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mikekosulin /
Last active November 9, 2023 09:42
Migrate Redis data with ease using yannh/redis-dump-go. Simple, efficient, and ready-to-use script!

Redis Migration Script

This script is used to migrate Redis data from one server to another. It supports custom ports, passwords, and the ability to select specific Redis databases to transfer.


Before using the script, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed on your system:

  • wget: Used for retrieving files from the web (if your script requires it).
  • redis-tools: Provides necessary tools for interacting with Redis, such as redis-cli.
mikekosulin / telegramNotify.ps1
Created December 8, 2020 01:18
Send message to telegram on new Windows Server RDP connection
# .\telegramNotify.ps1 -WindowStyle Hidden -botToken "{YOUR_BOTTOKEN}" -chatId "{YOUR_CHAT_ID}"
param ($botToken, $chatId)
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
[string]$dateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"
[string]$endPoint = "$botToken/sendMessage"
# Unicode chars
[char]$nl = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x000A)
[String]$computerEmoji = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F5A5)
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class DrawerScreen extends StatefulWidget {
_DrawerScreenState createState() => _DrawerScreenState();