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Created February 20, 2012 09:13
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Cartonama Workshop Planning


  • look through the half days and the sessions
  • does it all flow together comprehensively?
  • does it actually work? what needs implementation?
  • what's missing? what's unnecessary?
  • what resources do we need? what needs to be prepared?

trying to determine for each session

  • format:
  • slides:
  • software:
  • data:
  • other:
  • time:
  • questions:

#Four half days ##Creating Geo Data ##Working with Geo Data ##Visualizing Geo Data ##Building Apps with Geo Data


  • format: lecture and discussion
  • slides: introduction and overview
  • software: need list of all software
  • data: none
  • other: none
  • time: 30 minutes
  • questions: the goal ... alcohol shops map app?


#Introduction to OpenStreetMap Came away with a solid base understanding of what OpenStreetMap is all about ... the motivations and the approach.

  • format: lecture
  • slides: basic OSM intro
  • software:
  • data:
  • other:
  • time: 30 minutes
  • questions:

#GPS Surveying for OSM Understand how to use a GPS and collect data for OSM

  • format: workshop
  • slides:
  • software:
  • data:
  • other: GPS units. Maybe Apps?
  • time: 30-45 minutes
  • questions: less interest (at least from funnel so far)

#Downloading from GPS Use of GPSBabel to download GPS data

  • format: workshop
  • slides: just show the commands
  • software: gpsbabel, drivers
  • data: results in GPX
  • other:
  • time: 20 minutes

#Editing Data in OSM Facility with JOSM and Potlatch editors.

  • format: workshop
  • slides: maybe some JOSM screenshots
  • software: JOSM. Potlatch?
  • data: results in OSM
  • other:
  • time: 40 minutes
  • questions:

#Tagging and Map Features, OSM data model and API Understand Tagging, Map Features, Editing Presets in JOSM and Potlatch

  • format: lecture
  • slides: needed
  • software:
  • data:
  • other:
  • time: 30 minutes
  • questions: how to generate interest

  • total time: 2.5 hours
  • data: results in data in OSM ... should have this already created for Bangalore


#Geo File Formats Understand the most common ways GeoData is shared: Shapefile, CSV, KML, GeoRSS, GeoJSON

  • format: lecture
  • slides: yea, formats ... Shapefile, KML, GeoJSON, CSV, GeoRSS, GPX, etc ... with a few tips (shapefile column name limits)
  • software:
  • data:
  • other:
  • time: 15 minutes
  • questions: how can this not be boring?

#Geo Enabled Databases Understand PostGIS basics and MySQL spatial extension

  • format: lecture
  • slides: all about OGC Simple Features, their implementation in PostGIS and MySQL. Basics about setting up PostGIS and using spatial columns, etc.
  • software:
  • data:
  • other:
  • time: 30-45 minutes
  • questions: should this be more hands on?

#Processing OSM Data Processing OSM data (osmosis, osmlib. osmium, imposm)

  • format: workshop
  • slides: download an extract, transform
  • software: wget. osm2pgsql. osmium. osmlib.
  • data: OSM data
  • other:
  • time: 30 minutes
  • questions:

#Create Shapefiles from Collected Data Create Shapefiles from Collected Data

  • format: workshop
  • slides: commands
  • software: osmium?
  • data: OSM data. Results in Shapefile
  • other:
  • time: 20 minutes
  • questions:

#Data Swiss Army Knives Convert and process geodata w/ OGR, GeoCommons

  • format: workshop
  • slides: OGR commands
  • software: OGR/GDAL, GeoCommons, GPSBabel
  • data: Shapefile of stuff
  • other:
  • time: 20 minutes
  • questions:

  • total time: ~2.5 hours
  • data: results in data in Shapefile and/or database


#Tiles What are Map Tiles?

  • format: lecture
  • slides: what are tiles about
  • software:
  • data:
  • other:
  • time: 30 minutes
  • questions: more interest in this

#TileMill Creating Tiles w/ TileMill

  • format: tutorial
  • slides: adding data, carto, mapbox
  • software: tilemill
  • data: Shapefiles and/or PostGIS. result in tiles.
  • other:
  • time: 1.5 hours
  • questions: what can we get from devseed

#Multi-lingual Tiles

  • format: tutorial?
  • slides:
  • software:
  • data: need to make sure data collected and processed into shapefile includes translations
  • other:
  • time: 30 minutes
  • questions:

#Serving Tiles Ways to serve tiles ... TileCache (for imagery), TileStash, MapBox, mod_tile, etc

  • format: lecture
  • slides: show the various ways and how to configure
  • software:
  • data:
  • other:
  • time: 30 minutes
  • questions: hands on or?

  • total time: 3 hours
  • data: tiles


#Javascript Mapping APIs survey Javascript Mapping APIs (OpenLayers, ModestMaps, GMaps API, Leaflet, Mapstraction)

  • more interest in this
  • format: lecture
  • slides:
  • software:
  • data:
  • other:
  • time: 30 minutes
  • questions:

#Geocoding and Location Queries

  • format: workshop
  • slides: basic geocoding apis. and a basic location query proxy?
  • software:
  • data:
  • other:
  • time: 45 minutes
  • questions: more interest in this. is there a small postgis->geojson web service?

#Putting it all Together Create an app using, tiles and search, generated from the collected data.

  • format: workshop
  • slides: instructions
  • software: html, css, js.
  • data: tiles, database. this results in the app.
  • other:
  • time: 1.5 hours
  • questions: would be nice to have this app built.


#Managing Map Data in MySQL or Postgres

  • there is a session on this in "Working"

#Routing fundamentals

  • could simply be a lecture during part 4.

#How to pick a mapping service

  • part of Javascript Mapping APIs, or earlier during OSM?

#Building mobile location based apps

#Maps and Frameworks?

  • Django, Drupal, Rails
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