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Last active January 18, 2021 09:28
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gcloud one-liners

gcloud one-liners

Fetch all Pod (labled backend) logs with severity error from StackDriver (parsing with jq)

gcloud logging read "resource.labels.pod_id:backend AND severity:ERROR" --order asc --format json | jq '.[].textPayload'

Stop all instances

gcloud compute instances stop $(gcloud compute instances list | grep -v "NAME" | awk '{ print $1}')

Start all instances

gcloud compute instances start --async $(gcloud compute instances list | grep -v NAME | awk '{ print $1 }')

Manually create a network (--subnet-mode custom)

gcloud compute networks create k8s --subnet-mode custom

Create a subnet within a network

gcloud compute networks subnets create k8s-nodes --network k8s --range

Change configuration settings, set project for gcloud

gcloud config set core/project cka-exam-prep

Add firewall allowing internal traffic between components and pod networks

gcloud compute firewall-rules create k8s-cluster-fw --network k8s --allow tcp,udp,icmp --source-ranges,

Add firewall allowing external traffic to the network (port 6443 are used by API server TLS)

gcloud compute firewall-rules create k8s-allow-external \
  --allow tcp:22,tcp:6443,icmp \
  --network k8s \

List all firewall rules filtering on a specific network

gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="network:k8s"

Allocate a external IP address

gcloud compute addresses create k8s-external --region $(gcloud config get-value compute/region)

List allocated external IP addresses

gcloud compute addresses list
NAME          REGION        ADDRESS        STATUS
k8s-external  europe-west1  RESERVED

Query the metadata server from within a compute instance and fetch it's IP address

curl -s -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"
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