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Mike Gehard mikegehard

  • Chattanooga, TN
  • 07:07 (UTC -04:00)
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jcasimir / friendly_urls.markdown
Created September 11, 2011 15:48
Friendly URLs in Rails

Friendly URLs

By default, Rails applications build URLs based on the primary key -- the id column from the database. Imagine we have a Person model and associated controller. We have a person record for Bob Martin that has id number 6. The URL for his show page would be:


But, for aesthetic or SEO purposes, we want Bob's name in the URL. The last segment, the 6 here, is called the "slug". Let's look at a few ways to implement better slugs.

ryanb /
Created May 6, 2011 01:10
The Changelogs for Rails 3.1 Beta 1

Railties 3.1 RC4

  • The new rake task assets:clean removes precompiled assets. [fxn]

  • Application and plugin generation run bundle install unless --skip-gemfile or --skip-bundle. [fxn]

  • Fixed database tasks for jdbc* adapters #jruby [Rashmi Yadav]

  • Template generation for jdbcpostgresql #jruby [Vishnu Atrai]

bokmann / ActiveRepository.rb
Created March 27, 2012 16:15
ActiveRepository Strawman
# MOTIVATION: As rails apps are growing, people are noticing the drawbacks
# of the ActiveRecord pattern. Several apps I have seen, and several
# developers I have spoken to are looking towards other patterns for object
# persistence. The major drawback with ActiveRecord is that the notion
# of the domain object is conflated with what it means to store/retrieve
# it in any given format (like sql, json, key/value, etc).
# This is an attempt to codify the Repository pattern in a way that would
# feel comfortable to beginner and seasoned Ruby developers alike.
ryanb /
Created March 4, 2011 17:31
A list of my favorite gems for various tasks.
# Proposed benefits:
# * more verbose, but you can see more clearly all the "stuff" your method is using
# * easier to re-use methods, since they're not coupled to instance var names
# * less room for concurrency issues, since all state transforms would be in the top methods
class User
def gender
describe "routes to the articles controller" do
extend RouteSpecHelpers
scope_options controller: 'articles', blog: 'my_blog'
get '/blogs/my_blog/articles/new' => { action: 'new' }
post '/blogs/my_blog/articles' => { action: 'create' }
get '/blogs/my_blog/articles/1' => {action: 'show', id: '1' }
# Rails developers have long had bad experiences with fixtures for
# several reasons, including misuse.
# Misuse of fixtures is characterized by having a huge number of them,
# requiring the developer to maintain a lot of data and creating dependencies
# between tests. In my experience working (and rescuing) many applications, 80%
# of fixtures are only used by 20% of tests.
# An example of such tests is one assuring that a given SQL query with
# GROUP BY and ORDER BY conditions returns the correct result set. As expected,