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Created March 29, 2024 20:21
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Flying duck animation for the Pimorini Cosmic Unicorn display

A simple animated bouncing duck on the Cosmic Unicorn display.


import time
from cosmic import CosmicUnicorn
from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_COSMIC_UNICORN as DISPLAY
# create cosmic object and graphics surface for drawing
cu = CosmicUnicorn()
graphics = PicoGraphics(DISPLAY)
width = CosmicUnicorn.WIDTH
height = CosmicUnicorn.HEIGHT
last_time = time.ticks_ms()
x = 0
y = 0
vx = 0.5
vy = 0
size = 6
flap = 0
black = graphics.create_pen(0, 0, 0)
yellow = graphics.create_pen(255, 255, 0)
orange = graphics.create_pen(255, 65, 0)
dark_yellow = graphics.create_pen(120, 70, 0)
def draw_duck(x, y, flap_up):
# Draw the body
graphics.rectangle(x + 1, y, 2, 3)
graphics.pixel(x + 3, y + 2)
graphics.rectangle(x + 1, y + 3, 4, 2)
graphics.pixel(x + 5, y + 3)
# Draw the beak
graphics.pixel(x, y + 1)
# And the feet
graphics.line(x + 2, y + 5, x + 4, y + 5)
# The wings...
graphics.rectangle(x + 2, y + 2, 2, 2)
if flap_up:
graphics.pixel(x + 4, y + 1)
graphics.pixel(x + 5, y + 2)
graphics.pixel(x + 4, y + 2)
graphics.line(x + 3, y + 4, x + 5, y + 4)
while True:
time_ms = time.ticks_ms()
# clear the screen
draw_duck(int(x), int(y), int(flap))
flap += 0.2
flap = flap % 2
# update the ball position
x += vx
y += vy
# Apply gravity to acceleration
vy += 0.03
# bounce the ball off the edges
if x < 0:
vx = -vx
x = 0
elif x > width - size:
vx = -vx
x = width - size
if y < 0:
vy = 0
y = 0
elif y > height - size:
vy = -vy
y = height - size
# update the display
# Sleep to maintain a constant frame rate
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