These are the Rails Guides for things we'll cover in Phase 3. They are a really good overview of Rails and some of the problems you'll solve as a web developer.
One suggestion: make sure you're trying things out on a project (e.g. a blog or todo app). This will help cement the code examples you'll read through in the Guide by applying them in your pet project.
- Getting Started
- ActionController Overview
- Layouts and Rendering
- ActionView Form Helpers
- Rails Routing
- Javascript in Rails
- Debugging Rails Apps
- The Asset Pipeline
- Securing Rails Apps
- An Intro to RSpec
- Code Katas for TDD Practice - I'm a big fan of: FizzBuzz, Roman Numerals, Numbers in Words, BankOCR/Number to LCD, Bowling, Game of Life, and Word Wrap.
- Introducing Jasmine
- Try Jasmine – this is a tool to help you get started with Jasmine without having to set up a project on your machine. It's great for learning the syntax of Jasmine.