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Created February 8, 2013 23:43
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import java.util.Vector;
class BPlusTree {
private static Node tree;
private static int degree;
private static boolean debug;
private BPlusTree(int x) {
// a B+ Tree must have an initial degree
degree = x;
// The initial type of Node for a B+Tree is a leaf
tree = new LeafNode(degree);
debug = false;
private static void executeCommand(Command c, BufferedWriter output) throws InvalidCommandException, IOException {
// execute command, does as it says, calls the appropriate procedure to accomplish the command
// There are also some debug options to help the user see what's going on
switch( (int) c.getCommand() ) {
case 'd':
if( c.getXValue() == 1 && !debug) {
debug = true;
System.out.println("ENTERING DEBUG MODE");
else if ( c.getXValue() == 0 && debug) {
debug = false;
System.out.println("EXITTING DEBUG MODE");
else if (c.getXValue() != 0 || c.getXValue() != 1){
throw new InvalidCommandException("Invalid Operand with command d. Must be 0 or 1.");
case 'p':
if(debug) {
System.out.println("PRINTING TREE");
case 's':
if(debug) {
System.out.println("SEARCHING TREE FOR x = " + c.getXValue());
searchTree(c.getXValue(), output);
case 'i':
if(debug) {
System.out.println("INSERTING x = " + c.getXValue() + " INTO THE TREE");
insertIntoTree(new DataNode(c.getXValue()));
if(debug && (int)c.getCommand() != 'p') {
printTree(new BufferedWriter(new PrintWriter(System.out)));
System.out.println("--->OPERATION COMPLETE");
private static void insertIntoTree(DataNode dnode) {
tree = tree.insert(dnode);
private static void searchTree(int x, BufferedWriter output) throws IOException {
// search the tree starting from the top
if( DataNode(x)) ) {
output.write("FOUND" + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
else {
output.write("NOT FOUND" + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
private static void printTree(BufferedWriter output) throws IOException {
// create a vector to store all the nodes from each level as we
Vector<Node> nodeList = new Vector();
// put the root of the tree onto the stack to start the process
boolean done = false;
while(! done) {
// this vector will hold all the children of the nodes in the current level
Vector<Node> nextLevelList = new Vector();
String toprint = "";
// for each node in the list convert it to a string and add any children to the nextlevel stack
for(int i=0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
// get the node at position i
Node node = (Node)nodeList.elementAt(i);
// convert the node into a string
toprint += node.toString() + " ";
// if this is a leaf node we need only print the contents
if(node.isLeafNode()) {
done = true;
// if this is a tree node print the contents and populate
// the temp vector with nodes that node i points to
for(int j=0; j < node.size()+1 ; j++) {
nextLevelList.add( ((TreeNode)node).getPointerAt(j) );
// print the level
output.write(toprint + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
// go to the next level and print it
nodeList = nextLevelList;
private static void readDegree(BufferedReader in) {
// get the tree's degree from input
try {
int x = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine().trim());
// set the degree of the tree
new BPlusTree(x);
} catch (Exception e1) {
System.err.println("degree could not be read... defaulting to order 3");
new BPlusTree(3);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// if there are too many arguments error
if(args.length > 1) {
System.err.println("Syntax error in call sequence, use:\n\tjava BplusTree");
else {
// declare a reader on Standard in, incase the file reader fails
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
// create a new file to store output
BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(new File("bplustree.out")) );
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("bplustree.inp")));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println("Error: specified file not found (defaulting to standard input)");
// get the degree of the B+Tree
// declare a new command object
Command c = new Command();
// continue executing commands until quit is reached
while(c.getCommand() != 'q') {
try {
// read a command from input
// execute the command
executeCommand(c, output);
catch (IOException e) {
catch (InvalidCommandException e) {
System.out.println("Valid Query-Modes:\n\ti x - insert x into tree\n\ts x - find x in tree\n\tp - print tree\n\tq - quit");
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.err.println("This type of command requires a integer operand");
System.out.println("Valid Query-Modes:\n\ti x - insert x into tree\n\ts x - find x in tree\n\tp - print tree\n\tq - quit");
catch (Exception e) {
// close input and output
// output.write("Exitting");
class Command {
int xvalue;
char command;
Command() {
command = 0;
xvalue = 0;
public String toString() {
return "command = " + command + " x = " + xvalue;
public void readCommand(BufferedReader in) throws InvalidCommandException, IOException, NumberFormatException {
boolean readcommand = false;
// until a command has been read (valid or invalid) get something from input
while(!readcommand && in.ready()) {
command = (char);
// if the line is a comment output the rest of the line
if(command == '#') {
// print the comment to the screen
System.out.println( in.readLine() );
// if a valid command was read get any necessary arguments
else if(this.validCommand()) {
if(this.commandWithArgument()) {
xvalue = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine().trim());
else {
xvalue = 0;
readcommand = true;
else {
// clean up the rest of the garbage on the input line
throw new InvalidCommandException(command);
public char getCommand() {
return command;
public int getXValue() {
return xvalue;
private boolean validCommand() {
return commandWithArgument() || commandWithoutArgument();
// list of commands that have an argument
private boolean commandWithArgument() {
return this.command == 'i' || this.command == 's' || this.command == 'd';
// list of commands that don't have arguments
private boolean commandWithoutArgument() {
return this.command == 'p' || this.command == 'q';
// Class to handle occurances of invalid commands
class InvalidCommandException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2169157330841961180L;
InvalidCommandException(char command) {
super("Error: invalid query-mode \"" + command + "\" entered");
InvalidCommandException(String s) {
// The node class is an abstract class
// its subclasses are LeafNode and TreeNode
abstract class Node {
// all nodes need data, parent, and a capacity
protected Vector<DataNode> data;
protected Node parent;
protected int maxsize;
public boolean isLeafNode() {
// determine if a node is a leafnode
return this.getClass().getName().trim().equals("LeafNode");
// both types of node need to insert and search
abstract Node insert(DataNode dnode);
abstract boolean search(DataNode x);
protected boolean isFull() {
return data.size() == maxsize-1;
public DataNode getDataAt(int index) {
return (DataNode) data.elementAt(index);
protected void propagate(DataNode dnode, Node right) {
// propogate takes a piece of data and two pointers left(this) and right and pushes the data up the tree
// if there was no parent
if(parent == null) {
// create a new parent
TreeNode newparent = new TreeNode(maxsize);
// add the necessary data and pointers;
// update the parent information for right and left
else {
// if the parent is not full
if( ! parent.isFull() ) {
// add the necessary data and pointers to existing parent
boolean dnodeinserted = false;
for(int i = 0; !dnodeinserted && i <; i++) {
if( ((DataNode) ) {,dnode);
((TreeNode)parent).pointer.add(i+1, right);
dnodeinserted = true;
if(!dnodeinserted) {;
// set the necessary parent on the right node, left.parent is already set
// the parent is full
else {
// split will take car of setting the parent of both nodes, because
// there are 3 different ways the parents need to be set
((TreeNode)parent).split(dnode, this, right);
public int size() {
return data.size();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Node(int degree) {
// initially the parent node is null
parent = null;
data = new Vector();
maxsize = degree;
// Convert a node to a string
public String toString() {
String s = "";
for(int i=0; i < data.size(); i++) {
s += ((DataNode)data.elementAt(i)).toString() + " ";
return s + "#";
// this operation traverses the tree using the parent nodes until the parent is null and returns the node
protected Node findRoot() {
Node node = this;
while(node.parent != null) {
node = node.parent;
return node;
protected void setParent(Node newparent) {
this.parent = newparent;
class LeafNode extends Node {
private LeafNode nextNode;
LeafNode(int degree) {
// initially the nextnode is null
nextNode = null;
private void setNextNode(LeafNode next) {
nextNode = next;
protected LeafNode getNextNode() {
return nextNode;
public boolean search(DataNode x) {
// search through the data sequentially until x is found, or there are no more entries
for(int i=0; i < data.size(); i++) {
if( ((DataNode)data.elementAt(i)).getData() == x.getData() ) {
return true;
return false;
protected void split(DataNode dnode) {
// insert dnode into the vector (it will now be overpacked)
boolean dnodeinserted = false;
for(int i=0; !dnodeinserted && i < data.size(); i++) {
if( ((DataNode)data.elementAt(i)).inOrder(dnode) ) {
dnodeinserted = true;
if(!dnodeinserted) {
data.add(data.size(), dnode);
// calculate the split point; ceiling(maxsize/2)
int splitlocation;
if(maxsize%2 == 0) {
splitlocation = maxsize/2;
else {
splitlocation = (maxsize+1)/2;
// create new LeafNode
LeafNode right = new LeafNode(maxsize);
for(int i = data.size()-splitlocation; i > 0; i--) {;
// link the two together
// get the middle item's data
DataNode mid = (DataNode) data.elementAt(data.size()-1);
// propagate the data and pointers into the parent node
this.propagate(mid, right);
public Node insert(DataNode dnode) {
// if the leaf isn't full insert it at the proper place
if(data.size() < maxsize-1) {
boolean dnodeinserted = false;
int i = 0;
while(!dnodeinserted && i < data.size()) {
if( ((DataNode)data.elementAt(i)).inOrder(dnode) ) {
dnodeinserted = true;
if(!dnodeinserted) {
data.add(data.size(), dnode);
// if the leaf is full split
else {
// return the root of the tree
return this.findRoot();
class TreeNode extends Node {
protected Vector<Node> pointer;
// constructor for TreeNode
// x-1 is the maximum # of DataNodes a single node can store
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TreeNode(int x) {
pointer = new Vector();
// this will find the correct pointer to the next lowest level of the tree where x should be found
public Node getPointerTo(DataNode x) {
// find the index i where x would be located
int i = 0;
boolean xptrfound = false;
while(!xptrfound && i < data.size()) {
if( ((DataNode)data.elementAt(i)).inOrder(x ) ) {
xptrfound = true;
else {
// return the Node in pointer(i)
return (Node) pointer.elementAt(i);
// returns the pointer at a specific index in the pointer stack
public Node getPointerAt(int index) {
return (Node) pointer.elementAt(index);
boolean search(DataNode dnode) {
// get a pointer to where should be found
Node next = this.getPointerTo(dnode);
// recursive call to find if it is present
protected void split(DataNode dnode, Node left, Node right) {
// calculate the split point ( floor(maxsize/2)
int splitlocation, insertlocation = 0;
if(maxsize%2 == 0) {
splitlocation = maxsize/2;
else {
splitlocation = (maxsize+1)/2 -1;
// insert dnode into the vector (it will now be overpacked)
boolean dnodeinserted = false;
for(int i=0; !dnodeinserted && i < data.size(); i++) {
if( ((DataNode)data.elementAt(i)).inOrder(dnode) ) {
((TreeNode)this).pointer.add(i, left);
((TreeNode)this).pointer.add(i+1, right);
dnodeinserted = true;
// set the location of the insert this will be used to set the parent
insertlocation = i;
if(!dnodeinserted) {
// set the location of the insert this will be used to set the parent
insertlocation = data.size();
// get the middle dataNode
DataNode mid = (DataNode) data.remove(splitlocation);
// create a new tree node to accomodate the split
TreeNode newright = new TreeNode(maxsize);
// populate the data and pointers of the new right node
for(int i=data.size()-splitlocation; i > 0; i--) {;
// set the parents of right and left
// if the item was inserted before the split point both nodes are children of left
if(insertlocation < splitlocation) {
// if the item was inserted at the splitpoint the nodes have different parents this and right
else if(insertlocation == splitlocation) {
// if the item was was inserted past the splitpoint the nodes are children of right
else {
// propogate the node up
this.propagate(mid, newright);
Node insert(DataNode dnode) {
Node next = this.getPointerTo(dnode);
return next.insert(dnode);
class DataNode {
// I chose Integer because it allows a null value, unlike int
private Integer data;
DataNode() {
data = null;
public String toString() {
return data.toString();
public DataNode(int x) {
data = x;
public int getData() {
return data.intValue();
public boolean inOrder(DataNode dnode) {
return (dnode.getData() <=;
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How does the input reads from the given file ? Also can i use a txt file instead

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how does the read command method works from input file??

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Hey @mikelikesbikes! Could you please add a delete function for the B+ Tree?

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