytes.",
string: "The :attribute must be greater than or equal :gte.",
array: "The :attribute must have :gte items or more.",
in: "選擇的 :attribute 無效",
in_array: "The :attribute must be in :in_array.",
json: "The :attribute does not contain valid json.",
less_than: {
numeric: "The :attribute must be less than :less_than.",
file: "The :attribute must be less than :less_than kilobytes.",
string: "The :attribute must be less than :less_than.",
array: "The :attribute must have less than :less_than items.",
lt: {
numeric: "The :attribute must be less than :lt.",
file: "The :attribute must be less than :lt kilobytes.",
string: "The :attribute must be less than :lt.",
array: "The :attribute must have less than :lt items.",
less_than_or_equal: {
numeric: "The :attribute must be less than or equal :less_than_or_equal.",
file: "The :attribute must be less than or equal :less_than_or_equal kilobytes.",
string: "The :attribute must be less than or equal :less_than_or_equal.",
array: "The :attribute must not have more than :less_than_or_equal items.",
lte: {
numeric: "The :attribute must be less than or equal :lte.",
file: "The :attribute must be less than or equal :lte kilobytes.",
string: "The :attribute must be less than or equal :lte characters.",
array: "The :attribute must not have more than :lte items.",
integer: ":attribute 必須是一個整數。",
hex: ":attribute 必須是十六進位格式",
min: {
numeric: ":attribute 不能小於 :min。",
string: ":attribute 的長度不能小於 :min.",
max: {
numeric: ":attribute 不能大於 :max。",
string: ":attribute 的長度不能大於 :max.",
multiple_of: "The :attribute is not multiple of :multiple_of",
not_in: "所選的 :attribute 無效。",
numeric: ":attribute 必須是一個數字。",
nullable: "the :attribute is nullable.",
object: ":attribute 必須是一個物件(Object)",
present: ":attribute 一定要有值 (可以是空值)。",
required: ":attribute 不能空白。",
required_if: "當 :other 是 :value 時, :attribute 不能空白。",
required_unless: "當 :other 不是 :value 時 :attribute 不能為空。",
required_with: "當 :other 有值時 :value 時 :attribute 不能為空。",
required_with_all: "當 :fields 不是空白 :attribute 不能為空。",
required_without: "當 :field 為空白時 :attribute 不能為空。",
required_without_all: "當 :fields 為空白是 :attribute 不能為空。",
same: ":attribute 和 :same 必須一致。",
size: {
numeric: ":attribute 的長度必須等於 :size。",
string: ":attribute 的長度必須等於 :size.",
starts_with: "The :attribute must start with :value.",
string: ":attribute 必須為字串。",
uuid: "The :attribute must be a valid v1 or v4 uuid",
url: ":attribute 不是正確的網址。",
regex: ":attribute 格式不正確。",
not_regex: "The :attribute format is must not match regex.",
attributes: {},
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