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Created May 23, 2020 11:22
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hack to get time, yhat, lineage from tradeSeq for one gene
getCurves <- function(models, counts, gene, nPoints = 100, lwd = 2, size = 2/3, alpha = 2/3) {
if (is(gene, "character")) {
id <- which(names(models) %in% gene)
else id <- gene
dm <- colData(models)$tradeSeq$dm
y <- unname(counts[id, ])
X <- colData(models)$tradeSeq$X
slingshotColData <- colData(models)$slingshot
pseudotime <- slingshotColData[, grep(x = colnames(slingshotColData),
pattern = "pseudotime")]
if (is.null(dim(pseudotime)))
pseudotime <- matrix(pseudotime, ncol = 1)
nCurves <- length(grep(x = colnames(dm), pattern = "t[1-9]"))
betaMat <- rowData(models)$tradeSeq$beta[[1]]
beta <- betaMat[id, ]
lcol <- timeAll <- rep(0, nrow(dm))
for (jj in seq_len(nCurves)) {
for (ii in seq_len(nrow(dm))) {
if (dm[ii, paste0("l", jj)] == 1) {
timeAll[ii] <- dm[ii, paste0("t", jj)]
lcol[ii] <- jj
else {
df <- data.frame(time = timeAll, gene_count = y,
lineage = as.character(lcol))
rows <- sample(seq_len(nrow(df)), nrow(df), replace = FALSE)
df <- df[rows, ]
out <- list()
for (jj in seq_len(nCurves)) {
df <- tradeSeq:::.getPredictRangeDf(dm, jj, nPoints = nPoints)
Xdf <- tradeSeq:::predictGAM(lpmatrix = X, df = df, pseudotime = pseudotime)
yhat <- c(exp(t(Xdf %*% t(beta)) + df$offset))
out[[jj]] <- data.frame(time=df[,paste0("t",jj)], yhat, lineage=as.character(jj))
return(, out))
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