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Created June 15, 2023 06:17
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Drawing DESeq2 fitted spline curves on top of scaled counts
# make some demo data
dds <- makeExampleDESeqDataSet(n=100, m=40)
dds$condition <- sort(runif(40))
# make one gene where expression has a curve shape (just for demo)
s_shape <- round(500 * sin(dds$condition*2*pi) + 1000 + rnorm(40,0,50))
mode(s_shape) <- "integer"
counts(dds)[1,] <- s_shape
# just for visualization
# next line just for demo, use standard size factors for real data
sizeFactors(dds) <- rep(1,ncol(dds))
plotCounts(dds, 1, returnData=TRUE) %>%
ggplot(aes(condition, count)) +
# how to fit curves in DESeq2
design(dds) <- ~ns(condition, df=5)
dds <- DESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced=~1)
# expected results?
res <- results(dds)
plot(res$pvalue, log="y")
# build the needed matrices for fitted spline
coef_mat <- coef(dds)
design_mat <- model.matrix(design(dds), colData(dds))
# build the fitted splines and log counts
dat <- plotCounts(dds, 1, returnData=TRUE) %>%
mutate(logmu = design_mat %*% coef_mat[1,],
logcount = log2(count))
# plot it all together
dat %>%
ggplot(aes(condition, logcount)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(condition, logmu), col="dodgerblue")
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