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IntelliJ plugin to register a custom Kotlin scripting host
package hydraulic.hshell.intellij
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationGroupManager
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationType
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.logger
import kotlin.script.experimental.intellij.ScriptDefinitionsProvider
private val LOG = logger<HShellDefinitionProvider>()
class HShellDefinitionProvider : ScriptDefinitionsProvider {
override val id: String
get() = ".hshell.kts script"
override fun getDefinitionClasses(): Iterable<String> = if (jars.isNotEmpty()) listOf("hydraulic.hshell.HShellScript") else emptyList()
private val jars: List<String> by lazy {
try {
// Find the list of JARs by asking the CLI version of the scripting engine to tell us where it's installed.
// This code assumes it's on the path i.e. the user installed it correctly.
val cmd = ProcessBuilder().command("/bin/sh", "-l", "-c", "hshell print-classpath").start()
val cp: List<String> = cmd.inputStream.bufferedReader().readLines().dropWhile { "cds,dynamic" in it }
if (cmd.waitFor() != 0) {
val errors = cmd.errorStream.bufferedReader().readLines()
throw Exception("hshell invocation failed:\n" + errors.joinToString("\n"))
}"hshell was found successfully, classpath is:\n" + cp.joinToString("\n") { "• $it" })
} catch (e: IOException) {
NotificationGroupManager.getInstance().getNotificationGroup("Hydraulic Shell")
.createNotification("HShell", "HShell was not found. Please check you have it installed and available on your system path.", NotificationType.ERROR)
override fun getDefinitionsClassPath(): Iterable<File> {
return { File(it) }
override fun useDiscovery(): Boolean = false
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