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Created August 10, 2020 01:05
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Pyracing chat
import asyncio
import datetime as dt
import logging
import os
import pyracing
import sys
from pyracing.client import Client
from pyracing.response_objects.chart_data import IRating
from pyracing.constants import ChartType
from pyracing.constants import Category
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, TypeVar, Generic, cast, Optional
T = TypeVar("T")
Success = TypeVar("Success")
Failure = TypeVar("Failure")
class Either(Generic[Success, Failure]):
def __post_init__(self):
if self.success is None and self.failure is None:
raise ValueError("Must set success or failure.")
elif self.success is not None and self.failure is not None:
raise ValueError("Cannot set both success AND failure.")
success: Optional[Success] = None
failure: Optional[Failure] = None
def is_success(self) -> bool:
return self.success is not None
def is_failure(self) -> bool:
return self.failure is not None
class ChartData(Generic[T]):
category: str # oval, road, dirt_road, dirt_oval
type: str # irating, ttrating, license_class
content: List[T]
# The last thing in the list, which is chronologically, the most recent
def current(self):
return self.content[-1]
def type_string(self):
return ChartType(self.type).name
def category_string(self):
return Category(self.category).name
def irating() -> ChartData[IRating]:
irs = [
IRating(tuple=(dt.datetime.utcnow(), 1234))
return ChartData(
def test() -> Either[str, str]:
import time
if int(time.time()) % 2 == 0:
return Either(success="yay")
return Either(failure="boo")
# t = test()
# try:
# t = test()
# print(t)
# except:
# print("failure!")
# print(test())
# def main():
# data = irating()
# username = os.getenv("IRACING_USERNAME")
# password = os.getenv("IRACING_PASSWORD")
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# pr_logger = logging.getLogger(pyracing.__name__)
# my_customer_id = 404787
# async def main():
# logging.basicConfig(
# stream=sys.stdout,
# level=logging.INFO,
# datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
# format="%(name)s;%(asctime)s;%(levelname)s;%(message)s"
# )
# client = Client(username, password)
# pr_logger.level = logging.CRITICAL
# my_ir = await client.irating(
# cust_id=my_customer_id,
# category=Category.road.value,
# )
# logger.debug(f"My (DEBUG) IR is: {my_ir.current().value}")
#"My IR is: {my_ir.current().value}")
# logging.getLogger().info("hello I am root")
# logging.getLogger().level = logging.INFO
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
# future = loop.create_task(main())
# loop.run_until_complete(future)
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