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Created April 12, 2017 17:50
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* Renders a model onto a template literal string. Renders the rendered text.
function render(model, templateLiteral) {
// declare the vars in function scope needed for our replacement
for (let key in model) {
let value;
if (typeof model[key] == 'string') {
value = '"' + model[key] + '"';
} else {
value = model[key];
eval('var ' + key + ' = ' + value + '; ');
return eval('String.raw`' + templateLiteral + '`');
* Class fetches a filename and stores it in a "ShadowDOM". Allows the
* component the be repeated.
class Component {
constructor(name, selector, src = '') {
if ($(selector).length > 1) {
$(selector).each(function(i, el) {
new Component(name, el, src);
} else {
selector = $(selector).get(0);
/** {HTMLElement} The parent node for this component. */
this.parent = selector;
Component.initialize(name, src).then(this.render.bind(this));
/** {Promise} The promise that resolves when the component file is loaded */
this.initialized = Component.promises[name];
/** {Object} The model to render the DOM with. */
this.model = {};
/** {Object} Internal model we check against. */
this.__model__ = {};
* The default initialization function. The component is constructed with
* the new DOM node.
initialize() {
* Initializes the component by associating a component name with a file.
* @param {String} name The name of the component.
* @param {String} src The source file.
static initialize(name, src = '') {
if (!Component.promises) {
Component.promises = {};
if (!Component.contents) {
Component.components = {};
if (Component.components[name]) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (src.length > 0) {
Component.promises[name] = (new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
url: src,
success: function(s) {
Component.promises[name].then((contents) => {
Component.components[name] = contents;
return Component.promises[name];
* For some HTML String, rebuilds the
* @param {String} htmlString The HTML document from which to build the path.
* @param {Number} offset The offset from which to get the path.
* @return {String} A path string.
static rebuildNode(htmlString, offset) {
let substr = htmlString.substr(0, offset);
let precedingElements = substr.match(/\<([^>]+)\>/g).reverse();
let closedElements = substr.match(/\<\s?([/].+?)\>/g).reverse();
// used in determining the nth number element
let idx = {};
// used in culling operations
let closedStack = [];
// used in determining the idx state of the closed element
let currentClosedElement = 0;
// the path array, rebuilt before returning
let path = [];
// the current element
let element;
// the number of closed elements between additions
let closingElements = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < precedingElements.length; i++) {
element = precedingElements[i].match(/^\<\s*?\/*([^\>\s]+)/)[1];
//'current element', element, closedElements[currentClosedElement]);
if (element == '!--' ||
element == '!DOCTYPE') {
// get those DOCTYPE's!
} else if (element == 'br' ||
element == 'img' ||
element == 'link') {
// get those self closers! if we don't get them, this breaks everything!
} else if (precedingElements[i] == closedElements[currentClosedElement]) {
// begin skip! not part of our path
currentClosedElement++; // bump!
closingElements++; // no longer adding for the moment
} else if (element == closedStack[closedStack.length - 1]) {
if (!idx[element]) {
idx[element] = 0;
if (closingElements == 1) {
idx[element]++; // adding to our idx of our next add
} else if (closingElements > 0) {
if (precedingElements[i] ==
closedElements[currentClosedElement]) {
} else {
// add to our path
let identifier = '';
if (closingElements > 0) {
console.warn('Currently closing elements, shouldn\'t be adding?');
if (typeof $ != 'undefined' && $(precedingElements[i]).attr('class')) {
identifier = '.' +
$(precedingElements[i]).attr('class').split(' ')
if (!idx[element]) {
idx[element] = 0;
if (path.length > 0 &&
idx[path[path.length - 1].element]) {
path[path.length - 1].idx =
idx[path[path.length - 1].element];
element: element,
idx: 0,
identifier: identifier
idx = {};
return path.reverse().reduce((str, cur, idx) => {
if (idx > 0) {
str += '>';
str += cur.element + ':eq(' + cur.idx + ')';
return str;
}, '');
* Rebuilds the DOM, rendering the DOM contents as a template literal.
render(contents) {
let dirty, element, nextOffset, offset, offsets;
if (contents) {
this.contents = contents;
} else {
contents = this.contents;
dirty = [];
// declare the vars in function scope needed for our replacement
for (let key in this.model) {
let value;
if (typeof this.model[key] == 'string') {
value = '"' + this.model[key] + '"';
} else {
value = this.model[key];
if (!this.__model__.hasOwnProperty(key) ||
this.model[key] != this.__model__[key]) {
offsets = [];
contents = contents.replace(/\$\{(.*)\}/g, function(match, p1, offset) {
let isDirty = false;
for (let dirtyVar of dirty) {
dirtyVar = dirtyVar.replace(/([\$\_])/g, '\\$1');
let regex = new RegExp('(^|[\s\;])+(' + dirtyVar +
')([^\w\_\$]|$)+', 'g');
if (p1.match(regex) != null) {
isDirty = true;
if (isDirty) {
return '${eval("try {' + p1 + '} catch(e){\'\'}")}';
// we now have the contents, create the dummy element
element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerHTML = contents;
if (!this.element) {
this.element = document.createElement('div');
this.element.innerHTML = this.contents;
} else {
// update!
for (let offset of offsets) {
// rebuild the path for the offset where a replacement occurred
let path = Component.rebuildNode(contents,
let query = $(this.element).find(path);
if (query.length > 0) {
query.get(0).outerHTML =
this.__model__ = Object.assign({}, this.model);
* Removes the element from the DOM.
remove() {
if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = Component;
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