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Created September 27, 2023 03:55
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Save mikelwellsmore/309b9ea0d8bd8f064d379480c90d415f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. -- Write BitLocker Recovery Keys to custom asset fields
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
# Get drives where BitLocker is "On"
$BitlockerDrives = Get-BitLockerVolume | Where-Object ProtectionStatus -EQ "On" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Get FileSystem drives
$Drives = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem
#Create array of Drive Names with ":" added
$DrivesName = @()
$Drives | foreach {$DrivesName += $ + ':' }
#If any Bitlockered drives exist
#Foreach Drive
Foreach ($DriveName in $DrivesName) {
#Confirm is drive is bitlockered
$BitlockerDrive = $BitlockerDrives | where { $DriveName -contains $_ }
#If specific drive is bitlockered
if ($BitlockerDrive){
#Get RecoveryKey
$RecoveryKey = $BitlockerDrive.KeyProtector | Where-Object RecoveryPassword -NE "" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RecoveryPassword -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Join if multiple with ; delimiter
$RecoveryKey = $RecoveryKey -join ";"
#Add the drive letter to the output
$RecoveryKey = "$($BitlockerDrive.mountpoint)$RecoveryKey"
#Add to other drive keys (If exist)
$RecoveryKeys += " $RecoveryKey "
} else { $RecoveryKeys += $DriveName + "Not Enabled" }
GoreloAction -SetCustomField -Name 'asset.bitlockerRecoveryKey' -Value $RecoveryKeys
#If no bitlockered drives found
}else {
Foreach ($DriveName in $DrivesName) {
$RecoveryKeys += $DriveName + "Not Enabled "
GoreloAction -SetCustomField -Name 'asset.bitlockerRecoveryKey' -Value $RecoveryKeys
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