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Created May 27, 2015 15:33
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braintree day1
are vendor services and your
team might just not have the capital to pay for it.
Complex software licensing agreements may not meet your
needs for various reasons. Or maybe the amount of load
that your team will generate is just prohibited.
So what do we do in these cases? That's
really where my concept -- my ideas for experts will
frame buffer come into play. The frame buffer, more
known as XPF, and trying to use the two interchangeably
in this presentation, and it's not new technology, and
it's not JavaScript technology, but it is some towing
that allows you to run gooey applications, like, web
browsers with no gooey, with no screen.
So let's talk a little bit about XBFB, and
I'll hopefully provide some explanation on what this is
bring lead into my demo.
And with that quick sidebar, let's talk about
the X Windows system. So the X Windows system is how
gooey displays are rendered on Linux-like systems, being
Linux and Mac OS. And the display server is the current
release, so, again, this is a Windowing system to render
gooeys, and this is effectively how visual elements are
rendered on the screen and available for user
interaction via mouse click or visual gooeys with
quality, like, color and shape on Mac OS and Linux.
So with that, what is expert came from buff we
are, behaves like any other X server, the different
being no graphical output, which is rendered. It allows
us to perform all graphical operations in memory without
showing screen output. So, again, it doesn't require
the computer running it to have a screen. As is the
case in my own team's continuous integration, workflow,
and I'm sure that's true with many others. Either in
cloud or manage BMs that have no display.
So that brings me -- so with all of these
problems in mind, and bearing into consideration XBS and
candidate solution technology, I doctor it up aa polymer
testing box. So this available on my gate hub, and it's
testing box polymer-testing-box. And I'm not advocating
necessarily that this is the best or most appropriate
way to solve this problem, this is just a reference
implementation, proof of concept for how you can run
your automated tests in a headless BM.
So the core technologies I'm going to be using
throughout, throughout the presentation in demoing
polymer testing box are of course XBFB, we're going to
use answerable, it is a configuration comparable to
chef or puppet or CF engine, typically used by system
administrators and operate in professional servers.
We're going to install Google chrome, Firefox,
and web component test servers. They're all the
prerequisite for running Google polymer tests.
So demo time. So, again, here's what we're
going to do. Our provision of box, ANSIable is then
going to do its work in installing all necessary
dependences, and then we're going to run some component
tests against polymer web component. So quick sidebar.
A disclaimer for those of you who aren't familiar with
vagrant, this is not JavaScript, but it's -- I feel
baited to say that at a JavaScript conference; right?
But this is some great technology that helps us -- helps
serve our needs within the JavaScript community. So
vagrant is built on virtual box, and it's effectively a
tool to spin up lightweight headless BMs, but a quick
point I want to make about this.
But on my laptop, vagrant is the provider of
this Linux BM, but that provider could just as easily be
a remote or cloud provider such as amazon web services
or digital option or open stack. In this case for this
demo, its purposes, just using vagrant. But in theory,
this ANSIable playbook, being the metaphor for how
provisioning happens, it could take effect on a box from
a different provider, like, a cloud provider.
So the primary way that we communicate that we
want a VM from the vagrant is via this vagrant file.
So, again, this is also not JavaScript, this is Ruby,
but I do want to point out a few things here. There's
more going on, but in the larger vagrant file, chucks in
my repo, but quick points here. So number one, note
that we are 5900 to 5901 on the host machine, so the
host machine in this being my MacBook, so the VM becomes
available via my MacBook. And then secondly we're
declaring vacancy vagrant provision and this box we're
asking depo, via answereddable, and the instructions on
how to do so is in this playbook file.
So the ANSIable playbook file, again, not
JavaScript, it is Python. But, again, I hope you see
the relevancy. We're going to -- as per directive for
this playbook file, install and run XBFE on display port
O, we're going to install node, and Firefox. So we kick
all this off by executing, by running vagrant up, so
that gives us the box and then kicks off the ANSIable
revisioning process. The point here is that this is,
you know, I'm storing my infrastructure in code here.
So this is easily repeatable scientific process. This
is not a gradual managed server. This code allows us to
repeat this process again and again and again and get
the theory exact same again and again.
So when did that all done, we're going to
shell into the polymer testing box, which I'll do via
vagrant SSH. And then I'm going to clone a Google
polymer web component. So in this case we'll clone four
AJAX, which is a Google polymer component maintained by
the polymer team, which provides some AJAX functionality
within polymer. So we'll clone that.
I'm going to check out version 057 of core
AJAX, I want to do that because I want to demo tests,
and I know 056 is a official release. And then we're
going to run to install the AJAX dependency. So, again,
this is all happening on the polymer testing box.
So now I'll demo running web component tester.
So what you'll see is I'll run WCT, which is a web
component tester, executable, setting the environment
variable to display port 0, so I'm telling web component
to run on display port O, and remember per our ANSIable
playbook, experiencable is running on display port O,
and we'll see evidence -- I'll go ahead and kick this
off, that sellinium is going to spin up both chrome and
Firefox. So chrome 43 and Firefox 38, which were
installed via ANSIable, and we're going to run the Web
component test. So you can see the tests, all of our
tests in each browser, and that happens with no screen
output. That happened entirely on a vagrant box.
So that is, like, the core of what I see the
demo here.
So I can understand any skepticism you have,
you know, how do I really know that chrome and Firefox
really ran and what about the debugging? What you need
to poke around in development or even remotely to see
why are things failing. You might need a gooey, so I
have a solution. ENC. The polymer testing box has no
screen, it has no gooey, your Mac does. So what this
means is that we can open a VNC connection from -- in
this case my MacBook to the vagrant box and because my
MacBook has agooey, the screen, the draw commands and
the all of the gooey commands executed will have a
screen to take effect on.
So step one on the polymer testing box, we'll
have to install a VNC server, so I'll do it X11VNC and
also on display port O. And then on your Mac -- or my
Mac rather, I've brew installed tiger VNC viewer, any
VNC client will do, and I'm running this on local host
59.01, and you'll recall that I forwarded port 5900 of
the vagrant VM to port 59.01 on my Mac. Sorry for
the -- it's a little small. I wasn't what kind of
screen real estate I would have to deal with.
But on the left, this is my VNC connection
from my Mac to the vagrant box on the right. So I'll go
ahead and run the same command I ran previously on
the vagrant box, and on the left it's going to be
squished up, but hopefully you'll take my word for it
that you'll see chrome and Firefox actually open and
execute these tests. So there was chrome first there
was Firefox and all tests passed.
So, again, that is available at my profile and
quick extra credit, I doctored up both unit and testing
NW desktop application on similar box.
So as for next steps, you know, I'm hoping
that you could say how you could adopt maybe what I've
proof of concepted here with something during your own
builds, maybe MW, or MWS for some comparable cloud
provider. Also an idea for how similar DM could be spun
off in provisions for building and unit testing.
ActionScript. I think this also opens a lot of advanced
scripting for those websites that don't seem to behave
at all for whatever reason. And it also provides
passwords, headless functional testing, if that's
something that you're interested in.
So that's it. Thank you very much..
>> Okay. It sounds like everybody would like
it to start. We still got a couple of minutes. You
guys can chat. Up next we've got Kyle Tyacke, from
San Diego where they have delicious beer and stone
brewing. Have you ever heard of this thing called
WebRTC before isn't the skile going to share with us his
work with WebRTC, and give it up for Kyle.
>> Thanks, everybody, I'm just going to give
it a couple more seconds, so if I could get a quick
photo with everybody, awesome. Beautiful crowd today.
Great turnout. So the title of this talk is communicate
all the things. What that means is I'm going to be
talking about web communications, more specifically
about the compatibilities that you now have access to as
develops to do communications on the web.
So while we're kind of waiting for those last
couple of people, if you want to follow along, this is a
live that's going to update automatically, it's U.UL,
and I would love to get some audience interaction, maybe
a video call and a little bit of screen share if you
want to go ahead and hit this URL, we'll run that
throughout the session here.
All right. So everybody ready? Let's do this
thing. So what are we going to talk about today? We're
going to look at WebRTC, what it is and what it allows
you to do wab what the spec looks like. Going to talk
about a little bit about spoke, the company I work with,
and how it simplifies your life a little bit, and then
we're a lot going to look at building a video call,
screen sharing, and messaging a bit. And then this is a
short session, 30 minutes is it a ton of time. So if
you could hold questions until the end, that would be
great too.
So who am I and why should you actually listen
to anything I have to say? I mentioned my name is Kyle
Tyacke, about 10 years as a flash freelancer doing a ton
of script work, and which is where I led myself today.
Video streaming, auto, and sort of laid for foundation
for why JavaScript is coming out to speed for this
communication stuff. And then I got back in the
front-end, and then I'm developer the and coming to
great conferences like those. And I'm also a huge beer
geek, so if there are any microbrewers in here, I would
love to talk about that all day.
So what the heck is WebRTC? It's defined by
the Mozilla foundation as a free open project with web
browsers. Compatibilities via simple JavaScript API.
So what does that mean exactly?
It's free. You can use it. It's built into
the browser. It's part of the HTML specter or supposed
to be part of the HTML 5 spec, so you have access to it
for free. You just go to play around with it. Open.
It's open sourced People's No. so if you're one of those
crafty developers that like to contribute to projects,
and I recommended you do, you can actually make
contributions to the spec and might actually see them go
live. Realtime communications. This is sort of the
meat of it all. It's auto and video date in realtime.
So basically what it does is connect two browsers Napier
to peer connection. So if you think about how web
sockets work, that's what pure communication does. And
the realtime portion of it is real time. So think about
video and auto realtime when you talk to somebody on the
phone be that's a realtime conversation. The same
compatibility is going milligram through the web
browser. Or Skype or Google hangout.
And it's stuff that you can access with the
JavaScript that you all know today. I'm assuming that I
have a large audience of JavaScript developers in the
room, given the conference. So this is going to be
stuff that you can easily work with. You don't need to
know anything learn new or learn anything new, other
than just start working JavaScript. The contributors,
Google, Mozilla, and opera are the big ones. IE is kind
of Microsoft working on their own implementation of
ORTC, which sort of McI can say WebRTC with a few
implements. And they're also contributing back to the
main spec. So there is back and forth going on between
Google and Mozilla, and IE, which is good, because the
hope one day when they finalize the spec that everyone
will implement one version of the spec.
Again, that's a hope. Maybe a dream. But are
things actually looking like they might go in that
direction. So WebRTC in the wild. What are people
doing with this stuff already? You may have seen amazon
may day some time ago, the can I make fire X was
Bear with me. I'm going to go a little bit
rowing on this.
So amazon may day, when Kindle launched, they
added this new feature called the may day button, it
allowed you to be connected to a support rep at amazon,
who would be able to access your screen and circle the
mail button, for this example, and then. I have tested
this service. This is want the person you talk to.
They were very helpful, but not nearly as shiny as in
their marketing campaign.
That being said, it's a really could cool use
case, you've got live video happening with this support
tech, it beats chat supporter or even the worse more
standard phone supporter that you get from most
companies. And they built this using WebRTC on top of
their own server. So they use WebRTC for the video
portion, at least from what we can tell, and then it
goes through the supporter lines that they already had
in place.
What umight have seen more is Google hangouts,
what I'm assuming some of you in the room are using, you
may have auto noticed in the past you had to download a
plugin, and no longer. You can use it for WebRTC. For
functionality, like, the data transfers and the live
videoconferencing, as well as messaging. So a good
example of the functionality built into WebRTC. Follow
is a chat client, we didn't like slack, is we didn't
like hangouts for specific reasons. We built our own.
We used our own tools to roll our own version of
communications app. This actually has things, like,
group sharing, file sharing, phone conversations, you
can dial somebody's phone or directly over the web using
a video acall. And, again, it was just something we
built a custom solution for what we needed.
CDN, this is actually a really cool
implementation. It's essentially a CDN on your website.
What you do is drop into a JavaScript library, and it
scrubs your website for static assets,PDFs, anything
that's large and you have every user download from the
web server. And what it does is look to see if anybody
else currently on the site has those files already. If
it does, it creates a peer to peer connection between
the new user and the user with the files, and it
actually sends the files across that peer to peer. And
what that's doing is saving you a ton of costs. So
instead of every one of going and downloading the file,
charging us bandwidth, they're streaming those files
when possibly directly from person to person. So kind
of a bit torrent client in a way.
And, again, bandwidth savings can be huge on
that, especially when you think of things like large
video files, 10 megs at a time, lots of users.
And this was an example Google built. To kind
of showcase the gaming potential for WebRTC. So they
actually take advantage of that peer to peer connection
with live game updates. So if you think normally how
you set up a game online, the access of gaming server in
between. It would go up to the gaming server and out
the rest. This implementation, they built an on style
game where they're using video to actually show you the
user you're playing against and auto so you can talk
back and forth. And then using that same channel on to
have simple object.
So as under which dates are happening in the
game, sending all that stuff across just using this JSON
review data channel.
So more altruistic examples that you think are
actually really cool, speaking of one that I was just
recently shown. So this is basically connecting
retirees with non-English speaking students in Brazil.
And it allows them to practice their English. So
speaking folks that are rather lonely that are trying to
it teach kids English and using the simple web chat.
And, again, all they need to do this is go into the web
during the course that support WebRTC, and they're able
to to have that video communication. There's no plugins
or software to download and that's the big thing.
Again, they're not paying these huge bandwidth
bills to host that server and stream all that data
through that server.
And another one that's a personal favorite of
my is BMI. They built a concept to build an app that
would allow site challenged people to dial into this app
and request help. So imagine you're blind and you're in
your apartment and you need to know if the milk is
spoiled or if you're on a subway and they don't have a
Braille system and you need to know which track to
travel on. This actually allows to you open the app,
and then they connect you via WebRTC, and you can Shem
as though them what they're looking at or describe to
them what you're seeing.
So, again, kind of a cool way to look at use,
or potential use for this type of technology.
So it's just giving developers like ourselves
a new way to work with new patients, new JavaScript, our
language. We don't have to go out and learn
ActionScript or god I even suggest it, flash to
accomplish something like this. We can just use it
using JavaScript.
So how does it work? Kind of like this.
Everybody remembers the old tin cans and strings is
good. Ayou've got a tin can on one end, and the other
and connected with a string. So you place it in a
browser and that peer on peer, this is kind of how
WebRTC works. You've got two people that want to
connect, and WebRTC figures out how to make that happen,
and whether it's video, auto, data, all streams directly
So to kind of bring this example home a little
bit more, we're going to talk about bop and Alice. They
met on a online dating site like many of us today, and I
wanted to use for paleofolks that want to
date. But caveman is our example for today.
So Bob and Alice met on cave date, and they want to have
a video chat and test the waters before they want on
their first date. So in a ideal world, the browser
would update quickly enough that I could actually talk
to it. It would look something like this. Bob and
Alice would change some information through a process
known as signaling. And what it does is basically say,
hey, I've got the compatibilities to share a webcam, my
microphone, and here's some information about how to
access it, so my local IP address. And it could share
that stuff back and forth, and from that they could
establish this peer to peer connection that we're
talking about.
About as we all know the reeled world isn't so
ideal. We have got the network access translation, so
things like your record at home or a firewall at your
work place. These are things that both allow us to have
the networks that are existing today, but also block us
from connecting. Fortunately there's a thing called
ice. This is a technique used by WebRTC be to sort of
Traverse that. So how to make those browsers talk to
one another. So if Alice is at work before you went
online dating and Bob is at home or a coffee shop,
somewhere public. Let's say Alice has a big firewall in
place, and Bob is wide open, Bob is going to try to
figure out how to talk, he isn't actually doing this,
this is happening on the back end. He's going to use
something called a stunt server. And what it does, it's
got one roll, and when boll wants to talk to Alice, the
stun server is going to say, hey, Bob you're wide open,
here's your IP address are, here's your port, Bob is
going to get that information back and he's going to
send that over to Alice. Alice is going to receive it
and then say okay how am I going to connect to Bob.
She's at work and can't access publically, so they're
going to send a pact out to the stun everybodier, and
it's going to say I don't know what you look like. So
that's where this third piece is the turn serve certify.
Basically that's a way to relay around that, so ideal in
a why would world, this is about 86 percent of the time
given statistics, so they both get the IP addresses and
it will be done. So given the case of the firewall,
which is that O'14 percent time where there's something
preventing that from happening. It's going to come in
and act as a relay. So Alice is going to send
information back to Bob saying here's the turn server.
When Bob sends the information over to Alice,
it's actually going from Bob to that turn server and
then down to Alice. When Alice sends information to
Bob, allegation straight across. So when an ideal world
what we're hoping to accomplish is a peer to peer
connection where data goes directly across in both
directions. But in the case of, you know, network
issues or something like a firewall, you're going to use
that relay server as a back up. So what's that giving
you is cover. Probably 99.99. But the piece to take
away from this is through this technique, we have the
ability to connect everyone peer to peer. So that small
percentage of a time you're going to go through that
server, the rest of the time you're basically going
directly across that channel and hopefully saving a ton
of money.
So the complete connection would look
something like this. Bob and Alice would share
information, and Napier to peer channel, in a nonperfect
world be they would share through a server and the rest
would go across. Simple; right? Ready to go out there
today and spin a couple and play with this stuff?
That's where spoke comes in. So it's a set of AP I's,
it allows the developers to add them to their app.
It's sort of like WebRTC, but we wrap
everything up for you guys. The turn server, the stun
server, you can just focus on what you do with
developing the app. So if you remember Bob and Alice
the signaling process that's done, it looks something
more like this. You connect out to respoke, we take
care of that handshaking process for you, figure out how
to connect that up, and then all it does is is really
creating the application and how they're going to
connect, whether they're going to have a video call or
an auto call or hear some data back and forth. That's
really all you've got to worry about. So we take care
of the harder by the for you.
And old Billy banks, my homey. But wait
there's more. There's a few features we added up. You
might wonder okay. I can still go turn on the server
myself. What's the value here? One it's open source.
Our JavaScript libraries are at least so you can edit
and add features to yourself. And all those nice
prefixes that we love and hate so much. We're taking
care of those for you. Concepts likened point
discovery. This is kind of a big one that's not taken
care of by WebRTC People's No. so how do you find peep
within the network or the application that you want to
talk to? That stuff doesn't really exist in WebRTC, so
you have to make it yourself. We handle methods for you
to handle that for you. Concept, like, groups,
messaging features, so you want if you want to accepted
messages out to a group, things, like, presents, whether
or not you're only, offline, we have compatibilities for
that, and a really cool home system supporter. So if
you want to have your mobile or web app talk out through
the transitional network, you meant to have a button on
your site to call out to somebody's phone, you want to
have a phone call into your web app, we have that
supporter also. And WebRTC is currently not so were
they in most if not almost all noticeable devices. So
we added the compatibilities to view those adds native
applications and put them into your web app. Let's get
down to the good stuff.
So first thing you're going to want to do is
go to spoke and get a free account and get started
And I'm going to switch this up to get some
Is that big enough for everybody? I'm not
sure we're going to get everybody all the way in the
back. But thumbs up? Thumbs down? Up? I see pretty
far back there. Sorry, bud, you're going to have to
come a little bit closer.
So getting started with this, how to all
works, it's just a JavaScript library, so you Futch did
you ever have isn't an include, and you're on of and
running. Getting connected like I said is kind of the
first part of that whole signaling portion that I talked
about, that's going to happen during this connection
phase. And to do that, you need a app ID, that's how
you identical yourself in the spoke frame wok and you
identify your application. It acts as a container of
sorts, so anything that connects user users in that app
ID. So if you guys all Kecked thunder app ID here,
we'll be able to find eastern other, everybody in the
room. If we split half the room, it would split that
group down. Half on the left wouldn't know about half
on the right. It's basically the container for the
There's concepts, you'll hear me mention end
points and peers, those are just and ourselves browsers.
An end point is somebody you're trying to connect to.
So the first step is creating an instance of the client
object. To do that with respoke, just call
respoke.create client. And then there's a key piece
here called development mode, we're going to set that to
true. Basically what this does is handle all the tone.
And most frameworks, you're going to have to take care
of token and management of the user privileges. With
development mode, we're just, like, leave that wide
open. You can just connect in, play with all the
different AP I's with all the sources users have access
to everything. Once you're ready toking into
production, you're going to have some simple stuff to go
So once that we get client object, we can
start calling some listeners on it and calling some
methods. The listener we're going to add here is
connect. And that's basically saying, hey, you're
connected, start playing around. Your video call is
ready to rock. You're ready to start going. And then
to get connected, we're going to call client.connect and
pass through a pinpoint ID, and in this case it would be
the ID that I want too to connect as. So if I pass as
Kyle, on an e-mail address or however you is to your
users in a database, it's up to you. But the end point
ID, the take away from that as little how you're going
to find people. If I log in by Kyle, you can look me up
by Kyle.
And you're going to be ready to roll.
So messaging. We're just going to look at the
code for this. Have he simple. You connect up, and
once you start connecting, messaging would be I am the
of my I want to send a message to another user. This is
an example of point to point. So me to one other
So to do that, you would call client.listen,
or messages even, and then you just get back in a and
event all that is is a simple JSON object. So you
access it message.message.message. For send a message.
You're going to first get the ID of the person you want
to talk to, in this case we're talking about remote ID.
And this is just some J Cory I've used hero. End point,
the that's the person you want to talk to. So we would
want to pause putt the ID of the person I want to talk
on pop so in this case it would be John. And once I
have access with that end point, I'm going to start
communicate with that person. So I'm going to call end
point.send message. With the property of the message
and the message I want to send with the message.
So you can get an application going with that
pretty quickly. The group messaging. We'll actually
look at a quick demo on this one. So if anybody is
following along out there, if I could get a couple of
people to click on that link, the DNXBUC link on there
and that should open up the group messaging window. And
you'll see here I've got not connected respoke, not
connected to the group. And what's going to going to
happen here is I'm going to use the user name, hit Kyle,
go through that connection process that I talked about,
and then it's going to automatically join a group, and
we'll see how it is happening.
As you can see here it's just really simple
but it's sending mentions out to a entire group of
people. And the UI is purposely dumb. It's meant to be
for show casing here. So to look at the code for that,
it's very similar to the code we had in the original,
except we added some functionality to create a group.
So we're going to listen for that connect event again,
and when that happens, we're going to join this group
and pass on a group ID and then there's on success and
hedge handler inside the group. So on success, I'm
going to start as to that group as a variable, is and on
message I'm going to pass the message out to that list
that I'm showing in the window there. And then to send
a message to a group, it's the same as sending a message
to a single person or an end point. It's called
group.send message and it passes out the valley that we
want to send out. So pretty simple stuff out there.
10, 15 lines of code you can get messaging through a
To get into something more interesting. Take
a look at video. Hopefully all works perfectly. If
somebody could go ahead and click on this link that's
following along there and then just give me a little
hands up that you're going to participant via the demo.
Please, all right if you just let me know the name that
you logged in with. All lower case? Okay.
So I'm connecting in as Kyle, you can see the
whole connecting process happen. And then I'm going to
call out to connect to rob. So I'm just typing in Rob's
name here. And I'm going to hit call.
The first thing you're going to see here is
the access to my of mine. Once I click allow, you'll
see the first thing on Rob's end, and then hopefully
we're going to see rob. Nice.
So you're live on camera. So this is actually
a hell of a lot simpler than you might expect, and this
is the cool stuff with WebRTC, I'm able to set up a
video call with a couple of simple things.
And looked at this example here. We've got a
couple of new things here. We knew the whole connection
process, and I'm not showing that here just to keep the
code simple. But you've got this DIV for the local and
remote source.
Once we get past that, we've got some options
here, and that's is just option to allow constraints,
and constraints are what I as the user or developer. So
if I want to add some UI feature that allows them to
turn off their of mine or web camera, this is where you
would update those properties. So in this case I'm
sharing out auto and video. And I'm going to share
everything and have a full video call with Rob. And
then we've got methods here for on local media, which is
when my video becomes available and on connect, which is
when Rob's video becomes available. So these messages
say what I want to do when that becomes available for
When you're going to get back in that event is
a video element. So you wrap up the stream in a video
element, pass it back to you, and then all you need to
do is pass it back to the GIV. And all that really does
is take the DIV, and then passes out the element, so you
can see here I'm pag of out event.element, that's going
to be the element that's being returned, and then local
video source was the DIV that want that I want to
access. And then I'm listening for a call event.
This is going to listen for a incoming call.
So here you can see active call is, it's the
that gets passed with that and that's how you access
with video calls or auto Sauls calls for a legal
conclusion. And then I'm going to do a simple check
here. And it's going to say whether or not I'm the one
who initiated this call, argument answer missable so
this check take care of that. So when I place a call
for Rob, his checks for this, and it's I'm not the guy
that I want to call, and then it's going to pass through
the call options that was applied.
And then it's going to add a in line hangup
peasant it's when you dissect. And to actually pake the
call happen, we're going to get access to that end point
the same way if we did messaging calling client.end
point, subsequently the recipient you want to talk to,
so Rob in this case. Once I have access to that end
point, I'm going to pass through this call options. So
see athe person initiating through the call, all I have
to do is call end point and pass through those options
with the simple JavaScript and then wait for the call to
come back.
And from there here's my video, all I'm using
is JavaScript, clearing out anything that's already
existing and pending the video element that I passed
through. That's really all there is to start a video
call. You know, we're looking at 5 lines of code here
with some flush for the JQUERY stuff. Pretty simple ,
And we'll look at something very similar,
which is screen sharing. This actually functions almost
exactly the same. I'm going to pick on Rob and ask for
his help again if you don't mind following along there.
I'm going to hit connect. Connect up the same way we
did in the other examples. And then once I get the
thumb's up from Rob that he's connected, I'm going to go
ahead and call out to rob only this time instead of
sharing my web cameras, I'm going to actually capture my
desktop. So you're going to see this popup. This is
very familiar with anybody. It's the exact same UI. I
can choose which screen I want to share out. So if I
want to share my whole screen or maybe Michael Jordan
line text.
I'm going to hit share and it's going to bump
me over to the it app. And as you can see here, this is
my screen being shared out and Rob should be seeing the
same thing on his end. Probably not as interesting for
the rest of you. This is a one-to-one demo. But the
screen should share out and he should be able to say any
updates I'm seeing on my side. Hoping for a thumbs up.
Demo problems. Is there any sort of allow or anything
that came up?
So what should happen when the demo works
properly is that Rob should share the screen. Probably
a simple fix of security going on there, but I want is
to show you guys the code. That's the more interesting
part of this.
So, again, we've got a video element for
local, video element for remote. Similar stuff that we
did in the video screen example. The only main
difference is we've got to install a small plug in.
This is a polyfill for chrome right now. Once that
happens, you did have to do this plug in. So this code
here is basically handling a check saying do they have
the chrome extension yet? Finance the, we're Googled
and let them install it. Luckily it's an inline
installation, meaning you don't have to go to another
website, you can download it all within that one package
I. So it's going to go out and find the plugin, install
it to the user, give me a notification that's all
reasonable doubt to rock and then we're going to move
on. So once this success happens, or a O if I already
have the extension, which in my case is younger see any
installation process happening.
So we're going to go to sharing. I'm going to
get access to the local and the video element, and then
I'm going to call end point.start screen share, passing
in the video element here. This is a little bit
different in that I'm going to pass the video and local
objects into the method here. And they're actually
going to attach the video for me automatically. This is
just the helper feature that was built in part of the
rephrase the question work, so you have options in how
you're going to connect up, depending on how you want to
interact with that code.
Needing more access, you want to do some more
UI updates in between, being you get that actual element
back and edit it yourself. If you want to automatically
connect to the DIV and start streaming, you can do that
as well.
But basically it's a screen share. You get
the same thing back. A video element returned. And
it's just going to use your screen as the source of
sharing or the screen, video streaming as opposed to
your webcam.
And then there's a handler process here if it
fails to install properly.
Snooze screen sharing. Docs and additional
examples, there's more up on that you can see how all
that stuff happens. So to kind of wrap up a little bit.
What does all this stuff mean what's the point of
WebRTC, why is it available, why should you care? A
fame workadds faster development. I like to harp on
this one specific point. How many people in this room
have gone to a website in the last couple of months
where they've been logged in, people on the website,
they know who you are, your session identifies you, your
account information, maybe you're on your cell phone,
they know everything by you, they know the page you're
looking at, it's all there in the session. But then
when you need help, you have to dig up an 800 number,
and you have to be enter your account information.
Probably some other personal identification stuff for
security. And then you get somebody on the phone if
you're lucky who then asks you for your account
information and your mother maiden's name.
We've all been through this process, it takes
an hour to get any kind of information you might want.
I would like to propose that as developers, we have the
power to change that. Given these two tools in that
same scenario, this can be I button on the website that
says click to call; right? Or just call. So you click
the button, it on pops up a video chat. You take all
that session information that we already have through
JS, pass it through to the supporter representative.
The. On the other end one you can decrip that
information so they know who they're talking to, what
account information you have, they know what page you're
looking at, and they can more readily help you with your
problem. So I would just like to challenge you guys to
start thinking about in things new ways. We haven't had
access to of mine and video in reason JavaScript, but we
have the chance to change things for that.
So you build some cool app that makes you a
million dollars, you're going to be pretty stoked, he
but we have a chance to connect with people. There'sal
relevant really a chance to change lives with what
you're creating, and these tools are going to give you a
chance to do that.
So the thing I would like to leave you with.
Communication should be a feature with not a product, I
would like to challenge you how communication instead of
asking you if you can go and up op up the site, go jump
on Google hangouts. If you're on a remote team, this is
hugely important, that was part of it driver for it.
Because we wanted communications to happen in a seamless
fashion. We wanted multiples ways to do it. So we
built that to allow it. The other thing I played around
with is a demo with the technical interview. White
boarding and code challenges, all live over a video,
with video chat.
You know, it's all stuff you can build. So if
you see use cases out there, there's a ton of nails,
this is the Newhamer; right? So look at ways you can
start being building commutations into your application
as features rather than creating separate products for
That's it for my, my name is Kyle Tyacke, and
you can catch me on Twitter and if you want to play
around with this stuff. The whole example and sources
all available to you at the URL at the bottom, if you
can't read it, hopefully you can come up, and I'll open
it up for questions, if we have time, if not --
>> No questions.
>> All right. Well, then just find me
afterwards. I also brought some stuff for you guys if
you want to come to the shop up front.
>> So we're going to taking a break for lunch.
Don't rush out yet. They might not be totally set yet.
If you didn't order a special meal, please don't take
one. And if there's an Elliott cable in the office, the
front desk is looking for you. Yeah, enjoy lunch.
We'll be back at I think 12:45? To talk about closures.
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