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Created February 25, 2016 10:02
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// A couple of inlined utility functions: the first is just a syntax convenience, the second lets us use
// Kotlin's string interpolation efficiently: the message is never calculated/concatenated together unless
// logging at that level is enabled.
inline fun <reified T : Any> loggerFor(): org.slf4j.Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
inline fun org.slf4j.Logger.trace(msg: () -> String) {
if (isTraceEnabled) trace(msg())
* A Java logging formatter that writes more compact output than the default.
class BriefLogFormatter : Formatter() {
override fun format(logRecord: LogRecord): String {
val arguments = arrayOfNulls<Any>(7)
arguments[0] = logRecord.threadID
arguments[1] = when (logRecord.level) {
Level.SEVERE -> " **ERROR** "
Level.WARNING -> " (warning) "
else -> ""
val fullClassName = logRecord.sourceClassName
val dollarIndex = fullClassName.indexOf('$')
val className = fullClassName.substring(fullClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, if (dollarIndex == -1) fullClassName.length else dollarIndex)
arguments[2] = className
arguments[3] = logRecord.sourceMethodName
arguments[4] = Date(logRecord.millis)
arguments[5] = if (logRecord.parameters != null) MessageFormat.format(logRecord.message, *logRecord.parameters) else logRecord.message
if (logRecord.thrown != null) {
val result = StringWriter()
arguments[6] = result.toString()
} else {
arguments[6] = ""
return messageFormat.format(arguments)
companion object {
private val messageFormat = MessageFormat("{4,date,HH:mm:ss} {0} {1}{2}.{3}: {5}\n{6}")
// OpenJDK made a questionable, backwards incompatible change to the Logger implementation. It internally uses
// weak references now which means simply fetching the logger and changing its configuration won't work. We must
// keep a reference to our custom logger around.
private val loggerRefs = ArrayList<Logger>()
/** Configures JDK logging to use this class for everything. */
fun init() {
val logger = Logger.getLogger("")
val handlers = logger.handlers
handlers[0].formatter = BriefLogFormatter()
* Takes a set of strings identifying logger names for which the logging level should be configured.
* If the logger name starts with a + or an ordinary character, the level is set to [Level.ALL]. If it starts
* with a - then logging is switched off.
fun initVerbose(vararg loggerNames: String) {
loggerRefs[0].handlers[0].level = Level.ALL
for (spec in loggerNames) {
val (name, level) = when (spec[0]) {
'+' -> spec.substring(1) to Level.FINEST
'-' -> spec.substring(1) to Level.OFF
else -> spec to Level.ALL
val logger = Logger.getLogger(name)
logger.level = level
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