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Last active September 11, 2015 19:51
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DevBootcamp Phase 3 Prep


These are the Rails Guides for things we'll cover in Phase 3. They are a really good overview of Rails and some of the problems you'll solve as a web developer.

One suggestion: make sure you're trying things out on a project (e.g. a blog or todo app). This will help cement the code examples you'll read through in the Guide by applying them in your pet project.

  1. Getting Started
  2. ActionController Overview
  3. Layouts and Rendering
  4. ActionView Form Helpers
  5. Rails Routing
  6. Javascript in Rails
  7. Debugging Rails Apps
  8. The Asset Pipeline
  9. Securing Rails Apps

RSpec (a Ruby Testing Tool)

  1. An Intro to RSpec
  2. Code Katas for TDD Practice - I'm a big fan of: FizzBuzz, Roman Numerals, Numbers in Words, BankOCR/Number to LCD, Bowling, Game of Life, and Word Wrap.

Jasmine (a Javascript Testing Tool)

  1. Introducing Jasmine
  2. Try Jasmine – this is a tool to help you get started with Jasmine without having to set up a project on your machine. It's great for learning the syntax of Jasmine.
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