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Last active January 16, 2021 23:11
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Shunting Yard Algorithm in Python
import re
from collections import deque
from typing import List, Union
def tokenize(expression: str) -> List[Union[int, str]]:
tokens = [
if token.isnumeric()
else token
for token
in re.split(r'(\d+)|([+\-x\^/]+)|([\(\)])', expression)
if token and token != ' '
return tokens
operators = {
'^': {'precedence': 4, 'associativity': 'right'},
'x': {'precedence': 3, 'associativity': 'left'},
'/': {'precedence': 3, 'associativity': 'left'},
'+': {'precedence': 2, 'associativity': 'left'},
'-': {'precedence': 3, 'associativity': 'left'}
class MismatchedParenthesisError(Exception):
def parse_tokens(tokens: List[Union[int, str]]):
output_queue = []
operator_stack = []
for token in tokens:
if isinstance(token, int):
print(f'Found int, {token=}, appending to output_queue')
elif token in operators:
print(f'Found operator, {token=}, checking for higher precedence operators or equal precedence operators with left associativity')
while (
and operator_stack[-1] != '('
and (
operators[operator_stack[-1]]['precedence'] > operators[token]['precedence']
or (
operators[operator_stack[-1]]['precedence'] == operators[token]['precedence']
and operators[token]['associativity'] == 'left'
print(f' - Appending {operator_stack[-1]=} to the output_queue')
print(f'Done. Now appending {token=} to operator_stack')
elif token == '(':
print(f'Found left parens, {token=}, appending it to the operator stack')
elif token == ')':
print(f'Found right parens, {token=}, popping all non left paren operators off the operator stack')
while operator_stack[-1] != '(':
print(f' - Found {operator_stack[-1]=}, popping it into the output_queue')
except IndexError:
print(f'Whoopsie, mismatch parens detected!')
raise MismatchedParenthesisError('ERROR: Parenthesis are mismatched!')
print(f'Done. Appending right parens, {operator_stack[-1]}, and discarding')
print('-'*50, end='\n')
print(f'No more tokens, now popping all operators from the operator stack onto the output queue')
while operator_stack:
operator = operator_stack.pop()
print(f'Found {operator=}. ', end=' ')
if operator in '()':
print(f'Whoopsie! Mismatched parens.')
raise MismatchedParenthesisError('ERROR: Parenthesis are mismatched!')
print(f'appending it to the output_queue')
return output_queue
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