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Created June 29, 2011 02:32
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Pure Python Paillier Homomorphic Cryptosystem
import math
import primes
def invmod(a, p):
The multiplicitive inverse of a in the integers modulo p.
Return b s.t.
a * b == 1 mod p
r = a
d = 1
while True:
d = ((p // r + 1) * d) % p
r = (d * a) % p
if r == 1:
raise ValueError('%d has no inverse mod %d' % (a, p))
return d
class PrivateKey(object):
def __init__(self, bits):
p = primes.generate_prime(bits / 2)
q = primes.generate_prime(bits / 2)
n = p * q
self.lam = (p-1) * (q-1) = PublicKey(bits, n) = invmod(self.lam, n)
class PublicKey(object):
def __init__(self, bits, n):
self.bits = bits
self.n = n
self.n_sq = n * n
self.g = n + 1
def encrypt(plain, pub):
while True:
r = primes.generate_prime(long(round(math.log(pub.n, 2))))
if r > 0 and r < pub.n:
x = pow(r, pub.n, pub.n_sq)
cipher = (pow(pub.g, plain, pub.n_sq) * x) % pub.n_sq
return cipher
def e_add(pub, a, b):
return a * b % pub.n_sq
def decrypt(cipher, priv):
pub =
x = pow(cipher, priv.lam, pub.n_sq) - 1
plain = ((x // pub.n) * % pub.n
return plain
import random
import sys
def ipow(a, b, n):
"""calculates (a**b) % n via binary exponentiation, yielding itermediate
results as Rabin-Miller requires"""
A = a = long(a % n)
yield A
t = 1L
while t <= b:
t <<= 1
# t = 2**k, and t > b
t >>= 2
while t:
A = (A * A) % n
if t & b:
A = (A * a) % n
yield A
t >>= 1
def rabin_miller_witness(test, possible):
"""Using Rabin-Miller witness test, will return True if possible is
definitely not prime (composite), False if it may be prime."""
return 1 not in ipow(test, possible-1, possible)
smallprimes = (3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,
def default_k(bits):
return max(64, 2 * bits)
def is_probably_prime(possible, k=None):
if k is None:
k = default_k(possible.bit_length())
for i in smallprimes:
if possible % i == 0:
return False
for i in xrange(k):
test = random.randrange(2, possible) | 1
if rabin_miller_witness(test, possible):
return False
return True
def generate_prime(bits, k=None):
"""Will generate an integer of b bits that is probably prime
(after k trials). Reasonably fast on current hardware for
values of up to around 512 bits."""
assert bits >= 8
if k is None:
k = default_k(bits)
while True:
possible = random.randrange(2 ** (bits-1) + 1, 2 ** bits) | 1
if is_probably_prime(possible, k):
return possible
from paillier import *
print "Generating keypair..."
priv = PrivateKey(128)
pub =
x = 3
print "x =", x
print "Encrypting x..."
ex = encrypt(x, pub)
print "ex =", ex
y = 5
print "y =", y
print "Encrypting y..."
ey = encrypt(y, pub)
print "ey =", ey
print "Computing ex + ey..."
er = e_add(pub, ex, ey)
print "er =", er
print "Decrypting er..."
r = decrypt(er, priv)
print "r =", r
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